
如何在Google Analytics(分析)中创建计划的电子邮件:逐步指南

了解如何在Google Analytics(分析)中创建计划的电子邮件,并自动发送每周或每月的电子邮件报告。

Djordje CvijovicDjordje Cvijovicon October 13, 2021 • 10 minute read

Google Analytics email reports are an important part of your marketing efforts. Not only are they a great way to stay on top of what is happening in real-time, but you can also use them as helpful为客户报告or other people who need access to various data.

And the best thing about these reports is that you can automate them. Instead of having to manually create the reports every month, you can simply schedule them to be sent out as soon as they are generated!

想知道如何?在本文中,我们将提供有关如何在Google Analytics(分析)中创建计划的电子邮件的分步指南。这将使您可以自动发送每月报告和其他电子邮件报告,而无需每次坐在计算机上或登录GA帐户。

Let’s dig in.

  1. What Are Scheduled Google Analytics Email Reports?
  2. Why Set Up Google Analytics Email Reports?
  3. How to Create Automated Email Reports in Google Analytics?
  4. 如何更改分析电子邮件报告
  5. How to Delete Analytics Email Reports
  6. Automate Google Analytics Reporting with Databox

What Are Scheduled Google Analytics Email Reports?

Google具有名为“计划的电子邮件”功能,该功能允许用户提前安排电子邮件活动,而无需访问其Google Analytics(分析)帐户。

This means that if someone else wants an analytics report sent directly from your Google Analytics account (without giving them login access) then they can simply subscribe themselves as a user with specific permissions and allow those scheduled emails through Gmail or another email service provider like MailChimp.

Google Analytics(分析)电子邮件报告使您能够自动化发送Google Analytics(分析)报告数据的过程。您可以发送带有自定义选择帐户(配置文件)或网站(查看)的快照的电子邮件。

A common use case example where this feature comes into play involves an agency working on client projects and reporting progress by sharing specificGoogle Analytics reports与客户。

This is possible because scheduled emails are enabled for each account (profile) within your web property, which means that users do not have to log into the analytics dashboard every single day or week in order to check on progress and send an update email. Instead, you can set up a schedule at the beginning of this process so that data will be automatically sent out exactly when you want it without any additional work necessary from either party involved in sending these reports.

Why Set Up Google Analytics Email Reports?

Here are just a few of the benefits that you can look forward to when setting up scheduled Google Analytics email reports:

  • No more logging into your analytics dashboard。相反,安排发送你的电子邮件own terms so there’s no delay in getting information to where it needs to go.
  • Increased securityfor account administrators who need access or share login credentials with third parties they may not trust completely (such as freelance web developers). This is ideal if weekly reporting updates between teams working on SEO projects together are necessary but don’t want anyone else gaining unauthorized access before this designated time frame.
  • 能够在更长的分析时间内随时间跟踪数据。通过安排通过Gmail安排自动化的电子邮件警报,您可以在一段时间内收集和存储数据,这些时间范围超出了用户在其Google Analytics(分析仪表板)中审查报告的典型窗口。
  • Ability to export and analyze data。您可以将报告快照的完整副本保存到与原始分析帐户外部(配置文件)之外一起工作。如果您想比较两个单独的网站或跟踪多个客户项目项目的进度,那么这将是有帮助的,而不是每周手动更新每个网站。
  • 跳出率和会话数据以获取更准确的报告。Scheduled emails give you access to the latest bounce rate and session data, whereas standard Google Analytics email alerts only include a limited snapshot of these metrics from within your dashboard at that specific moment in time when they were initially viewed.
  • Link performance data for more accurate reports。You can also get link data in your scheduled Google Analytics email report that is not available when viewing results within the dashboard itself. This provides a better snapshot of how users are engaging with specific links on your sites so you can adjust accordingly to avoid issues down the road if necessary.
  • 录制电子邮件以获取更准确的报告。You can also use the link within the scheduled Google Analytics email report to see how many times your emails have been opened, which gives you a better idea of whether or not users are actually checking out these results in their inboxes every time they’re sent out automatically. This is helpful if you want to pinpoint specific issues with certain messages being delivered so that adjustments can be made accordingly down the road.

