
    White-Label Add-on可用于任何付费计划的用户购买。

Existing customers who had access to some of the white-label features can keep those capabilities at no extra charge, but must upgrade for access to additional white-label features.



从Web应用程序,导航到Account > Billing > Add-ons。在下面Branding & White-labeling, clickEnableto purchase the White-Label add-on. This will unlock the白色标签页面您可以在哪里开始白色标记您的DataBox帐户。beplay体育appios

对于您在购买附件之前可能拥有的任何其他问题,请随时通过应用内聊天联系我们,通过帮助@ www.yu-nung.com发送电子邮件至我们beplay体育appios预订电话with our team.


您可以通过替换DataBox Branding,自定义登录屏幕的外观和从DataBox帐户发送给用户(即,记分卡,计划,计划等)。beplay体育appios您上传的徽标将在前面提到的方案中替换DataBox徽标。beplay体育appios

从Web应用程序,导航到Account > Account Details > White-Labeling。点击Replace Databox brandingtoggle. Upload your company logo. Click保存at the bottom of the page.

LOGO文件必须至少为510x160像素。最大文件大小为10 MB。

专家提示:The logo you upload will be used on a white background, so a transparent background is recommended.


You can customize the appearance of the mobile app by adding your company logo and background color.

从Web应用程序,导航到Account > Account Details > White-Labeling点击Customize Mobile brandingtoggle. Upload your company logo and enter a hex code for your background color. Click保存at the bottom of the page.

LOGO文件必须至少为510x160像素。PNG and JPGs are accepted.

专家提示:The logo you upload will be used on a white background, so a transparent background is recommended.

Please note that it is not currently possible to customize the App name or login screen. Mobile app users will see Databox's name and logo connected to the Application at log-in page. Once logged in, users will see your white-labeled Account including your company logo, customized Databoards, etc.

How to replace the app logo and favicon

You can replace the Databox logo in the top of the lefthand navigation bar of the app, the bottom lefthand corner of all Databoards, and in the browser favicon.

从Web应用程序,导航到Account > Account Details > White-Labeling。点击Replace app logo and browser 'Favicon'toggle. Upload your company logo. Click保存at the bottom of the page.

You can override the company logo on Databoards in the Designer.

徽标文件必须至少为120x120像素。最大文件大小为2 MB。


How to use a custom domain for app access and report sharing


To do this, you will need to add a CNAME property to your DNS configuration. Setting up a custom domain takes 3-5 business days.

了解有关为App Access和Report Sharing设置自定义域的更多信息这里

专家提示: Once your custom domain is setup, Agency users should always use this domain to login to your Databox Account. Otherwise, you will be forced to re-login when navigating to a Client Account.


You can white-label all emails sent from your Databox Account so the sender is linked to your company.

Learn more about replacing the sender's email address for all transactional emails这里

How to remove ''Powered by Databox'' from your Databoards

    If you'd like this removed but have not purchased the White-Label add-on, please contact help@www.yu-nung.com with your request.

从Web应用程序,导航到Account > Account Details > White-Labeling。点击Remove 'Powered by Databox' from Databoards复选框从数据库中删除“由DataBox提供支持”。beplay体育appios点击保存at the bottom of the page.

专家提示: Removing "Powered by Databox" from Databoards also removes the Databox signup link from嵌入式数据库


从Web应用程序,导航到Account > Account Details > White-Labeling。点击Remove chat widget for all non-admin userscheckbox to remove the chat widget for all non-admin users. Click保存at the bottom of the page.


从Web应用程序,导航到Account > Account Details > White-Labeling。点击删除支持电子邮件复选框。Enter the new support email that you'd like displayed in the支持电子邮件文本框。点击保存at the bottom of the page.



从Web应用程序,导航到Account > Account Details > White-Labeling。点击隐藏所有非管理员用户的模板库复选框。点击保存at the bottom of the page.

How to remove Google sign-on from custom domain login screen

从Web应用程序,导航到Account > Account Details > White-Labeling。点击Remove Google Sign-on on login (only when custom domain is used)复选框。点击保存at the bottom of the page.

How to replace the help URL

从Web应用程序,导航到Account > Account Details > White-Labeling。点击Remove help URL复选框。输入您想要显示的新帮助URL帮助URL.文本框。点击保存at the bottom of the page.

专家提示: If you do not want to provide any help URL to users, leave the帮助URL.TextBox空白。

How to apply white-label settings to all Clients

将白标设置应用于所有客户端帐户,导航到Account > Account Details > White-labeling.点击Apply to all Client Accounts复选框。点击保存at the bottom of the page.

How to understand all White-Label functionality

There are some messages and links that are automatically hidden for non-admins in White-Label Accounts in order to ensure the Account is fully white-labeled.

These include:

  • In-app Banners:If in-app banners are released to notify users of Status Page incidents or scheduled maintenance, the "Read More" link (which links directly to the Status Page) is hidden to non-admin users.
  • 用DataBox连接Slack:beplay体育appiosThe ability to connect Slack with Databox is disabled to all non-admin users. However, if the user connected Slack before the Account was white-labeled, case client has connected Slack with Databox before this implementation, he'll see Slack option and the connection between Slack and Databox will work as expected.
  • Insights Activity: The welcome message and Databox mention is hidden to non-admin users.
  • 3rd-party integrations:这些集成与DataBox相关联,因此隐藏到非管理员用户。beplay体育appios
  • 提交新集成的请求:These integrations are linked to Databox so are hidden to non-admin users.
  • Connecting a Custom Token:用于连接自定义令牌的流量为非管理员白色标签用户更新,因此未提及DataBox。beplay体育appios
  • Data Source tooltips:The "Learn More" links on Data Source tooltips are hidden to non-admin users.
  • 连接数据源 - 帮助文章部分: The "Help Article" section that's visible when connecting a Data Source is hidden to non-admin users.
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