

After six months of static traffic levels, we decided to update 24 old blog posts. The results were better than we ever expected they would be.

Jessica GreeneJessica Greeneon December 6, 2019 (last modified on December 9, 2019) • 12 minute read

In May,约翰Bonini我开始谈论更新DataBox的一些旧博客文章。beplay体育appios

Despite publishing new content at a high frequency, our traffic was relatively flat.

六个月后,我们会更新24的帖子。试验结果ts? Well, this graph paints a pretty—and pretty clear—picture.

organic search traffic after updating 24 old blog posts

See where traffic begins to spike there in June? That climb began only days after we republishedthe very first updated post.

According to John, they’d tried a variety of different things over the previous six months, but nothing seemed to work. Traffic was, as you can see, relatively static.



  • What constitutes an update?
  • Is updating just a few words here and there enough?
  • Did you just republish or republish and repromote?

In this post, I’ll answer all of those questions by walking you through four of the posts we updated, explaining exactly what I did to update each post, showing the results of the update, and sharing some lessons I learned along the way.

Updated Post Example #1: Google Analytics Dashboards

Early in the project, John usedAnimalz Reviveto put together a list of posts that needed to be updated. One post in the report he received from Revive stood out from the rest: a post from mid-2017 that featured 10 Databox Google Analytics dashboards.

animalz revive

从历史上看,该网站是最佳的博客文章之一,自峰值以来,它损失了超过50%的流量。除此之外,这是产品的非常重要的文章。Google Analytics(分析)beplay体育appios是DataBox的顶级集成,这篇文章强调了DataBox最有用的Google Analytics(分析)报告模板。

Here’s aWayback Machine linkshowing what this post looked like before I updated it.

After reviewing the existing content, searching for the target keyword—“Google Analytics dashboards”—in Google Search, and reviewing the top results, the reason for the traffic decline was clear: the post didn’t satisfy search intent.

“Dashboards” is a term the team at Databox uses to describe theirprebuilt reporting templates, but it also happens to be a term that Google Analytics uses within its own product.

So when people are searching for “Google Analytics dashboards,” they’re looking for examples of dashboards you can buildwithin Google Analytics. Databox’s post didn’t provide any examples of those. It was all Databox dashboards.

A quick Google search made the search intent discrepancy clear: all of the results that were outranking Databox’s post were specifically about dashboards you could build inside of Google Analytics.

The updated post, then, needed to satisfy that intent. We needed to focus more on dashboards in Google Analytics than dashboards in Databox.So that’s what I did.

But just because we needed to highlight dashboards in Google Analytics didn’t mean we couldn’t also highlight those same dashboards in Databox. In the update, I added screenshots of both products in order to both satisfy search intent for our target keywordshowcase Databox’s product.

And personally, I think it makes an even better case for using Databox. Seeing the two dashboards side-by-side highlights just how much more attractive Databox’s reports are.


的参考t icon below the graph notes the date that the post was updated. Traffic to the post spiked a few days after the update and has remained consistent ever since.

Key Takeaway:A crucial step in updating old blog posts for SEO is making sure that the post satisfies search intent for the keyword(s) it’s targeting. If it doesn’t, you need to either update the content so that it does match search intent or choose a different keyword to target with the post.

Update Post Example #2: Average Session Duration

One good reason to update your old blog posts is that your rankings are declining. Another good reason: your post was never really optimized for search in the first place.

That was the reasoning behind updatingthis contributor roundup about average session duration. While the content of the post was good—and the post itself was less than a year old—John believed that updating the post with a focus on optimizing it for search could give it a boost.

He was right:

organic traffic session trends after updating an old blog post

Not only did traffic to this post jump after its update (the comment icon highlights the date the post was updated), but it’s continued to climb ever since.

The key to our success with this post was in optimizing it for multiple keywords.


  • “average session duration”
  • “average session duration benchmark”
  • “how to increase average session duration”
  • “平均会话持续时间与页面上的平均时间”
  • “what is a good average session duration”
  • “what is average session duration”
  • “ Google Analytics(分析)如何计算平均会话持续时间”

Most of those keywords have their own dedicated sections in the updated post, which has allowed the post to rank for multiple keywords and—better yet—multiple featured snippets.


Of course, the risk in writing a more comprehensive post is that you’ll overwhelm readers who just want one piece of information. Maybe they already know what average session duration is and how it’s calculated—they’re just there for the tips on how to increase it.

For that reason, we included a table of contents with anchor links so readers can jump to the section they’re most interested in if they’re not inclined to read the entire piece:

table of content with anchor links

This not only delivers a better user experience, but it also often gets you an expanded search snippet highlighting some of the different sections within your post.


