Case Study

How Nextiny Marketing Uses Databox to Create In-Depth Reports its Clients Can’t Get Anywhere Else


艾莉森·弗里登(Allison Frieden)艾莉森·弗里登(Allison Frieden)2020年10月29日•7分钟阅读

Whether it’s through social media, blogs, or videos, there’s countless companies vying for consumers’ attention. The cliche “content is king” is true however the quality of it is key to winning the online battle.

仅在WordPress上,有7000万新博客posted each month. Take that figure and think about the amount of content uploaded to all other online platforms including corporate company websites. If your head’s not spinning yet, it should be.

为了让您的公司在压倒性内容人群中脱颖而出,SEO是关键。Nextiny首席执行官加布里埃尔·玛格利奥(Gabriel Marguglio)在18年前在2002年创立公司时就知道了这一点。这家机构始于网站和SEO代理机构,但此后已过渡到业务增长和视频代理商。它专门研究入站营销,网站设计和视频营销。

随着他们的进化,下一步意识到power of using martech(即市场技术)软件,并与Databox,Wistia,SeventhSense和HubSpot进行了合作,以帮助提升其服务产品。beplay体育appios

最近,我们与玛格利奥(Marguglio)坐下Databox’s services。这是我们帮助他们创建报告的方式,表明他们的客户无法获得其他任何地方。


齐心协力米onthly reports can be a challenging task, but not for Nextiny. Most companies investing in Databox are looking for a way to streamline their reporting for a more efficient process.


Here, we’ve outlined the challenges Nextiny faced:

  • 定制报告Requests:When it came to developing specific reports for customers on-demand, Nextiny didn’t have a great way to address these requests. If a customer had multiple HubSpot accounts, Nextiny wasn’t able to see everything in one place and put together an overall look at that segment of information.
  • Disparate Agency Softwares:随着隔壁的发展,他们开始使用更多的外部供应商来满足客户需求。这个新软件包括Wistia,第七Sense,Google Analytics(分析)等。这些新成员创造了一个问题,即无法立即查看所有内容,以获得无缝的报告构建体验。
  • 隐藏数据:When using multiple sources, chances are something will be overlooked. Nextiny recognized this and knew it needed one overall system to help its clients get the most out of any and all possible found data. They wanted to make sense of the data separated by software and create new metrics that more accurately tie those efforts together.

The Solution

After searching for a way to connect all the software both the agency and its clients used, Nextiny found Databox.

从2017年开始,Nextiny开始将其外部供应商产品连接到Databox,其中包括beplay体育appiosWistia,YouTube,Google Search Console,callrail,HubSpot CRM,集线器营销,谷歌分析,第七感觉,LinkedIn, 和Facebook Pages

Nextiny Marketing的顶级整合

  • 定制报告Requests:Nextiny used Databox to put together blog report templates from multiple sources that allowed monitoring the number of visits from specific sites, searched keywords, and Google rankings. With the ability to connect multiple resources in one location, Nextiny was able to help solve a lot of their customer issues.

通过将所有内容都放在一个位置,Nextiny建立了客户18beplay官网 有关视频性能,销售活动,Google Analytics SEO,博客仪表板,潜在客户生成,YouTube进度,平均视频参与度和观看视频时间。

为了进一步帮助其客户的底线毛圈sales activity and video performance conversion/closing rates together.

  • Disparate Agency Softwares:借助Datbeplay体育appiosabox,Nextiny能够无缝整合来自多个来源的数据,其中包括Wistia,第七Sense,Google Analytics(分析)等解决方案,并在一个地方可以看到其所有重要数据。

In addition, goals for all of these systems are set up, and automated alerts are sent straight to account-specific Nextiny company Slack channels for transparency.

  • 隐藏数据:Databox’s capability to create calculations in data is another key area that drew Nextiny in. With this offering, they were able to provide their clients with data they just weren’t able to get anywhere else.

Nextiny使用了Datbeplay体育appiosaboxQuery Builderfor Google Analytics to determine goal completions, dwell time, blog post views, and visitor bounce rate. They used custom数据计算在观看的小时内,共享率,例如/视图比率,转换率和有机访问。

“With all these sources here, we could make better calculations and give our clients data that they don’t have anywhere else,” said Marguglio. “We can not only put the data in one place but now we can put together a specific piece of data that clients never got before, which is one of the most valuable insights. Having all these sources in one place also freed up our team to get more creative with our services.”


Since implementing Databox in 2017, Nextiny has added 27 new clients. Databox has allowed the agency to take a much deeper dive into valuable customer data insights than ever before.

Another added perk for Nextiny to enhance its internal communication with Slack notification automation. Rather than physically going into Databox when they wanted to create a report or check on a specific metric, the entire team receives these updates about client goals, which helped dramatically influence strategy conversations on a day-to-day basis.

As a direct result, Nextiny was able to provide more insights to their clients with regards to SEO, lead generation, sales, video performance, and customer acquisition.

“By setting up a Databoard that gives you all the information in one place,” shared Marguglio. “And then sending that to Slack in a timely manner, we’re bringing the data to you. To the people who can actually make an impact on the account. And by being in a place where we’re all talking, all the time, and we’re all communicating about these accounts to make them successful, all of a sudden that starts conversations on how we can actually improve this.”


这是从使用Databox的Nextiny Saw的结果:beplay体育appios

  • 定制报告Requests:在市场营销代理成果方面,客户有各种各样的愿望。为了帮助描绘出其产品的更加生动的图片,DataBox允许Nextiny在任何范围的连接软件上汇总任何KPIbeplay体育appios的报告。在吸引和留住客户时,这种能力使下臂终于成为上臂。
  • Disparate Agency Softwares:通常,代理商并不总是能够一次查看多个客户端软件的数据。收集所有数据是一个艰苦的过程,每个客户可能需要超过半天的工作。现在,Nextiny能够从多个客户端帐户中收集自定义报告,而花费很少的时间。
  • 隐藏数据:通过将多个外部供应商合并到Databox的系统中,Nextiny可以获得其他任何地方都beplay体育appios无法获得的见解。例如:当某些客户同时使用HubSpot和Wistia时,Nextiny能够并排看到数据,从阴影中取出可能的隐藏数据连接。


With their innovative approach, theywon an Integration innovation IMPACT awardfor tracking the impact of video using Databox to connect the dots between HubSpot and Wistia data.


It allows us to calculate HubSpot data and Wistia data together to show reports that otherwise would not exist. That’s a very creative solution that solves a problem that the customer doesn’t even know they have.”

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