Case Study

How Sellian Moved to Real-Time Client Reporting & Cut Reporting Costs in Half

Showing results and delivering great value to their clients is what Sellian is striving for. With Databox they’re even more data-driven, more agile, more responsive.

Belynda Cianci2020年7月8日•5分钟阅读


该团队开始研究一种解决方案,该解决方案可以为他们的每月营销报告提供更专业的设计。集成功能和高质量数据库设计功能within Databox turned out to be exactly what the company was looking for.

We sat down with Ernst Wallinga, Co-founder of塞利安,要了解有关该公司在DataBox中发现的竞争优势的更多信息,以及他们如何使用它来加强其客户群和内部团队的运营。beplay体育appios

Serving the Journey




The company saw the opportunity to take up these functions in order to boost their clients’ revenue.

塞利安’s Top Integrations

Strengthening Customer Relationships



The power of the in-office display is two-fold. First, it serves as an excellent means of communicating progress and value in real-time. This manner of reporting is so effective, says Wallinga, it’s actually reduced the amount of time Sellian spends on in-person reporting. Where an in-person monthly meeting used to be standard practice, the instant information available through the display means that monthly meetings can be reduced to a monthly report delivered by email, requiring only quarterly meetups to discuss strategy and address any concerns not covered in the Databoards.

“现在,客户更多地参与其中。If they see changes in the data, the call us and say ‘what’s happening?’’’ Even though the team is on top of everything, that saves them time, as they can sync with the client right away and agree on any changes that are necessary.


The Databoards have also made clients more engaged and responsive. Where they now have visibility into their metrics at a glance, they can partner actively in the success of these campaigns, ask questions and collaborate on needed changes in an agile way, and get in touch with the results on an ongoing basis.

“We try to make a forecast for what they do, instead of looking back and seeing what we did. The customers like to see the funnel growing.”

This ability to see what’s ahead has created predictability in the numbers— a hot commodity in the current, unpredictable climate of COVID-19.


At first, the team was reluctant to overhaul their reporting functions in such a profound way, content to rely on the data in Hubspot as they had been for some time. Wallinga saw the benefits, though, and recruited some internal champions who were optimistic about the potential.




“Its a really good starter for the conversation. We start with sales and then go back to marketing,” says Wallinga, describing it as a bit of reverse engineering. “We look at what we did, what does that mean, and where can we improve.”

Having this information available at a glance means the sales and marketing teams can arrive at retrospectives more prepared, with a better understanding of the numbers up for discussion.


The team is looking forward to expanding their internal use of Databox in the future, and Databox is ready to help as it expands its integration capabilities and offers custom solutions to solve novel reporting needs.

If your business could benefit from realtime data like Sellian has,create an accountand chat with our team.


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