Case Study

How Achieve uses Databox to Boost Efficiency by 40 Percent


AvatarKiera Abbamonte.on July 23, 2021 (last modified on August 19, 2021) • 6 minute read


Achievehelps students do just that.

The company enables students to get their college degrees faster and cheaper by testing out of many non-major courses. The credit-by-examination model allows students to secure the same credits for a general education course without the time and expense of taking a full-semester course.




Bottom line: They weren’t helping the team make better decisions or improve marketing performance.

As for non-marketing activities, the team didn’t really haveany数据或洞察力。他们不知道研究团队的效率如何整体或个人团队成员如何贡献。例如,他们不知道平均研究项目的平均研究人员在一天或一周内完成了多少个项目。

This lack of information made it harder to plan and even harder to make smart decisions to improve overall company performance and efficiency.

Here are some of the challenges Achieve faced:

  • 如何在整个公司中增加对数据的访问:在查找DataBox之前,该团beplay体育appios队使用Salesforce报告和电子表格的组合 - 这两者都不是由团队成员非常访问或可消化的数据。

“Databoxbeplay体育appios之前,我们只使用Salesforce报告nd dashboards. They’re really static, really boring—it doesn’t show the same way as Databox. We can build a report, but it’s not as interactive as Databox.”

  • 如何在团队中提升效率:Team leaders needed more insight into efficiency, specifically across the marketing and research teams.

“One of the most important things we’re tracking is the leads we get from students and how much each costs us. It helps us to see if we’re running the right campaigns and if we’re getting enough leads.”

  • 如何消除手动报告创建和错误:所有数据都输入并使用电子表格手动计算。错误只是人类投入和数据操纵的自然后果。


The Solution


Once they implemented Databox, Funes said, everything improved. “It was very easy. I read the documentation and just played around to see how everything works—in 2 or 3 days, I was a Databox guru,” Funes told us.

They connected谷歌表,Google Ads,Stripe,Google Analytics,销售队伍,ActiveCampaign, 和Facebook Ads。Salesforce是最大的最重要的数据来源之一。来自Salesforce的实时数据立即被拉入他们的报告为团队带来了巨大差异。

“After I make any changes in Salesforce, which is our main tool, they immediately appear in Databox,” Funes said. “The key features we love are the total metrics and the graph that shows the trends we’re seeing.”

“We added another dashboard to show us the questions students most frequently ask,” Funes added, “so we can track and make changes to see how we can improve and reduce the number of support tickets students open.”

Achieve’s Top Integrations

Here are the solutions Achieve found with Databox:

  • 在整个公司中增加对数据的访问:富内斯和球队带来Databox报告为寡糖beplay体育appiosr regular meetings, so they can quickly and easily get a sense of performance over time and find areas where they can improve.

“Now, in our meetings, we use Databox to see how we’re doing this month, how we did last week, and to make the connection between campaigns and results over time. We’ll start brainstorming and making decisions during the meeting to see how we can improve numbers going forward.”

  • Boost efficiency across the research team:Now, the team has more insight into the activities and performance of the research team. That means they can better understand the team’s overall efficiency.

“Databox shows me the total research specific people have completed. This is mostly for the supervisor to see how efficient the researchers and auditors are, and how long it takes overall for the team to complete research.”

  • 消除手动,容易出错的报告:Data flows directly from each source right into Databox, eliminating the potential for any human error and wasted time from compiling it into spreadsheets. Funes and the team can be confident that the data they’re seeing is accurate and up-to-date.



“We are happy to use Databox because it has helped us in so many ways—making our meetings more efficient and helping me start thinking outside the box,” Funes highlighted.

The Achieve team has seen big improvements as a result of using Databox. With wider access to better data across the company, they’ve seen some significant changes in efficiency and performance. For example, the research team has increased efficiency by 30 – 40 percent, and Achieve increased its number of subscribers by 25 percent.

Funes noted how Databox has helped shed light on marketing performance, too, enabling them to audit their campaigns more effectively.

“现在,我们能够看到我们实时开展活动的花费多少,”有趣说。“我们还能够连接Google Analytics来监控购买产品的客户数量,我们花了多少钱,以及我们从营销努力中获得的收入是多少。”

Here are the results Achieve saw using Databox:

  • 在整个公司中增加对数据的访问:Supervisors share dashboard links throughout their teams, so每个人可以获得更好的准确,实时数据的准确,实时数据。

“Whenever we have a new report or dashboard in Databox, the supervisor shares the link so everyone can have access. We’ve seen that our researchers view those dashboards, which helps to make them a little more competitive and to finish more research.”

  • 促进团队的效率:特别是研究团队以来已经看到了自实施DataMox以来的效率提高。beplay体育appios

“Since we started keeping track of this, we’ve seen an improvement in how quickly they deliver research. Compared to the week before launch, we noticed a 30 – 40 percent increase in research efficiency.”

  • 消除手动,容易出错的报告:不担心手动,容易出错的报告,乐趣可以自由地获得更多创意,灵活,他的团队分析和曲目。


Kiera Abbamonte.Kiera是一家与B2B SaaS公司合作的内容作家。在Twitter @kieraabbamonte或Kieraabbamonte.com上赶上她

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