Key Takeaway:如果您在库中有博客文章最初未针对搜索进行优化(或者不太优化),那么他们是更新的绝佳候选人。进行关键字研究并分析其他高级搜索结果,以找到使您的帖子更全面的机会。

Update Post Example #3: Using Google Search Console for SEO

If you’ve read any of Databox’s recentcontributor roundup blog posts, you know that we take a narrative approach to roundup-style content rather than just listing a bunch of quotes next to pictures of contributors. But that wasn’t always the case.


outdated contributor roundup style

So part of the exercise for updatingthis blog post about using Google Search Console for SEO(here’sthe original postcourtesy of Wayback Machine) was just transitioning the post into the newer narrative style.


When updating this post, I broke it into two parts: the first covers basic information about how to use Google Search Console, and the second features our contributors’ more advanced tips. The results:

organic traffic session trends after updating an old blog post

Organic traffic to the post doubled the week after the update and has remained consistent ever since.

Key Takeaway:Having old blog posts on your site that no longer match your current style is a good excuse to dig into those posts and make sure they’re ideally optimized. Not only will you provide a more consistent experience for readers, but you just might increase your traffic in the process.

Updated Post Example #4: Digital Marketing Software

So far, I’ve shown you three examples of updated blog posts that produced big organic traffic gains, but not every post we updated was so successful. Some, like this post on数字营销软件, suffered from short-term losses after their updates.

The drop-off happened because I tried to target a different keyword when updating the post. Before the update, it was ranking in the number-one spot for the keyword “digital marketing software.” But I wanted to try to get it to rank for “digital marketing tools”—a higher-volume keyword.


When I noticed the post’s rankings dropping — which was very quickly, luckily — for “digital marketing software” but not concurrently rising for “digital marketing tools,” I reverted some of my changes to reoptimize the post for its original keyword. After that, the rankings and traffic recovered (and traffic even increased a little bit).

Key Takeaway:Updating old content isn’t necessarily a one-and-done process. You have to be willing to watch your metrics closely and go back in and make changes when needed. Definitely be willing to try different things, but also keep good records of the changes you make so you can revert those changes when needed.

Updating Old Blog Posts: FAQ

Hopefully, the examples above answered some of the questions you might have had about how we generated so much success with our content update process. But to make things crystal clear, I thought I would also directly answer some of the questions we received.

What constitutes an update?

I selected the examples above to hopefully illustrate the highly unsatisfying yet true answer to this question: it depends.

Sometimes, updating a post means adjusting its positioning to better cater to user intent. Sometimes, it means adding more content to make the post more comprehensive. Sometimes, it means rewriting the entire post and just recycling the URL.

少但它偶尔的一件简单的事啊f answering one key question that’s missing, structuring headers correctly, or writing a better SEO title. But in my experience with updating content not only for Databox but for other clients as well, having success after making only minor edits is rare.

To paint a clearer picture, I typically spend between 4-8 hours updating a single blog post. My goal—and the goal I’d recommend for anyone who wants to replicate Databox’s successes—is to improve each post I update considerably.

Improve your old blog posts by better optimizing them for search. Improve them by making them better resources for searchers. Even better: do both.

Can I just change a few words here and there and update the date?

You can try it, but my guess is that you’ll probably just be wasting your time. Google knows what your article looked like before and after you updated its date, and it isn’t so easily fooled.

Beyond that, Google’s John Mueller已经明确说明了that Google doesn’t favor fresh content, so just having a recent date on an old piece of content is unlikely to have any significant impact on your rankings.

Did you just republish the content, or did you republish and promote it?

Pete Caputa—Databox’s CEO—typically shared the posts we updated through his own Twitter account, but other than that, we did nothing to promote the updated posts. We did, however, republish each updated post and要求Google重新启动.

Pete Caputa Tweet


The answer to that question is another entire blog post of its own—one we’ve already written:


While we initially used Animalz Revive to find posts in need of an update, we’ve realized since that we can get the same data using Databox.

Check out these instructions forhow to find blog posts that need to be updated using Databox, or grab this freeDecaying Site Pages & Posts dashboard.

decaying site pages and posts dashboard

How Can I Track the Performance of Updated Posts?

Databox is also a great tool for tracking and sharing the results of updated posts. Here’s the Databox dashboard I use for client reporting:

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If you want to create this report in your Databox account, here are the instructions forhow to measure the performance of updated blog posts with Databox.



For the ones that continued to decline, it was usually because of heavier competition in the SERPs. I think if we had run a link-building campaign to secure more links to the declining posts, we would have had more success with those updates.

So will every post you update see dramatic gains? No. But if you’re doing it right, the traffic and rankings for your updated posts should start to climb—and your overall traffic alongside them.

the results of updating old blog posts

Publishing New Content vs. Updating Old Blog Posts

When traffic stalls, the solution too often is to just start publishing more content: increase your publishing cadence, bring on freelancers, etc. But as these results show, sometimes the better approach is to just take care of what you’ve already created.


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About the author
Jessica Greene
Jessica Greenewrites about marketing, business, and technology for B2B SaaS companies. A former writing instructor and corporate marketer, she uses her subject-matter expertise and desire to educate others as motivation for developing actionable, in-depth, user-focused content.
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