Metrics & Chill Podcast

Doubling Email Subscribers In 1 Month (w/ Camille Trent)

Learn how Camille Trent used LinkedIn to double PeerSignal’s email subscribers from 6k to 12k in just 1 month.

Jeremiah Rizzoon January 11, 2023 • 2 minute read

The metric: Subscribers

Learn how Camille Trent used LinkedIn to doublePeerSignal’semail subscribers from 6k to 12k in just 1 month.

How They Moved The Needle

PeerSignal is a platform that offers curated SaaS market data and insights (GTM strategies, hiring trends, etc.). From the beginning, Adam Schoenfeld (co-founder) would send a weekly newsletter to distill and deliver these insights to their audience.

卡米尔开始解决用户增长时,she searched LinkedIn for mentions of PeerSignal to learn how people were talking about it, and what they understood about it. She found that people would often mention the newsletters. So she decided to double down on what was working: growing the newsletter by posting on LinkedIn, before expanding to any other channels. And since she had a sizeable audience there already, it made sense for her to start by sharing insights on her personal account. While expanding into podcasting or Twitter looked promising, she felt she needed to get the most value possible out of the things that were already working.

For each issue, Camille did a promo post the day before the newsletter went out. The purpose of this post was to tease content readers could find in the upcoming issue, and offer them a chance to subscribe before it went out the next day. She also felt it offered them a way to sort of “build in public”, because they’d get to talk about what went into each issue, and how they put it together.

The day the issue went out Camille and Adam would do a post, each using different angles/approaches. Adam would do a sort of “slide deck” post, offering visual insights via carousel. And Camille would summarize the post’s main insights or takeaways. In each post, Camille experimented with different voices, angles, or visuals to communicate that week’s content. She felt it would help the content feel “fresh” to her audience, rather than using the same format which might feel like white noise after a while.

Finally, she would make a point to tag companies or people that received shoutouts in the issue. This obviously helped drive more engagement and shares of each post, and was a nice touch for anyone featured.


在短短1个月,卡米尔翻了一倍their subscribers from roughly 6,000 to 12,000.

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