How to Create Automated Email Reports in Google Analytics?

设置电子邮件报告,登录你的谷歌肛门ytics account and navigate to the Admin tab. From there, select the property and view (profile) that you would like to schedule reports for.

select property in GA
  1. Once your profile is open, use the pull-down menu next to “Email Reports” in the top navigation bar to select your report preferences.
  2. You can choose between all available reports within the profile, or if multiple profiles are associated with this web property (such as subdomains), you will be able to set up individual email alerts for each one by selecting “Profile” from the pull-down menu instead.
  3. Once you’ve selected which type of report data should be sent out via scheduled emails and how often it’s necessary for this information to reach an intended recipient, click on Save Email Preferences at the bottom of this page in order to complete your setup process.
compare date in ga

*Note that depending on whether you want a single snapshot per month, week, day, or hour, these automated email reports may take some time before they’re fully processed by Google.

After you’ve saved your report preferences, you can share a link to a specific report that will be sent out on the scheduled date and time.

To do this, navigate back to your Google Analytics dashboard and select “Email Settings” from the top navigation bar. Then click on “Share Current View.”

share button

This is where you’ll see all of the reports currently available for sharing according to the email preferences previously set up within your profile(s). You can either generate a copyable link by selecting Copy Link at the bottom of this page or save these settings as a template so they’re automatically included with each future report you send out via automated emails by clicking Save Template instead.


share analytics reports


Finally, choose which reports should be included with these scheduled emails and whether or not they will include data from today’s date onwards in order to track progress over time. If applicable, also enter any necessary notification text that would best explain why these particular analytics results are being sent out via Gmail at this given time interval. Clicking OK finishes creating new email alerts! Now all you have left to do is sit back and wait for each one of them to be sent to the email address you’ve designated as a recipient for this automated process.

如果没有发出警报,则可能是由于您的Gmail设置的格式问题或Google Analytics(分析)帐户凭据无法正确链接在一起。要解决此问题并已恢复访问,只需再次访问顶级工具栏中的“管理员”,然后选择“用户管理”。然后单击预期用户名称旁边的编辑,以便在每个选项卡下找到其关联的权限 - 只需确保它们在两个帐户中都保持一致!一旦正确设置了所有内容,即使在这些计划的时间内没有人登录任何一个帐户,所有报告将从现在开始自动处理。

要在现有的Google Analytics(分析)帐户中编辑电子邮件报告首选项,请返回“管理员”选项卡,然后使用“电子邮件报告”旁边的下拉菜单。


如何更改分析电子邮件报告Preferences step 1

Choose which type of data will be included with these automated emails under Email Frequency and whether or not they’ll include information from today onward via Date Range Options.

如何更改分析电子邮件报告Preferences step 2


如何更改分析电子邮件报告Preferences step 3

You can also edit email report preferences for multiple Google Analytics accounts at once by selecting “Edit Email Preferences” from the pull-down menu next to your current account name.

How to Delete Analytics Email Reports

If you want to delete email reports from your Google Analytics account completely, go back to the “Admin” tab and then use the pull-down menu next to “Email Reports.”

How to Delete Analytics Email Reports

Next, select Delete for each type of automated email you want to stop receiving immediately. Keep in mind that this will also remove any data included with these alerts from their corresponding reports!

通过删除报告,它还将更改此Google Analytics(分析)帐户的电子邮件报告偏好。


Automate Google Analytics Reporting with Databox

Losing your mind over setting up your Google Analytics account? Don’t have time to set these email reports yourself? Not a big fan of Google Analytics UI? Something else? No problem. You can skip all these tedious steps to setting up automated reports on Google Analytics by opting for Databox instead.

Automate Google Analytics email reports with Databox今天,自己看看为什么我们是市场上最好的报告软件之一。

About the author
Djordje Cvijovic
Djordje Cvijovic成长为撰稿人。演变成内容创建者。在两者之间的某个地方,我爱上了可以描绘世界以及单词或图片的数字。一个天真的思想家认为,创造性经济是世界上最强大的力量!
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