
15 Popular Types of YouTube Videos for Businesses to Produce in 2022

YouTube videos offer infinite creative options for your marketing campaign. Try one of these 15 types of YouTube videos for your next upload.

梅利莎·金on October 6, 2022 (last modified on January 11, 2023) • 16 minute read

When you think of online video, chances are you think of YouTube. Statista projects it’ll have2.9 billion users到2025年。

So, naturally, when businesses add video content to their marketing strategies, they often host their videos on the platform.

If you plan on joining those marketers, what kinds of videos should you make to promote your organization? We asked 26 business YouTube channel owners and tapped into our own expertise to provide 15 examples to inspire you.


For further context, the majority of respondents — 18 — post to their channels weekly, making them frequent users.

how often businesses post new video to their youtube channels

The survey pool also specializes in a wide range of video genres, with education, explainer, and product demo videos being the most popular.


Onto 15 popular types of YouTube videos for your business to try, including those highlighted by respondents and some we suggest ourselves:

  1. Video Tutorials
  2. Ask Me Anything (AMA) Videos
  3. 教育视频
  4. Explainer Videos
  5. 产品Reviews
  6. Challenge Videos
  7. Video Podcasts
  8. Behind the Scenes (BTS) Videos
  9. 产品Launch Videos
  10. 产品Demo Videos
  11. 好笑的视频
  12. Short Videos
  13. 问答视频
  14. Community-Based Videos
  15. Reaction Videos

1. Video Tutorials

Video tutorials teach viewers how to perform an action. Businesses often create tutorials related to their products or niches. This video format helps you establish your authority in your industry, build trust with customers, and connect back to your product.

皇家锁卷发护理, Casey Simmons uses tutorial videos to demonstrate products and connect with the curly hair community. “The curly-haired community is seeking videos in a tutorial format that show product application demos (i.e. ‘before’ hair, product application/use, and ‘after/finished’ results) and reviews on the same hair texture and curls that they have. Often, people come to our YouTube channel to solve a problem they are experiencing with their hair,” Simmons explains.

Simmons continues, “For example, they have been straightening their hair for years and want to stop and begin caring for and styling, their hair naturally curly. They don’t know where to begin and seek YouTube to show them demonstrations of products and the benefits they are seeking. These benefits range from dry and damaged hair that needs repair, wanting to protect the hair, cleansing and conditioning to add nourishment, adding volume, getting a great shape or definition and holding it, or reducing frizz.”

“Visiting our YouTube channel also provides support and engagement within the curly-haired community. If a viewer is having a hard time getting the curls they want, they can get ideas from others and apply it to their own life. Curly hair isn’t just about the products, it is a lifestyle. The community celebrates the outward expression of a unique inner personality that is curly hair,” Simmons adds.

在Databox, we often use tutorials to explain how to use our product, such as in ourHow to Build a Great SEO Client Dashboardblog post. You canwatch the connected YouTube video here

Tip:Wondering what resources you need to start making YouTube videos for your marketing? Check outour guide to video gear and tools

2. Ask Me Anything (AMA) Videos

In an ask me anything (AMA) video, an audience asks a subject matter expert questions about hot topics and their process.

这种格式非常适合YouTube Live,YouTube的实时流媒体格式。您的观众可以在聊天中提出问题,主题专家可以实时回答。然后,一旦流结束,YouTube将归档流程度,因为人们可以随时观看视频。

If you have a well-established audience, the AMA genre lets you connect with that community and build authority with them. AMA streams and videos tend to be laid-back because of the interactive nature of the content.

如果您托管自己的AMA流,考虑拥有一个whiteboard available so your subject matter expert can explain ideas more effectively. You can see how this works in与克里斯的未来ama

3. Educational Videos

Educational videos include a broad range of subgenres, including tutorials, explainers, and related videos. They educate viewers and improve your authority with them as a result.

This type of video was the most popular among our survey participants, and they had a lot to say about them.

Alex Cascio fromVibrant Media Productions注意到从简短的一到三分钟的教育视频中表现出色。“这些可能是趋势的主题或特定于行业的主题,但是如果正确地将消息传递,字幕/名称和至少体面的质量融合在一起,将有助于保持收视率并表现良好。我们创建了所有不同类型的视频,但是短/教育的视频有机地增长了最好的视频。即使这是一场对它有相当数量的观点的竞争,如果正确填写标题,缩略图,标签和视频细节,通常也可以超越它们。” Cascio说。

Jeff Moriarty of莫里亚蒂的宝石艺术also finds success with educational videos. “Educational videos result in the most views, the most likes, and the most engagement for our business. They are also the ones that have taken off virally on Reddit the most often, resulting in huge spikes in followers and views,” Moriarty explains.

