
The 10 Most-Tracked Google Analytics Metrics [Original Data]

We analyzed 50K+ data points to find the most important Google Analytics metrics. Here are the top 10, plus definitions for each metric and how to find them.

约翰·波尼尼约翰·波尼尼on September 23, 2020 (last modified on July 30, 2021) • 16 minute read

As the number of marketing tools has continued to grow, one thing has remained a constant in just about every marketer’s stack: Google Analytics.

为什么?Google Analytics(分析)是一种功能强大且易于访问的工具,可让营销人员跟踪200多个跨越整个渠道的指标,从收购到转换。

And while the massive amount of data you can get from Google Analytics is great, you most likely don’t want to track everything. Most marketers and businesses just want to track the most important Google Analytics metrics.

为了揭示最重要的Google Analytics(分析指标),我们挖掘了DataBox用法数据,以找到客户跟踪最多的指标。beplay体育appios这是我们学到的。



由于Google Analytics(分析)是通过DataBox连接的最佳数据源之一,因此我们想确定最多跟踪的特定指标。beplay体育appios我们分析了为Google Analytics(分析)创建的50,000多个数据库,并通过公制将其分解,以查看最经常跟踪的数据。

*Note: The screenshots included are showing sample data.

Google Analytics Website Engagement Dashboard Template by Databox

Google Analytics(分析)中的指标是什么?

A Google Analytics metric is a unit of information that tells you how some aspect of your business performed during a specific timeframe.

尽管您可以跟踪数千个指标,但以下是Google Analytics(分析)中的一些指标:

  • 会议:测量访问您网站的数量。
  • 用户:衡量您网站的唯一访问者。
  • 页面浏览量:测量网站上查看的页面总数。
  • 页面上的平均时间:衡量用户在网站上花费的时间(平均)。
  • 跳出率:衡量离开网站的会议百分比而无需采取任何其他措施。
  • 入口:Measures the entrance points (i.e. your homepage, pricing page, etc.) users visit your website through.
  • 退出率:Measures the rate at which visitors leave your website from specific pages.


Google Analytics(分析)中的尺寸是多少?基本上,维度是您指标相反的标准。因此,您不仅可以衡量会议,还可以按国家 /地区(尺寸)测量会议(度量)。

根据上面给出的示例指标,这些将是Google Analytics(分析)中维度的一些示例:

  • 按页面会话
  • 用户按位置
  • 通过设备的浏览量
  • Average time on page by channel
  • 频道跳出率

Each metric is paired with a dimension to provide a piece of data, typically in a table format with metrics in a column header and dimensions in rows.

Google Analytics(分析)中的尺寸,指标和数据

In the screenshot above, we can see that the bounce rate (metric) for the site’s homepage (dimension) was 55.10% (data) for the timeframe we specified.

The 10 Most-Tracked Google Analytics Metrics

虽然Google Analytics(分析指标)在整个漏斗中提供了对访客行为的见解,但我们的结果表明Google Analytics(分析)使用倾向于偏爱顶级指标。营销人员很可能更喜欢其他工具,以便更多地了解下游指标,例如转换,购买,收入等。


  • 我的网站正在增长吗?关键问题回答:哪些渠道驱动了最多的访问者?在访问我的网站的人们中,新访问者中有多少比例?
  • 我的网站在转换吗?关键问题回答:访客完成了多少次目标?总体进球率是多少?
  • 人们在我的网站上做什么?关键问题回答:访问者在我的网站上停留多长时间?他们查看了几页?

Here are the 10 most important Google Analytics metrics, along with definitions for each and recommendations for how to track, visualize, and gain insights from these metrics.

  1. 用户
  2. 跳出率
  3. 会议
  4. 平均会话持续时间
  5. Percentage of New Sessions
  6. 频道会议
  7. 每个会话页
  8. 目标完成
  9. pageviews
  10. pageviewsby Page

Continue on for a write-up on each metric. And, feel free to use this nifty infographic, courtesy of our friends atvenngage, for reference in your business or on your blog.

Google Analytics(分析分析指标)十大



users in Google Analytics

In Google Analytics, “Users” means unique visitors.

“Users” displays on the default Google Analytics dashboard as soon as you log in to the tool, but you can also find the data for this metric by navigating to “Audience” > “Overview.”

