Ground Up Podcast

How to Partner with Other Firms to Extend Your Capabilities & Serve Your Clients Better


AvatarPeter Caputa IV2018年6月26日(上次修改2021年9月19日)•7分钟阅读

Marketing agencyStoryTeller Media Communicationshas steadily grown from a one-man band in 2009 to 14 people today by increasingly focusing on their strengths.


Ed Heil, the founder of the agency who started his career as a sportscaster and journalist, niched further by being an early pioneer of video content marketing with their partnership with Wistia.


But, the path to specialization wasn’t a straight line.

One example of them veering from their strengths was the different ways they’ve tried to build websites for clients.


品牌建设者的品牌建设者解决方案在乔·杰罗姆,品牌建设者解决方案的创始人和Ed Heil几年前在一位汉语新闻组织中遇到了非常相似的途径。

Except Jerome’s team was specializing in the area that StoryTeller was not: building websites on the HubSpot content management system.

That’s when they decided to start working together.

“[With a new client, we worked with Brand Builder Solutions] to launch their website just last week. We wouldn’t have gotten that opportunity had we not had a web design solution as part of our retainer work. [They] looked at eight different agencies and they chose us.”



Based on the podcast, here are 6 lessons for how to partner with another firm:

1. Start Small


关系从那里扩张。Jerome continued, “And we did [help solve those issues for the StoryTeller site and their client’s site] and then we started talking about other projects and I think some light bulbs went off in both of our heads on the potential of bringing such a focused content group [like StoryTeller] who not only has fantastic content, video content, marketing campaigns, etc [and combine it with what we do] including the website coding and [mapping the website with the] buyer’s journey, the analysis [of the website’s conversion path] on the front end.”



3. Coordinate Sales Efforts

“One thing that Kathy and Ed and the team there got right away was that it was okay to introduce us.”


“Joe [Jerome] makes me look smarter. We’ve had some calls together where we’re [looking at things from] different sides to help them think bigger and more broadly. There are times where there just to, you know, add, add two cents, early on in the process, and we might not go back to [that client’s project or] conversation for six months.” per Heil.


4. Be Transparent About Who is Doing What


5. Be Flexible About How You Work Together

In marketing services and websites, every project is a bit different. Despite this, Jerome has built a在Hubspot CMS上构建的可重复过程对他的客户和合作伙伴来说是灵活的。

The usually start by looking at data, but how much data and how much time they spend depends on a few factors, “[Before we commit to a client project], we’ll take a quick glance at the data and in that first stage. If they’re getting any sort of [website traffic] volume, we’ll recommend a deeper dive. [We] may need a few hours, we may need a few weeks of our team’s time really diving in. By looking at the data, we can expose buyer journey and conversion point issues. We use google analytics to measure the bounce rate and exit rates. At a micro level, we record [website visitor] sessions to see at an individual level what people are doing.”

Depending on how deep the client needs to go, Jerome’s team uses several tools including Google Analytics, Hotjar, Google Search Console and SEMRush to do deeper dives both before and after they launch a site.”



Jerome finds, “A lot of [marketing] folks are stalled in their creativity [because developers take] shortcuts that marketers won’t recognize. But a developer will. [It’s critical to code websites so that marketers] can easily modify pages. There have been situations with their folks couldn’t update pages or drag things around because the prior developer broke the drag and drop editor.”

Read:How Not to Get Screwed by Your Developers When Building a Website on the HubSpot CMS

6. Focus on the Client’s Goals


这里是结果从一个客户端,“我们ability to measure the results over three years worth of website [changes]. They had seen a 65% increase in event sales, which was really important to them as a club. They also had 115 new golf memberships, which is pretty significant. They increased their wedding business by 60 percent too.”

How are you partnering with complimentary service providers to serve your clients better?

About the author
Peter Caputa IV是DataBox的首beplay体育appios席执行官。你可以跟随他Twitteror connect onlinkedin
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