Online Optimism根据乔丹·菲格雷多(Jordan Figueredo)的说法,许多高表现的视频本质上是教育意义的。Figueredo说:“这些视频超出了我们作为一家公司的工作,并且是更大的趋势,步骤,指南,答案等,这与我们的观众产生了很好的共鸣。”

We also rely a lot on educational videos at Databox. One educational video series we have is Data Snacks, which digs into different topics related to data and analytics.Here’s an exampleof one of our episodes.

4. Explainer Videos

Explainer videos do what’s on the tin — they explain a topic. These videos break a subject down to its bare components. They familiarize your viewers with subjects related to your industry, brand, and product.

Sasha MatviienkoKGC Canada可以看到解释器和操作视频的积极结果。“我们制作的每个YouTube视频旨在为消费者带来价值。具有价值的最喜欢的格式之一是如何和解释视频。我们首先尝试根据SEO研究制作这些视频,并注意到,对于几乎每个产品,人们都在寻找收益以及如何使用它们。因此,我们信任数据,再也没有回头。” Matviienko说。

尽管这种类型在漏斗主题的顶部效果很好,但您可以根据需要制作一个以产品或品牌为中心的解释器视频。例如has an explainer video for its product

5. Product Reviews


当它适合你拍摄一个产品view, this video format helps you build trust with viewers. The people who watch your video will see you as a source to come to when they need to make purchasing decisions.

One of the most prominent sources for product reviews out there is the New York Times’ Wirecutter vertical. Its YouTube channel includes plenty of video reviews, includingthis video on wireless earbuds

6. Challenge Videos

Challenge videos can have multiple angles. They can show you performing a viral challenge, presenting your team with a challenge, or putting out a challenge to your viewers.

These videos are more community-focused and showcase your brand’s human side. They make a great opportunity to get viewers familiar with your team or interact with you.

Some of the most popular examples of challenge videos from the past decade happened during the Ice Bucket Challenge trend. Brand professionals and regular users alike doused themselves in ice-cold water to raise money for medical research. Even The Muppetswent in on the trend


随着内容营销界的播客趋势,重要的是要找到方法销售它们。Video podcasts present podcasts in a video format, often in the form of a recorded video call.

Like their audio counterparts, video podcasts bring in new leads and offer opportunities to connect with other professionals in your industry.


亚历克斯·伯克特(Alex Birkett)解释说:“我承认我们还没有尝试过所有事情,但是最糟糕的视频是完整的,未经编辑的播客对话。它可能对蒂姆·费里斯(Tim Ferriss)或其他具有大品牌名称的其他人有用,但对我们不起作用。”

Birkett continues, “What works better is just a slight variation: 2-5 minute clips from the full conversation. We clip off passionate rants, contrarian opinions, or tutorial walkthroughs and give it a specific title that maps to a YouTube keyword that has some search volume. These quick clips can also be used as YouTube shorts if they’re short enough. These have done MUCH better than the full interviews.”

To give you a better idea of what Birkett means, here’sone of Omniscient Digital’s podcast clips。与长达一个小时的音频版本相比,它长了十分钟。


Behind-the-scenes (BTS) videos show what happens at your organization. They can show off your day-to-day, highlight a staff member’s work, or showcase your company culture.

BTS videos humanize your brand and connect the viewer to your team. If you work in a niche industry that the typical person doesn’t know about, they can also be enlightening for your customers.

CoSchedule shares a lot of BTS content on its social media and YouTube channel. Itsvideo on making meaningful graphicscombines the BTS format with the educational genre by having CoSchedule’s graphic designer explain her approach.

9. Product Launch Videos

产品launch videos announce your release of a new product or feature. This format capitalizes on YouTube’s social media capabilities. Viewers who get their news from YouTube as a social media channel will learn about the newest updates from your organization.

Plus, if you have an interactive product like software, video also helps you describe your product in ways you can’t through text or images alone.

在Databox, we used YouTube as a channel to update our subscribers on our recently releasedcustom reports feature。Our video showcases the feature as it works in our interface.

10. Product Demo Videos


Video allows you to show off your product’s details and answer common questions about using it. Many people learn best by watching someone do something, so a product demo video can help them truly understand what you have to offer.

This video’s a little grainy, but it’sone of my favorite examples of a product demoto share. It shows you how to use the AeroKat chamber to give a cat an inhaler.

11. Funny Videos


Videos focused on humor have great share potential when you pull off that humor well. They also build trust with customers who are skeptical of brands that focus entirely on product-focused content.

