

From customer acquisition and retention to goal completions and keyword analysis, 50 marketers share their top client report templates from GA.

Jessica MalnikJessica Malnikon September 17, 2021 (last modified on September 27, 2021) • 19 minute read

When it comes to客户营销报告, you’d be hard-pressed to find a better, free tool than Google Analytics. And, a whopping 98% of the marketers we surveyed agree.

do you use google analytics reports for clients?

However, if you are not a tech-savvy marketer, Google Analytics can be extremely overwhelming. It is easy to get lost in all of the data.

这leads your clients to either get stuck in analysis paralysis or abandon their Google Analytics account altogether. Neither are ideal outcomes.


在这篇文章中,我们将分享Google Analytics(分析)客户报告,其中包括:




“One Google Analytics report I will use is an Acquisitions Overview Report,” says Cary Haun of十二个媒体。“由于大部分Audience and Behaviors reports, arguably, have a lot of overlap in terms of demographics, locations, personas, search patterns, technology, and so on – I find it helpful to closely track and observe *how* a user’s attention was caught, and what specifically was it that was enticing enough for them to click. Since all of SEO is, at its base, a sales pitch, it is interesting to try and spot exactly when and where desire takes over.”

芭芭拉·萨瓦拉(Barbara Sawala)上传says, “As an SEO entrepreneur I surely use Google Analytics for my client reports. I usually send them Acquisition > All Traffic Channels screen/report to show them how their various channels convert, # of users from each channel, and what is the bounce rate and avg. session duration. This is especially useful for ecommerce and websites with various social media profiles – people are able to see the financial performance of their campaigns and decide whether it is worth investing in paid campaigns or not.”

克里斯蒂安的ungureanuQuickMailadds, “It’s my favorite because it gives a quick yet comprehensive peek at the state and progress of all our acquisition channels. I can see how our efforts are paying off (or failing to bring results) across the board, and find new opportunities for growth (for example, if a certain acquisition channel is bringing in less traffic than it should). All in all, it’s a great report that I was able to set it up in literally 1 minute.”

Here is an example of a Google Analytics Acquisitions Overview Report from Databox. Marketers rely on thisGoogle Analytics Acquisition Snapshot Dashboard分析其表现最好的流量来源。

Google Analytics Acquisition Snapshot Dashboard


Setting up custom goals, like new leads, sales, etc., in Google Analytics and then reporting on them via the Goal Completions Report is a great way to demonstrate ROI to your clients.

“很多人都不知道你可以set goals in Google Analytics,” saysJon Torres.“A goal represents any completed action by your visitor, such as a purchase, email sign up, getting to a certain page of your funnel, or submitting a contact form, etc. Goals help me understand how people are interacting with my website, how long it took them to complete the goal, and how they arrived at the final action. Without goals, it would be difficult for me to collect data on my visitors in order to improve the UX of my site.”

Sai Kalki的drigigrow补充说:“我为客户使用的最重要的报告是目标完成报告,因为它使我的客户了解了我为他们生成了多少线索。该报告与我为客户提供的投资回报率直接相关。

以及如何设置此报告?“一旦登录Google Analytics(分析),请按照以下路径:管理员>视图>目标下一个单击新目标。然后,您可以根据客户要求继续设定目标。”

您如何跟踪此报告?等待至少一个月,然后检查报告。这为工具提供了足够的时间来整理必要的指标并为您提供完整的图片。然后转到Google Analytics(分析)上的“转换”选项卡,单击目标,然后单击概述。这个图像给出了一个更好的主意。”

这是DATABOX的目标完成客户报告的示例。beplay体育appios这个全面Google Analytics Goal Overview Dashboard可以帮助您可视化目标完成率和转换率。

Google Analytics Goal Overview Dashboard


If you have switched over to GA4, then the monetization or conversion report can help you show the ROI of your campaigns.

“在客户报告方面,Google Analytics(分析)最重要的报告是转换报告,” Andrew Swinney说Verde Strategies。“这可以追溯到著名的说法,人们不想购买四分之一英寸的演习。他们想要一个四分之一英寸的洞!客户想要更多的销售,所有其他指标都讲述了您如何到达那里的故事。如果您想要延长合同的快乐客户,请向他们展示如何解决他们的真正问题。”


大多数人都从他们的年代浏览你的网站martphones these days. So, understanding what pages they are viewing, how long they spend on your site, and the top actions they are taking is essential.

“Perhaps no other Google Analytics report is more important than the mobile overview report,” says Jonathan Zacharias ofGR0。“Specifically, this report allows site owners to understand website weaknesses and pain points, and also recommend improvements that can be made for low-hanging-fruit wins.


