

Besides traffic, what are the most important website engagement metrics every marketing team should track? We asked 60 marketers to share their thoughts.

AvatarKiera Abbamonteon August 14, 2019 (last modified on July 30, 2021) • 14 minute read




Google Analytics(Google Analytics)网站参与仪表板模板由DataBoxbeplay体育appios



When we dug into which of those engagement metrics they found to be most important, the usual suspects—average time on page, bounce rate, and average session duration—led the pack.

But we also heard about other engagement metrics that aren’t usually talked about as much.

Our research also found that a majority of the marketers we spoke with use Google Search Console to do all of this measurement and tracking.


1. Bounce Rate

“跳出率告诉您有多少网站访问者打开您的页面,然后直接回到Google。它可以很好地表明您的内容回答他们的问题及其可读性。” Alice Stevens解释说最好的公司

“跳出率is crucial in determining whether something is wrong with your website and, therefore, why visitors aren’t exploring your site further,” added Fiona Kay ofNigel Wright团体

“就像在现实世界中,第一印象ke a big difference on the web,”枫树层面’ Nate Masterson told us. “You can expect to see a high bounce rate if your visitors feel spammed by too many calls-to-action or feel bored by lack of quality design.”

“It’s all well and good having high traffic to your site, but if the bounce rate is also high, your content isn’t engaging people enough to stick around,” Katherine Rowland ofYourParkingSpace添加。“Ultimately you want your content to entice people into taking action, and if they aren’t then really what is the point.”

As far as analyzing bounce rate data, Dan Rawley ofTwinkl建议寻找最高跳出率的页面首先解决的页面,“通过最高的跳出率的人过滤页面使您可以轻松地发现人们不按预期与该网站互动并采取行动。”

Beth Noll of礼物观察者建议使用90%的跳出率作为基准测试,并指出过度的弹跳“可能是由于缺乏指导(行动按钮呼吁),或者该网站与他们的搜索查询无关。高出跳出率也可能取决于该网站的出现和缺乏信任(例如,没有HTTPS,加载或缺乏社交和信任信号的速度缓慢)。”

魏德特小组的凯利Wilhelme告诉我们它是最有用的at bounce rate over time to find anomalies and changes, saying, “It’s important to look at the bounce rate for your site over time to make sure it’s not increasing. This could indicate something is broken and have a negative impact on your SEO and organic traffic rank. The last thing you want is for Google to stop sending you traffic because users are not finding what they need.”

And Kris Gunnars of搜索事实shared this pro tip: “I like to change the bounce rate calculation in Google Analytics to an ‘adjusted’ bounce rate. By changing the Google Analytics snippet and adding a ‘setTimeout’ command, you can tell Google to count a visitor as not having bounced if they’re still on your site after 15 seconds.”



The pages per session metric is, in effect, what comes right after bounce rate. So the visitor didn’t bounce off the first page, what did they do next? How many more pages did they visit and engage with?

“访问者在会议中观看了几页?人们从特定的队列中查看最多的页面吗?”问亚历克斯·维尔(Alex Vale)Attio。“您可以使用该指标来揭示您最敬业的受众,然后专门为他们定制输出。”

“这是一种理解哪些页面正在更深入网站而不是哪些页面的绝妙方式。它可以揭示内部链接,转换率问题,页面上缺乏多媒体等问题,”威廉·泰勒(William Taylor)说微型

Dallin Hatch ofwomplyadded, “It’s one of the best proxies to gauge both the value of your content to visitors and the optimization of your site layout.”

昆西·史密斯(Quincy Smith)ESL Authority解释说,每个会话页面是他们测量的最重要的指标之一。“对于我们来说,每个会话的页面是一个很大的页面,因为我们使用内容将用户吸引到转换渠道。用户观看的页面越多,他们以某种方式转换的机会就越大。”

“如果您能够培养访客的兴趣并将重点放在一系列页面上,那么他们更有可能采取行动。”ESM Inbound

3. Average Session Duration

“Every marketer should be tracking average session duration,” said Joe Sloan ofChallenger School


Sloan explained that “average session duration is great to understand what sources are resonating with your target market. For example, you can see if a recent Facebook campaign is attracting the right customers after just a few days, rather than waiting a few weeks to review the conversions. ”


4. Click-Through Rate (CTR)

Antonella WeidmanWebTektold us that website engagement also comes down to click-through rate on your search results. “If your website is getting a lot of impressions in search but has a low click-through-rate, this is a sign that the title tag and meta description may need to be refined to entice more users to click.”