Kizik’sMonte Deere says, “For our hands-free shoe company, our best-performing video by literally millions of views demonstrated the product through the framework of a comedy sketch. They say that the shorter the better, but this video clocked in at two and a half minutes.”

Deere explains, “To show off the advantages and utility of a completely hands-free shoe, we told the story of a man who can’t wrap his mind around not using his hands to put his shoes on. Investigators interrogate him and slap him every time he tries to use his hands, but really just wanted the opportunity to try the shoes for themselves. It proved our most shareable on Facebook and upped our subscriber numbers, further solidifying our brand identity and our approach to future marketing campaigns.”

克里斯·卡斯塔尼斯(Chris Castanes)Surf Financial Brokerssaw a similar trend. “Our channel is all about life and health insurance products, which can be boring. With that in mind we have a few humorous videos, like “Can Zombies Get Life Insurance?”, which have gotten some good feedback. Our most watched video is a YouTube short with a cat in a hammock. I actually had someone call for life insurance after that one,” Castanes tells us.

One recent example of humor from a prominent business is AAA Insurance’stake on Rick Astley’s “Never Gonna Give You Up.”

12. Short Videos

With short videos’ rise in popularity due to platforms like TikTok, marketers now pay more attention to shorter video lengths. Many organizations see higher performance from shorter videos in their data.

“Hands down, the videos that perform the best on our channel are the shortest ones,”’sVickie Pierre. “There’s no question that we’re in a generation of consumers whose attention span only seems to get smaller and smaller. And data backs that up. Most people don’t view videos in their entirety. Rather, they stick around long enough to decide whether they want to even stick around.”

Pierre adds, “As a result, we have found our shortest videos have the best performance, and the best return on investment. They may not necessarily have the highest number of views, but our analytics reveal that people will watch most, if not all, of our shorter videos. For us, this is a success because that means they’re receiving the entire message — not just a portion of it. In the end, this gives us a greater opportunity to make a true, meaningful connection with our viewers.”

YouTube的YouTube短裤格式可以工作得很好you plan on following this trend. Since they fall into the short video genre, though, considercomparing your Shorts performanceto your data for TikTok and Instagram Shorts.

Red Bull has released quite a few short videos in 2022.这是一个that covers a similar subject to its longer videos on amazing physical feats.

13. Q&A Videos

Question and answer (Q&A) videos work similarly to AMA videos, except they tend to have a predetermined list of questions. Instead of the audience asking questions, someone from the YouTube channel talks to the subject expert.


您也可以通过在流中提出问题并留出众多询问问题来结合问答和AMA格式。乐观主义者一直在其问答视频中一直使用这种方法this interview with Tim Soulo

14. Community-Based Videos

Community-based videos can use one of two approaches to connect your brand to your community. They can bring together community-submitted clips, or you can engage with your community yourself.

When we asked marketing experts aboutthe best ways to improve YouTube clickthrough rate (CTR),提到的一种解决方案是建立一个社区。基于社区的视频使您有机会这样做。

MailChimp reaches out to the entrepreneur and creator communities as a whole to create original videos profiling their work. Note howthis interview with Brightland’s founderhardly mentions MailChimp at all. Instead, it focuses on her story.


In collaboration videos with other brands, you partner with another brand to create content for your audience. You can collab with a business in an adjacent industry or work with an organization in a totally different field. Depending on your product, you could also work with an influencer your audience follows.

When you create a collaboration video, you expose your brand to two groups of people — your audience and your partner’s audience. This approach gives your content more reach and lets you connect with businesses with similar goals.

MediaPeanut’sSofia Morales has plenty of experience helping brands create YouTube content. Currently, collaboration videos perform well. “The most effective video content that we have launched so far are the personal video blogs where we invite and collaborate with YouTube influencers to try on some other client’s products as well as in visiting/interviewing the product owners, place, or service that we are trying to promote via produced and curated videos,” Morales says.


One big brand example of a YouTube collaboration is Buzzfeed and Purina’svideo short about a man and his puppy



Which of these video types will work best for your brand? The only way to find out is to research your audience, try out different formats, and review your analytics data.

Databox’sYouTube integrationmakes the third step easy. Build a dashboard including your top metrics, such as time viewed, subscribers earned, or total views. Then, pay attention to the types of videos that score well on those metrics.

如果你想为自己尝试的过程,我t’s free forever to connect up to three sources and use up to three databoards.Sign up for Databox today

About the author
梅利莎·金梅利莎·金is a freelance writer who helps B2B SaaS companies spread the word about their products through engaging content. Outside of the content marketing world, she writes about video games. Check out her work at

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