
200+ Free Marketing Dashboard Examples and Templates




Track your SEO performance from tools like Ahrefs, SEMrush, Moz, Google Search Console, and Accuranker from our library of pre-built templates. Just download any template for free, connect your data, and get instant visualizations of things like top keywords by position, average position by page, backlinks, referring domains, site errors, and much more.


Track your PPC performance from tools like Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Bing Ads and AdSense from our library of pre-built templates. Just download any template for free, connect your data, and get instant visualizations of things like ad impressions, CTR, CPC, and much more.


Track your social media performance from tools like Facebook Pages, Instagram Business, LinkedIn Company Pages, and Twitter from our library of pre-built templates. Just download any template for free, connect your data, and get instant visualizations of things like impressions, reach, number of followers, and much more.

Email Marketing Dashboard Examples and Templates

Track your email marketing performance from tools like Google Analytics, Mailchimp, Marketo, and HubSpot Marketing from our library of pre-built templates. Just download any template for free, connect your data, and get instant visualizations of things like subscribe rate, unsubscribe rate, open rate, click rate, and more.


Track your content marketing performance from tools like Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and HubSpot Marketing from our library of pre-built templates. Just download any template for free, connect your data, and get instant visualizations of things like sessions, pageviews, bounce rate, and much more.

营销Automation Dashboard Examples and Templates

Track your marketing automation performance from tools like HubSpot Marketing, HubSpot CRM, Pardot, Active Campaign, and Klaviyo from our library of pre-built templates. Just download any template for free, connect your data, and get instant visualizations of things like leads, MQLs, conversion rate, and much more.


Track your video marketing performance from tools like Youtube, Wistia, and Vimeo from our library of pre-built templates. Just download any template for free, connect your data, and get instant visualizations of things like watch time, average watch time, views, likes, and much more.


Track your Web Analytics from tools like Google Analytics, HubSpot, Adobe Analytics, and Google Search Console from our library of pre-built templates. Just download any template for free, connect your data, and get instant visualizations of things like number of sessions, conversion rates, and much more for each segment of your website.




Track your Paid Ads performance from tools like Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Twitter Ads, from our library of pre-built templates. Just download any template for free, connect your data, and get instant visualizations of things like ad impressions, CTR, CPC, CPA, ROI, and much more.

Paid Search Dashboard Examples and Templates

Track your Paid Search campaigns performance from tools like Google Ads, Bing Ads, and AdSense from our library of pre-built templates. Just download any template for free, connect your data, and get instant visualizations of things like ad impressions, keywords data, CTR, CPC, CPA, and much more.

Ready to visualize your marketing performance?


Build your free dashboard now

More Dashboard Examples and Templates

Explore all the different ways you can use Databox to gain better data insights needed to drive better business decisions. Here are just a few examples of the departments and industries that use our pre-built templates on a daily basis to improve performance.


If you’re in any kind of marketing role, you know that a big part of the role is about reporting on what’s working and how your marketing efforts translate to actual business.

Enter marketing dashboards––the superpower of any marketer who wants to quickly and clearly communicate the performance and overall ROI of the team’s marketing efforts.

营销dashboards are essential to any marketing team’s success, not only because they put together all the data in an easy-to-understand way, but also because they allow you to discover new ways to keep improving on your current strategy over and over again.

So, what is a marketing dashboard?


简而言之,营销仪表板旨在帮助您回答这个问题,”How is my marketing campaign performing at this very moment?

When you have a glance at the summary of how your campaigns are performing, you are always able to make timely adjustments that will ensure you reach your marketing goals and achieve maximum success.

What Should Be Included in a Marketing Dashboard?

Same as it goes when creating other types of dashboards, what you’ll include in your marketing dashboard depends on multiple factors. Among some of the most important factors are your company size, business goals, marketing goals, type of marketing strategy, and so on.

A successful marketing dashboard should be unique and tailored to your company’s specific needs, and it should contain relevant data that will help you measure the overall impact that your currently employed marketing strategy has on your target audience and target market.

A well-made marketing dashboard should be able to show you how your marketing activities are increasing customer acquisition, lead generation, sales, client retention, and similar.

如果这是您第一次建立营销仪表板,请确保包括指标,这些指标可以更好地了解3个主要领域 - 您的公司意识,公司参与和即将到来的机会。


  • 每次收购成本– This metric shows you if your customer acquisition is cost viable.
  • Cost Per Lead– See how much you spend per lead.
  • 销售目标和增长- 找出您的销售是否在增长并达到固定目标。
  • ROI- 跟踪您使用营销预算的效率。
  • Customer Lifetime Value– This metric helps you determine if new customers are profitable in the long-run.
  • Website Traffic-to-Lead Ratio– See how well your website converts.
  • 铅与MQL比率- 查看营销如何合格生成的潜在客户。
  • MQL-to-SQL ratio– Get better insight into which requirements the sales team has for your leads.
  • Goal Conversion Rate- 该指标向您显示您是否达到了业务目标。
  • Average Time to Conversion– You know that your visitors convert, but how fast? This metric can help you.
  • 着陆页转换率– See which landing pages and content perform best.
  • 每次点击费用– See the actual price you pay for each click in your PPC marketing campaigns.
  • 跳出率- 确定您的访问者是否在您的网站上找到他们在寻找的内容。
  • Engagement Rate- 查看您的用户对您的内容的响应程度。
  • Click-Through Rate– Find out if your ads, CTAs, and content are resulting in the attention you want.


Our dashboards will not only help you with decision-making and budget allocation but also enable you to see whether your marketing strategy and tactics are moving the needle.



With our dashboard design wizard, building a dashboard in Databox is as simple as connecting a data source, choosing the metrics you need from our Metrics Library, and waiting for your data to populate -- which only takes a few seconds. No coding and design skills are required.

Create a new dashboard using our Designer tool
Create a new dashboard using our Designer tool
Name your dashboard
Name your dashboard
Select a data source
Select a data source
Drag-and-drop pre-built metrics from that source to your dashboard

Haven’t found what you’re looking for?

Whether you are looking for client reporting dashboards, agency dashboards, marketing dashboards, or sales dashboards, Databox can help you build them.

Let us know what you are trying to build and our team of experts will help you turn your data into actionable insights.

Build your free dashboard now