这是DataBox的GA移动概述报告的示例。beplay体育appiosGA用户可以依靠这个Google Analytics(分析)移动与桌面流量仪表板to visualize how mobile and desktop visitors interact with their website.

mobile overview dashboard




Neil John ofOne Computer Guy补充说:“我们已经使用了整整一年的效率分析报告,它改善了我们跟踪潜在客户的方式。除此之外,我们发现访客的获取效率分析报告显示了本月已收购的唯一访问者,总会议和新用户的数量。”

Browser Report


“谷歌分析浏览器报告非常useful,” says Sheila Chaiban of一个海洋的美丽。“It is helpful when it comes to identifying the technologies used by people who stop by and look through our website at One Ocean Beauty. I also like the fact that the report is great at analyzing website usage in different versions of OS and browsers. This is very convenient and provides us with invaluable data.”

杰罗恩·范·吉尔斯EcomContentadds, “Being a business owner, the browser report is the best for clients because it allows users to create custom reports that show conversions by browser and divide them by device, such as desktop, mobile, tablet, and so on. This report is very beneficial to clients that sell things on their sites. It helps them in determining where to focus their marketing efforts.”

Referring Pages Report


Gerrid SmithJoy Organics说:“我认为,参考页面报告是针对客户的最佳Google Analytics(分析报告)。参考页面报告是了解您的链接构建活动的有效性或无效的好方法。该自定义报告还有助于跟踪导致网站的最受欢迎的链接。同样,参考页面报告显示了您的链接到达的确切网页(不仅是网站)以及平均截面持续时间,跳出率,链接质量,每个会话值等。每节期值将提供产生预期结果的确切链接。”

Here is an example of a referring pages report from Databox. GA users rely on this推荐概述仪表板发现哪些推荐来源推动了最多的流量和转换到其网站。




“对于我们来说,客户的最佳GA报告是关键字分析报告,”威尔·沃德说翻译设备总部。“SEO is a huge part of our focus, as well as my personal interest, so having access to these key data at all times is a blast. Tracking keyword usage and growth through all metrics consistently provides us with useful, actionable information, but the revenue-related metrics are particularly useful when we need to grab the most important data in a flash. Overall, the ability to constantly monitor and improve our content strategy with the Google Analytics Keyword Analysis Report has provided a significant boost to our conversion rates.”

这是Databox的关键字分析报告的示例,该报告结合了Google Analytics(分析)和Semrusbeplay体育appiosh的数据。这SEO performance dashboardallows you to see traffic, keyword rankings, and on-page factors that may be impacting organic traffic.


Retention Report

Another reason to potentially switch over to GA4 is to use the retention report, which allows you to display all of your new vs. return users alongside retention, engagement, and lifetime value metrics.

“I’ve been using Google Analytics 4 for a while and I love the Retention report GA offers because it allows me to quickly show my clients the quality of traffic we’ve helped them acquire in the past month or quarter,” says JP Zhang ofSoftwareHow。“保留报告非常简单。在顶部,您可以获得新用户和返回用户的数量。在下面,您将看到特定的指标,例如用户保留,用户参与度和终身价值。例如,在过去的28天内,我客户的网站之一已获得16K新用户和3.4K返回用户。这是17.53%的回报率,与行业平均水平相比,这是一个不错的度量。通过查看保留报告,我们能够向客户表明,我们帮助他们获得的流量是转换的优质流量。”


Speaking of GA4, another useful report is the customer acquisition report. This speaks to where you are acquiring customers/visitors.

“客户获取报告是最重要的Google分析报告,因为客户获取是大多数客户的重中之重,” Hamna Amjad说埃法尼。“It includes data such as Sessions, Bounce Rate, Revenue, Conversion Rate, etc. It allows in-depth analysis of the interactions that users have with the client’s website, offering a deep understanding of customer behavior. It shows where customers are coming from and what channels are generating more revenue. You can identify those channels that are lagging behind and tweak them to improve their performance.”

这是DataBox的客户获取客户端报告的示例。beplay体育appiosGoogle Analytics(分析4用户)依靠这一点Acquisitions Overview Dashboard要深入研究其流量来源,请监视用户行为,并密切关注所有这些影响收入的影响。




“One Google Analytics report that can be used for clients is Audience >> Geography >> Location,” says Tim Absalikov ofLasting Trend。“If you want to know where your customers come from to make decisions about optimizing advertising campaigns, website development, and mailing lists, you need this report. The following basic parameters are available in the Location report: • Country. • Town. • Continent. • Subcontinent. By default, the report shows a map of the world. Color saturation shows the proportion of sessions from different regions. In addition, the report has a Statistics tab.”



“在任何情况下我的首选报告之一是渠道报告,” Emily Appelbaum说家庭目的地指南。“您可以在收购中找到它,然后再找到所有流量渠道。该报告在许多层面上都很棒。

First, this will reveal how your traffic is different depending on the channel. So for example, if they come from an organic search like Google or maybe paid ads or perhaps other websites referred your page, the cool thing about this report is that you can see the three most important report types in one overview, that’s acquisition, behavior, and conversions.