每当新访问者降落在您的网站上时,Google Analytics(分析)都会为他们分配一个唯一的ID(或客户端ID),该ID将作为cookie存储在浏览器中。

假设您访问Chrome的Databox网站。beplay体育appios当您降落在网站上时,Google Analytics(分析)将cookie添加了带有客户ID的cookie。如果您以后再次使用同一浏览器返回我们的网站,则Google Analytics(分析)将将您登录为返回用户,而不是新访问者。

但是,如果您第二次使用Safari访问我们的网站,您将收到一个单独的客户ID,Google Analytics(分析)将您的两次访问算作两个单独的用户。

“Users” and “Sessions” are vastly different,因为一个用户可以在您的网站上记录多个会话(以下更多内容)。

Since “Users” is the most-tracked Google Analytics metric, it suggests that marketers are (rightfully) more interested in the number of unique visitors (however imperfect this metric may be) visiting their website rather than the number of sessions those visitors log.

Recommended Datablock

为了跟踪Databox中的用户,beplay体育appios魏德特小组的乔纳森·斯塔尼斯(Jonathan Stanis)推荐了线图数据库,并打开了比较:

顶级Google Analytics(分析指标):用户




Google Analytics(分析)的跳出率

In Google Analytics, “Bounce Rate” shows what percentage of your visitors triggered only one request from the Google Analytics server—such as a single page view—without triggering any other request from the server (another pageview, a conversion, etc.).


登录该工具后,“跳出率”在默认的Google Analytics(分析仪表板)上显示,但是您还可以通过导航到“受众”>“概述”来找到该指标的数据。

由于初始页面浏览量之后没有参与性打击,可以使Google Analytics(分析)跟踪会话的长度,因此弹跳will lower your average session duration, as single-page views have a session duration of zero seconds.


Recommended Datablock

为了跟踪Databox中的跳出率,beplay体育appiosAvidly’s Elise Karlsen Bye recommends the Line Graph Datablock with comparisons turned on:


3. Sessions

(4,279 Datablocks Used)

登录工具后,“会话”在默认的Google Analytics(Analytics)仪表板上显示,但是您还可以通过导航到“受众”>“概述”来找到该指标的数据。

Google Analytics(分析)会议

Google Analytics(分析)每次访问您的网站时都会记录一个会话。当有人加载页面并在30分钟的无活动中结束时,会话立即开始。在此活动期间,每个页面浏览,点击,事务等都构成了一个“会话”。


因此,这并不是跟踪独特的网站访问(这是商务人员错误使用此指标)的一个很好的措施。由于Google Analytics(Google Analytics)的定义会话方式,因此Google Analytics(分析)中的“会话”与其他性能跟踪工具中的“访问”之间通常存在差异。


Recommended Datablock

跟踪DataBox中的会话,beplay体育appiosPR 20/20的Keith Moehring建议使用比较和目标打开的线图累积数据库:


“I like to see the day-by-day progress of this metric, and it’s often one with which we associate goals,” Moehring says.



“ avg。会话持续时间”在Google Analytics(分析)中,告诉您平均访问者留在您的网站上多长时间。这是所有会话(以秒为单位)除以您的会话总数的总持续时间。

average session duration in Google Analytics


单个会话持续时间可能会有所不同,具体取决于会话的最后一页上是否有参与率。如果会话的最后一页没有命中,则Google Analytics(Analytics)通过从第一页的第一个命中之日减去最后一页上的第一个点击的时间来计算会话持续时间。


有关的:Benchmarking Average Session Duration: What it Means & How to Improve It

Recommended Datablock

要跟踪DataBox中的平均会话持续时间,beplay体育appiosFCP Euro的Amir Hamdi推荐观众概述DataBlock:


“As an ecommerce business, having all our网站性能指标一目了然至关重要。”哈姆迪说。“受众概述数据库是我们衡量网站性能的最快方法。作为奖励,我喜欢能够在同一位置跟踪Google Analytics(分析)和HubSpot的指标。”


(3674 Datablocks使用)

Google Analytics(分析)中新会议的百分比



You can find percentage of new sessions in Google Analytics by navigating to “Audience” > “Behavior” > “New vs Returning.”

Recommended Datablock

To track percentage of new sessions in Databox,想象业务发展的道格·戴维夫(Doug Davidoff)和Smartbug Media的朱利·杜兰特(Juli Durante

Top Google Analytics Metrics: % New Sessions

“With the Line Graph Datablock, we’re able to quickly see how things are trending at any moment,” Davidoff says. “Depending on the strategy we’re implementing, we know if ‘% New Sessions’ is too high, then we’re not engaging enough visitors to come back. If it’s too low, we’re not attracting enough new visitors to the top of our funnel.”


“If you need to generate a ton of new leads, the graph will show you how your traffic may help you meet that expectation. If you’re unsure of whether or not existing customers are visiting your website and affecting your conversion rates, new sessions is another indicator of that.”