5. Exit Rate and Top Exit Pages

“If you could figure out the reasons people exit your website from a particular page, you could fix it to keep people on your website for longer. Longer stays not only win you SEO benefits but help you build relationships, too,” mused Zarar Ameen ofCanz营销


Faizan AliWPBeginner分享了高出口率的一些常见原因,包括:

  • 分层问题和信息组织差
  • 丢失的电话行动
  • 包括太多或太少的信息,供访客采取下一步

“This is vitally important to your business because it helps you understand what your customers are thinking and how they respond to your website in general,” Colin Mosier ofJSL营销和网页设计添加。“一旦找到客户最多离开网站的地方,就可以优化此区域并改善客户的获取。”

编者注:是否想在一个全面的仪表板中查看所有关键的网站参与度指标?下载此free Google Analytics: Website Engagement (Data Snacks) template汇总跳出率,退出页面,页面上的平均时间等。

6. Returning Visitors

“More returning visitors means a bigger group of engaged people to build a relationship with,” noted Laetitia Caron ofMedicalSearch

“You have many ways to attract visitors to your website, but what really counts is the amount of (qualitative) visitors returning to your website,” Caron added. “Returning visitors mean your touchpoints are working, that people are satisfied after their first website visit.”

“通常,潜在客户正在浏览多个提供商,”解释说严格簿记和会计的朱莉娅·凯利(Julia Kelly):“这意味着他们可以在与您联系之前先看五到十个地点。增加返回的访客(尤其是在重要的关键字周围)对于赢得该业务至关重要。”

7. Time on Page

“页面上的平均时间是国王,”大声的数字说。“Combined with the Comparison data view, you can quickly see which pages let your website down or put users off.”

Doug Stewart ofAppleton Creativeadded, “By looking at the average time spent on-page, you can help to determine the quality of your website traffic. For example, if you’re getting a significant amount of website visitors, but users are spending only seconds on a page, this could be a key indicator that your targeting strategies are off and need to be adjusted.”

G2布里奇特诗人(Bridget Poetker)回应了斯图尔特(Stewart),他说:“页面上的平均时间是您内容的吸引力的很大指标。数字越高,您的内容越有可能与确切的搜索意图匹配。”

“We like measuring this metric in conjunction with tools like HotJar to allow us to clearly visualize a customer’s on-page journey,” added Lewis Kemp of灯泡媒体

When it comes to improving average time on page, Johnny Santiago ofberifyshared this advice, “To improve your website’s average time on page, you could try making your content more engaging by adding visuals such as images, gifs, or maybe even try embedding videos. Also, try enhancing the readability of your content by breaking up long paragraphs into smaller chunks and by adding bullet points.”

8. Goal Conversions and Event Tracking

我们从建议跟踪Google Analytics(分析)标准的参与度指标中听到的几个营销人员 - 使用目标转换和事件跟踪功能来根据自己的需求量身定制GA。

“对于每个网站和每个公司来说,最重要的网站参与度指标都不同。总体而言,最重要的参与度指标仅仅是您希望访客采取的最相关的行动。”loclweb。“这意味着每个网站都应在Google Analytics(分析)中设定一个目标,并且该目标的完成应受到仔细跟踪。”


埃文·伊丽莎白·哈德您好营销机构agreed. “I often see folks using gross traffic numbers to justify keyword value and content decisions. You’re better off setting up event tracking to understand what key phrases actually drive ROI. Then you can make smarter content decisions that drive real value.”

克里斯蒂娜·布罗德兹基(Christina Brodzky)MediaSeshpointed out that events can include micro-conversions like email newsletter signups, new blog comments, etc. and macro conversions like product purchases and revenue.

“B2B marketers should track how many times people clicked on that .pdf download button,” Kožuljević added. “Ecommerce owners can optimize their cart-to-purchase sequence by using events on specific interactions.”

编者注:需要一种更好的方法来将网站参与与其驱动的真实价值联系起来?下载此free Targeting, Engagement, Revenue dashboardto view engagement metrics side-by-side with conversion rate, revenue per visit, goal conversions, and more.


“Sometimes, it’s easy to get infatuated with total visits,” observed Antonella Pisani of事实商品, “but it’s fairly easy to buy traffic.” Instead, Pisani recommends measuring more conversion-oriented metrics like dollars per visitor.



新线索是“响亮的指标,标志着您所有的写作,战术和辛勤工作的高潮,这会产生令人垂涎的新领导”,”COFORGEtold us.

乔纳森·奥弗雷(Jonathan Aufray)说:“最重要的网站参与度指标是访问者数量产生的线索的百分比。”Growth Hackers。“The goal is to keep improving the conversion rate by changing the copy, using power words to entice people to contact us or give us their email address, etc. If this week, you have a conversion rate of 10%, let’s try to do 11% next week, 12% the following week, and on.”



Matt Desilet ofLolasays the most important website engagement metric is funnel creation and conversion paths.


“Pages per session is probably the closestnumberto track to see if you can’t reduce that number within conversion paths,” Desilet added.


同样,安德鲁·塞德曼(Andrew Seidman)数字覆盖范围recommends tracking value by each source/medium.





Google Analytics(Google Analytics)网站参与仪表板模板由DataBoxbeplay体育appios



通过衡量各种各样的网站参与度量,您将获得更圆的视图 - 更容易识别大片和破碎的东西,因此您可以优化,以从对您的业务重要的访问者中获得更多的参与度。

About the author
Kiera AbbamonteKiera是与B2B SaaS公司合作的内容作家。在Twitter @kieraabbamonte或Kieraabbamonte.com上赶上她
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