Skip the setup. We’ll build your first dashboard.

Skip the setup. We’ll build your first dashboards.


没有时间创建仪表板?让我们知道 - 我们会为您建造它。


Help in getting your dashboards built

We’ll set up your first dashboard for you in 24 hours and highlight the key functionality Databox customers use to analyze performance and discover actionable insights.

Guidance on the right metrics to track


Advice on how to structure your reporting processes

Our team has thousands of hours of experience in advising businesses across various industries on how to structure their dashboards and transition their reporting efforts to be more proactive so that they can make adjustments when they matter most.

劳拉·贾科齐(Laura Giacomuzzi)

“Working with Diana and the Success team at Databox was a game-changer. Not only were we able to get set up quickly, but we were able to move forward with confidence that we were tracking the right metrics, visualizing them in the most insightful ways, and setting ourselves up to make the right adjustments at the right time.”

劳拉·贾科齐(Laura Giacomuzzi), Manager atEDFLEX

How Databox’s dashboard service works

Getting started can be as simple as sending an email or chat message.


Getting started is easy. Just create your free Databox account and connect a data source. This way, we’ll be able to build your dashboard directly in your account.

Share your dashboards wishlist


Receive your dashboards in 24 hours

分享仪表板愿望清单后,我们的团队将开始在现有的Databox帐户中构建仪表板。beplay体育appiosWe’ll include the most effective visualizations for tracking your specific performance data, organize your dashboard in the cleanest way possible so that you can easily uncover insights, and provide personalized recommendations on how you can continue to expand your data analysis so you can discover insights across your area of focus.


From here, we’ll help you uncover your greater reporting needs and how Databox can help. See how to tie multiple reports together to paint a full picture, set goals you can visualize across your dashboards, and automate important performance trends with notifications. Once you receive your dashboard, schedule a call with one of our experts to learn what went into creating your dashboard and how to use it most efficiently moving forward.

埃德温·姆布古(Edwin Mbugua)

“我们需要一种快速简便的方法来跟踪我们的付费广告 - 无论是在高级还是在广告系列上。beplay体育appiosDatabox的支持团队迅速建立了我们需要的仪表板,甚至录制了一个视频,解释了他们的所作所为和如何。因此,他们不仅节省了我们的时间,而且还帮助我们学习了该工具。这是一个很好的经验。”

埃德温·姆布古(Edwin Mbugua),E&A数字共和国


We can help build dashboards for any use case, but these are some of the most common ones we get asked about.




Website performance from Google Analytics

Website performance from Google Analytics

通常,当某人将Google Analytics(分析)与HubSpot连接起来时,他们正在寻求学习几件事。总体网站性能,按页面分割的性能,部分等,受众行为和转换性能。我们的团队帮助建立了数百个Google Analytics(分析仪表板),可以帮助您提高网站的性能。









Ecommerce companies are typically using Databox to try and get a better real-time view of their marketing and sales performance so they can adjust strategies and marketing activities in real-time. Our team of dashboard experts will help visualize your online store’s performance in a way that’s actionable.



Whether you’ve exported data into a spreadsheet, entered data manually into one or have a more complex database setup, Databox can be used to create an easy-to-read and easy-to-share visualization of your unique data. Just connect your spreadsheet or database and tell our team what values you’re trying to visualize.




Unlike other dashboard and business intelligence software, we build comprehensive integrations. Across our 70+ integrations, we've pre-built thousands of metrics, meaning all you need to do is drag-and-drop them into a dashboard and the visualizations update automatically.



Team of Experts
Team of Experts

We have 20+ team members who are not only experts at our product but also have in-depth knowledge of our integrations. They know what's possible and what other companies like yours track and report.


How much time does it take to get my custom dashboard?

Anywhere from 10 minutes to 24 hours.

Is there a limit to how many dashboards you can build for me?

We’ll get you started by building your first dashboard. From there, if you’d like additional assistance, we suggest setting up a call with one of our product experts.

Is there any charge?


Can I have metrics from multiple tools on one dashboard?

是的。Once you share the metrics and/or specific area of the business you need to track, we’ll pull all of the necessary metrics into one dashboard.

Can I drill-down into my performance?