6. Sessions by Channel

(3,051 Datablocks Used)

Google Analytics(分析)中的频道会议

Google Analytics(Google Analytics)的频道分组对您的流量进行了分类,因此您可以跟踪有机,付费,直接,社交,电子邮件等各个渠道的性能。

“Sessions by channel” is the number of sessions attributed to each channel grouping.

您可以通过导航到“获取”>“所有流量”>“频道”,从而在Google Analytics(分析)中找到频道的会话。

Recommended Datablock

要在Databox中跟踪频道的会话,Weidert Group的beplay体育appiosJonathan Stanis推荐饼图DataBlock:

顶级Google Analytics(分析指标):频道会议




Google Analytics(分析)中的每个会话页

在Google Analytics(分析)中,“页面 /会话”是通过将页面浏览量总数除以会话总数来计算的。

You can find the data for pages per session by navigating to “Audience” > “Overview.”

pageviewsaren’t necessarily unique, as the same user can view the same page five times and log five pageviews. However, it’s still a good indicator of overall engagement. Just be sure to place any analysis within the context of how the metric is defined.

Recommended Datablock

To track pages per session in Databox,Prism Global Marketing Solutions’Elyse Flynn Meyer推荐了Line Graph DataBlock,并打开了比较:

Top Google Analytics Metrics: Pages Per Session


8. Goal Completions

(2,784 Datablocks Used)


在Google Analytics(分析)中,“目标完成”是网站访问者在您的网站上完成特定目标的次数。


To see goal completions in Google Analytics, you first have to创建一个或多个目标。在创建目标之后,通过导航到“转换”>“目标”>“概述”,在Google Analytics(分析)中找到目标完成。

Recommended Datablock

To track goal completions in Databox, Databox’s own Pete Caputa recommends the Goal Overview Datablock with comparisons turned on:


卡普塔说:“我们在Google Analytics(分析)中追踪的主要目标是人们注册我们的产品。”“总数是最重要的,但是我也喜欢看到注册以确保随着时间的推移会增加的访客所占的比例。我喜欢这个DataBlock,因为它并排显示两个数字。”

9. Pageviews

(2,254 Datablocks Used)

Google Analytics(分析)中的浏览量

A “Pageview” is any view of a page that is being tracked by Google Analytics.

You can find “Pageviews” data by navigating to “Audience” > “Overview.”

“Pageviews” is a fairly generous measurement. If you land on a page, that’s a pageview. If you reload that same page, it counts as another. If you leave the page and come right back, it’s yet another pageview—all from the same page and user.

有关的:How to Increase Pageviews

Recommended Datablock

To track pageviews in Databox,流创意的史蒂夫·詹姆斯(Steve James)推荐了线图Datablock,并打开了比较:

Top Google Analytics Metrics: Pageviews


“With Databox we can quickly compare and assess when we see a high number of pageviews and set up comparison data with our traffic sources and specific page results.”


(2,070 Datablocks Used)

Google Analytics(分析)中的页面浏览量

“Pageviews by page” is a metric that shows the number of pageviews each page of your site received within a given timeframe.

您可以通过导航到“行为”>“站点内容”>“所有页面”来找到Google Analytics(分析)中的页面浏览量。

Recommended Datablock


顶级Google Analytics(分析指标):页面浏览量


创建最重要的Google Analytics(分析指标)的合并视图

You can find the data for each of these metrics in Google Analytics, but each piece of data lives in different reports. Databox makes it easy to consolidate all of your Google Analytics metrics—and even pull in data from其他70多个工具- 并在一个仪表板中一起查看它们。


Editor’s note:Did you know that all Databox dashboards can be accessed through your smartphone too? With the Databox Android or iOS mobile app, you can从任何移动设备查看仪表板,最重要的指标,以便于访问,并在任何地方跟踪目标。

准备开始跟踪更多指标了吗?查看我们的一些社区综述,营销人员共享email marketing,social media,SEO, 和content marketing metrics他们最常跟踪,或更深入地挖掘Google Analytics(分析)报告with these13 Google Analytics tips and hacks

Google Analytics Website Engagement Dashboard Template by Databox

该帖子最初于2018年1月发布,已更新,以包括有关如何在Google Analytics(分析)中找到每个指标的屏幕截图和说明。

约翰·波尼尼是DataBox营销总监。beplay体育appios他热衷于建立讲故事的品牌。在Twitter @bonini84上与他联系。



beplay体育appiosDataBox报告|Apr 9 2018



After analyzing data from thousands of Databox users, here are the most-tracked HubSpot Marketing metrics and how marketers are visualizing them.

