Product and Design

New Databox Integration: Analyze Your Website and App Analytics with Google Analytics 4

With Databox’s new integration with Google Analytics 4, you can track your entire user journey from the first visit to the final conversion alongside all of your other essential business KPIs.

Monja DobnikMonja Dobnik2021年9月20日•6分钟阅读

Today we’re excited to roll out a new integration with Google Analytics 4, which offers you a new perspective on measuring engagement on your website and app while showcasing your customers’ journey.

What is Google Analytics 4?您可以在此处阅读有关此最新版本的所有信息.

While upgrading from Universal Analytics to Google Analytics 4 isn’t done with just a simple click of a button, tracking Google Analytics 4 data in Databox is actually very easy.

跟踪Google Analytics(Databox)中的所有4个事件beplay体育appios

在将Google Analytics 4添加到我们的本地集成列表中时,我们确保它允许您跟踪所有类型的事件。

Automatically Collected Events




Metric Library GA 4





Recommended Events

推荐事件谷歌一个预定义的名称nd parameters that you implement yourself. They unlock existing and future reporting capabilities that aren’t available for custom events.


By tracking it regularly, you can track whether the average value of purchases increases, decreases, or stays the same over time. It’s an indicator of your business’s productivity and profitability and can help you identify areas that need improving. By tracking it along with other important KPIs, you’re able to identify the reason behind the potential drop and gather inspiration for further actions that have already proven successful.

Purchase Overview metric


Custom events are the ones that you name and implement yourself. And, with the use of ourQuery Builder, you’re able to pull in all sorts of custom events into Databox.

As always, if you get stuck trying to do this yourself, just start a chat with our support team by clicking the chat widget on the bottom right.

如何在Databox中使用Google Analytics 4beplay体育appios

Our new integration with Google Analytics 4 allows you to take a holistic approach to your website and app analytics.

With this new integration, you can dig deeper into your traffic sources, monitor user behavior, and get complete insights into your online sales. In addition, you will be able to see how visitors interact with your most important pages, keep an eye on your product performance, conversion rate, revenue, and more.

您甚至可以通过将最重要的Google Analytics(分析4 KPI)与您使用的其他数据源的数据相结合,从而构建完整的生命周期报告。在一个地方保持顶部。

您也可以使用Goals feature跟踪和可视化您朝着特定响应目标的进度,以确保您保持正轨。您甚至可以自动化警报so that you’re notified whenever important milestones are reached.

At launch, there are156默认谷歌分析指标可用. This means that there are 156 pre-built visualizations all set and ready for you to simply drag and drop onto a dashboard and visualize your performance.

还创建了26个自定义和9个计算的指标。这些都是Google Analytics(分析4用户)通常为您设置的定制指标Query BuilderData Calculations.

No code or design necessary.

除了能够快速拖放您最重要的Google Analytics(分析4指标)外,您还可以轻松地自定义仪表板,以包含您业务所依赖的其他集成的数据。

I’ll show you how to do all of that below:

首先,让我向您展示如何快速使用预制的Google Analytics(Analytics 4模板)开始。

开始使用Google Analytics 4模板

We wanted to make the process of tracking Google Analytics data in Databox as easy as possible. That’s why we created 5 templates that are aligned with what most marketers are familiar with – customer lifecycle. We have an收购概述,Audience Overview,货币化概述, 和Engagement Overview模板。最后一个是Demographics Detailsof your users and visitors. The steps for using any of them are the same.


Next (if you haven’t already), you’ll be prompted to connect your Google Analytics 4 account.

然后,瞧!观看当您的仪表板自动使用所有Google Analytics(分析)4 kpis时观看。

如何使用Google Analytics(分析4)创建自定义仪表板4

在里面仪表板设计师,在左侧菜单上搜索Google Analytics 4集成。


从那里开始,您将提示您连接Google Analytics 4帐户(如果还没有)。

Then, you’ll see a menu consisting of 156 Google Analytics 4 metrics as well as 26 custom metrics and 9 calculated metrics available to drag and drop directly into your dashboard.

Google Analytics 4 Account


Drag-and-drop metrics

然后,您的Google Analytics(Analytics)4数据将自动填充。

Populate The Dashboard


Now, you can continue customizing the dashboard using as many different data sources as needed.

开始使用Google Analytics(分析4 + Databox)beplay体育appios

Existing users can view all of the availableGoogle Analytics(Analytics)4指标or download one (or all) of the templates.了解有关如何使用DataBox使用Google Analytics 4的更多信息beplay体育appios这里

Databoxbeplay体育appios的新手?您可以创建一个永恒的帐户这里, connect your Google Analytics 4 account, and start tracking your website and app performance alongside KPIs from other data sources you’re using.

It will help you and your team stay on top of the important metrics that drive your business.

Monja Dobnik
Monja Dobnikis a Product Marketer here at Databox. She has a curious mind and a head full of ideas still waiting to come to life - either in text or video form.
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