
How Succesfactor.nu Uses Databox to Streamline Client Reporting and Save 100 Hours Every Month


AvatarKiera Abbamonteon December 18, 2020 (last modified on January 10, 2022) • 6 minute read

No matter the specialty, agencies have more in common with each other than not.


That’s true forSuccesfactor.nu,一家营销机构,成立于2015年。

succesfactor.nu帮助企业通过在线策略 - 从搜索到社交媒体再到数字广告等等。为了服务和满足所有客户,该机构必须有效地工作,保持敏捷并完善其报告流程。

我们和康Wolters、创始人和合伙人of Succesfactor.nu, to learn more about how they’ve used Databox to overcome some of those challenges. Olav walked us through how they chose Databox and shared some of the results they’ve seen since then.

The Challenge

The key to growing Succesfactor.nu, Olav told us, was refining their reporting, both internal and client-facing.

Before Databox, they were spending way too much time building outDataboardsand reports—time they could’ve spent actually improving results for clients.

After trying a whole host of other reporting tools, Olav and the team ended up with the same challenges they started.

Here are the challenges Succesfactor.nu faced before Databox:

  • 创建客户端仪表板:尽管测试了其他几种报告工具,但Olav仍无法构建快速,简单且灵活的客户仪表板。这花费了太多的Olav时间,并将SuccesFactor.nu团队锁定为回顾性报告和行动的循环。

“We’ve been active for five years—and for four of those years, we were looking for a really good tool to make性能仪表板for our clients to monitor our results,” Olav told us. “We tried a lot. We tried Klipfolio and a few more of those tools. Every time, there was something that wasn’t flexible enough or was too complex.”

  • Working efficiently across clients:Without a way to make customer data accessible, the team couldn’t effectively prioritize客户或频道。他们正在努力朝着可计费的时间,而不是目标。

“I always had the feeling that we were not working efficiently. A customer pays for ten hours a month to manage their campaigns, and we felt like we had to make those ten hours a month happen,” Olav said.

  • Measuring performance:SucceSfactor团队需要一种实时衡量绩效的方法,一种使他们能够做出时刻的决策和调整以最大程度地提高他们为客户取得的结果。

Olav reflected, “Overall, we have better control over the results now. Normally, we’d make a report and after some months, you decide whether you had a good or bad period. Now we’re really looking forward, instead of back.


“We chose Databox because it’s easy to use,” Olav told us. “It’s very easy to set up aKPI仪表板并制作自定义指标。有了Klipfolio,它更加复杂,这花了我们更多的时间。”

The team moved all of their client reporting over to Databox, building项目概述仪表板,,,,along with more targeted营销仪表板对于每个营销渠道。

They connectedInstagram Business,,,,Harvest,,,,Google广告,,,,LinkedIn Ads,,,,LinkedIn Company Pages,,,,Google搜索控制台,,,,Facebook广告,,,,Bing广告,,,,谷歌分析



  • 创建客户端仪表板:使用现有和自定义数据库beplay体育appios仪表板模板,Olav能够在很短的时间内创建客户仪仪表板。整个客户都在很大程度上相同,团队花费了大约四分之一的时间来为新客户设置仪表板。

“We have one overview dashboard which is much the same across clients, and we have a dashboard for each channel that’s 90% the same across clients,” Olav explained.

  • Working efficiently across clients:现在,在他们的每周站立上,琥珀式Factor.nu团队根据实时客户绩效数据优先考虑客户工作,从而分配了他们最需要的时间才能达到客户目标。

“每两周,我们都会看一下一切,并决定是否执行某些行动。现在,我们让数据决定。”奥拉夫说。“现在,每个星期二,我们都与整个团队举行一次站立会议 - 我们检查哪些客户的目标和落后。背后的人引起了我们的注意。”

  • Measuring performance:奥拉夫和团队依靠自定义数据计算衡量对他们和客户真正有意义的表现。


The Results


Olav summarized that Succesfactor.nu is “more in control, more accountable,” adding, “ everybody is aware of the results of every customer because we talk about it every Tuesday. Everybody is aware of what’s going on, so no matter who the client is talking to, everybody can give them the answer.”

Here are Succesfactor.nu’s Databox results:

  • 创建客户端仪表板:Databox dashboards, along with the dashboard template feature, save the Succesfactor.nu team around 100 hours each month across their portfolio of around 50 clients.

“We don’t have to put any time into building业务仪表板或报告,这真的很快了,”奥拉夫指出。“与新模板功能,,,,setting up a new client takes 15 minutes, whereas it used to take maybe an hour. We save around 2 hours per client per month now that we don’t have to do manual reports anymore. ”

  • Working efficiently across clients:更好地衡量和对客户跨客户的性能做出反应的能力使琥珀型法规将其定价结构转换为更有效的模型。

“我们现在的时间更有效。客户每月支付固定的金额,我们将花费尽可能多的时间来获得客户想要的结果。” Olav解释说。“我们正在更有效地花费时间,这可以帮助我们和我们的客户获得更好的结果。”

  • Measuring performance:Measuring performance in a more meaningful way has helped the team grow more confident, both in reporting and in taking the risks that can pay off for their clients.

“That kind of control makes us more confident that we do our job well,” Olav concluded. “It also enables us to make mistakes. Sometimes you try something and it fails, but if you’re on top of it, you can try something else that works.”

About the author
Kiera AbbamonteKiera's a content writer who works with B2B SaaS companies. Catch up with her on Twitter @Kieraabbamonte or KieraAbbamonte.com


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