请注意,您可以始终从转换到目标的下拉视图。您的目标之一可能是保持平稳,然后您可以选择一个目标。我总是像上个月或去年一样与上一个阶段进行比较。您可以在日期部分中添加它,然后在底部您可以查看趋势是否上升或下降。总体而言,这份Google Analytics(分析)报告确实很有帮助而且容易。”

这是DataBox的频道报告的示例。beplay体育appios营销人员使用此Google Analytics(分析)渠道概述仪表板可以轻松地比较他们的最高收购渠道的性能。

Google Analytics(分析)渠道概述仪表板



例如,杰夫·迈克尔(Jeff Michael)Local Light Marketing说:“一个报告客户希望每周都会看到的一个报告是每个Source/Medium/Campaign的流量/销售报告。这有助于他们了解他们的网站不仅在有机或付费搜索中表现出色,还可以在上周发起的任何广告系列中表现出色。该报告通常每周星期五将我的客户发送给我的客户。这是他们实际阅读和回应的东西。”

帕特里克·库洛夫斯基(Patrick Kurowski)MarketKeepagrees, “The most important Google Analytics Report for any small business owner is their source/medium report. Any marketing strategy relies on multiple funnels to drive traffic to their website. The source medium report within Google Analytics tells you where users come from, when they entered their website, what actions they took, and whether or not that action led to conversion.

仔细观察报告本身,消息来源将告诉您流量起源的原始位置。因此,名称源。这可以来自Google,例如Facebook等社交媒体平台或您最近启动的电子邮件广告系列的搜索引擎。直接来源意味着有人将您的URL直接键入其网站浏览器访问您的网站。媒介是他们到达那里的方式。通过Google Adwords广告系列(例如搜索或显示广告系列)或通过另一个网站的推荐链接,这可能是有机的。

Further, into the report itself, you will have access to valuable insights such as behavior data, conversion data, and acquisition data.

At the end of the day, the source/medium report will show you exactly where your website traffic is coming from, the behavior that your user is taking, and any conversion activity. By looking at this report you can help yourself make crucial decisions like where you should devote more of your time, energy, and marketing budget based on what you find inside this report.”

Here is an example of a source medium report from Databox. ThisGoogle Analytics Audience Drilldown Dashboard允许您通过源/介质和监视转换和跳动率过滤流量。

Google Analytics Audience Drilldown Dashboard



“本报告揭示了您的网站上哪些页面的加载太慢,无论是由于巨型图像,太多插件还是其他许多技术问题,” John-Paul Cody说Trends & Tactics。“这很重要,因为当页面加载太慢时,用户会更频繁地按下后面按钮,这意味着您的业务收入更少。另外,由于页面速度是核心网络生命值的元素,因此不关注该报告也可能导致搜索引擎中的网站排名较低。”

Here is an example of a site speed overview report from Databox. Marketers rely on thisGoogle Analytics Site Performance Dashboard衡量其网站响应和加载时间指标,影响SEO和UX。

Google Analytics Site Performance Dashboard

Google Ads Report

如果您正在运行付费广告系列,那么Google ADS报告是确保您最大化投资的关键。

“The Google Ads report is the best choice for me,” says Robin Brown ofvivipins。“ AdWords转换报告包含许多有用的数据点,包括跳出率,每位访问者的收入,平均订单值,转换率和现场时间。仪表板摘要报告显示了很多部分摘要,其中包括从广告印象到着陆页的所有内容。该报告还结合了Google Analytics(分析)帐户,可以与大多数外部分析平台竞争。”

这是DataBox客户端的Google广告报告的示例。beplay体育appiosPPC专家依靠这一点Google Ads广告系列仪表板跟踪广告系列效率并监视最佳的关键字。

Google Ads广告系列仪表板

Average Time on Page Report

这report is particularly important for affiliate and content sites.



  1. 如何可视化各种访客参与度指标,包括页面上的时间和停留时间
  2. How to analyze Time on Page and Dwell Time on a longer time scale
  3. How to see and analyze load times for your most popular website pages


Another report you might want to use is path length, which can help you learn more about your buyer journey.

“One Google Analytics report we often use is the Path Length report,” says Sasha Matviienko ofViien。“它使您可以很好地了解消费者从首次访问购买的消费者需要多长时间。这样,可以很容易地组织营销工作,因为您知道,如果客户在X天内不购买,他们就不会再回来了。”


总而言之,这些是Google Analytics(分析)客户报告。您依靠的具体报告将取决于业务类型以及您的特定销售和营销目标。

Jessica Malnik
Jessica MalnikJessica Malnik is a content strategist and copywriter for SaaS and productized service businesses. Her writing has appeared on The Next Web, Social Media Examiner, SEMRush, CMX, Help Scout, Convince & Convert, and many other sites.
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