beplay体育appiosDataboxDataboard example: big tv screen office wall metric KPI dashboard

Business dashboards for tracking data from all the different tools you’re using

您不必登录多个工具即可检查公司的业绩。现在,您可以在DataBox的Business KPI仪表板中监视和报告您业务在一个地方使用的所有工具的性能,并针对所有设备进行了优化。beplay体育appios

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beplay体育appiosDataboxis ranked #1 as the most usable data visualization tool by G2Crowd. We’ve builtdeep integrations with 70+ popular tools,创建200多个报告模板并为它们建造了数千个预建的指标。所有这些都可以快速地可视化数据,而无需任何编码,数据操纵或所需的设计工作。

轨道性能in one tool. Not dozens.

轨道性能in one tool。Not dozens.

If you need a performance update, you shouldn’t have to log in to dozens of tools to check on marketing, sales, support, etc. With Databox, track metrics from multiple sources in one dashboard so you can easily draw correlation, identify trends, and make adjustments in real-time. All things that would take you hours or days to do when performance lives inside each individual tool.

Visualizing any metric from any source in Databox


We’ve built robust integrations with the most popular software tools and add new ones every month. But, you can also push or pull data into Databox in other ways—using our integrations with Zapier or Integromat, connecting your spreadsheet or database, or by pushing data in via our API. One login. All of your company’s performance data.


Visualize any metricwith one click and 18+ visualizations


Custom date range support



beplay体育appiosDataBox报告多个设备 - 笔记本电脑,台式机,移动,Apple Watch,Slack



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Make changes to your dashboards几分钟,不是小时


How to Set Up Your First Metrics Dashboard in Databox

Choose a data source to connect
Choose a data source to connect

Dashboards thattell a story


KPI performance with goals

跟踪和report progress to goals.Whether on line or bar charts, number blocks or other visualization types designed exclusively for goals like a gauge chart or progress bar—it’s easy for everyone to track whether you’re on target.阅读有关跟踪目标的更多信息


Explain what you’re doing and how it’s working.将文本和图像添加到仪表板中以提供进一步的上下文。说明您正在做什么,以改善特定的指标,上传您所制作的作品的视觉效果或添加对当前趋势的解释。

KPI performance with annotations

添加注释来解释您的表现。Use Annotations to explain fluctuations, celebrate milestones, or simply log the activities you did to hit the goal. When your decisions, activities, or really anything impacts your results, add Annotations to specific metric visualizations for helpful context.

Use Dashboards to present and report on表现

beplay体育appiosDataboxmakes it easy to present and report your performance internally or externally. Whether you conduct live meetings to review your performance, put together slide decks, or produce html reports, Databox has you covered.


分享仪表板并与您的团队合作。You have full control over who can view and edit your dashboards. Need to restrict access to your dashboards to specific members of your team? You can do that. Want to make your dashboards viewable by the public so you can share and/or embed them in a web page for others to see? You can do that, too.

beplay体育appiosDatabox表现live dashboard presentation

将您的所有公司指标放入现场报告甲板中。Once you’ve built dashboards for each part of your business or every part of your strategy, connect them together using Looped Dashboards to tell a comprehensive story. Scroll through all your company’s metrics just like a presentation in a slide deck.


Embed dashboards into an HTML page.需要共享其他内容 - 例如任务列表,执行的小时数或结果解释 - 以有效地传达您的性能?您可以使用我们的嵌入式仪表板功能轻松地将仪表板嵌入HTML页面。

Business Dashboard Examples

See how Databox dashboards work by browsing some of our more popular examples below, or find the one you need right now in our public directory of100s of dashboard templates70+ integrations。Once you find the one you want, just create a free account, connect your data source and see your data live in minutes.



The谷歌分析website traffic dashboard templateallows you to track your most important website engagement metrics, including: average time on page, bounce rate, average session duration, the number of unique visitors to your website and % returning visitors and goal conversion rate.







Sales Dashboard Example

Sales Dashboard Example

TheHubSpot Sales Manager KPIs dashboard template允许您监视销售团队的产出和成果,包括平均交易规模,赢得的交易数量,创建的新交易,封闭金额等等。

肖恩·亨利(Sean Henri)

“我们利用Databox仪表板进行beplay体育appios了整个报告和计划过程。我们将它们用作与客户对话的焦点,并在内部确定我们的行动计划。结果,我们的客户更符合自己的表现,并有权在我们与他们打电话之前签到事情。更不用说了 - 我们肯定会花更少的时间在月底进行报告。”

肖恩·亨利(Sean Henri),Pepperland Marketing的创始人兼首席执行官

Business Software Reviews

卡普特拉 G2 Crowd
4.6分中的5星 4.6分中的5星


Connect your data, select your metrics, and build your first dashboard in minutes.



How do I create a dashboard?

您可以通过两种方式开始 - 从我们的库hundreds of pre-built dashboard templates, or, by starting from scratchwith our wizard通过选择要在仪表板中跟踪的特定指标和数据源。使用仪表板设计师to customize your dashboard even further.Learn more


我们建议您构建概述仪表板,以使您能够对自己的表现进行高级了解,并在需要进一步潜入一个特定区域时进行钻探仪表板咨询。看看我们可预测的绩效培训课程to learn more.

Can I track metrics from multiple sources in one dashboard?

是的。使用仪表板设计器中的拖放功能从任何连接的数据源将指标从任何数据库中提取。来自多个来源的混合度量指标,并更完整地了解您公司的业绩。Learn more

How do I edit a dashboard?

所有仪表板可以使用仪表板设计师。此操作的编辑使您可以完全自定义任何数据库 - 无需编码。Learn more

Can I extend the size of the dashboard?

所有数据库都是标准尺寸(8x4),无法调整。他们是这样设计的,以便他们可以继续工作every device(电视,移动,桌面)没有任何修改。但是,可以将多个数据库一起循环以创建全面的演示文稿。这消除了在1仪表板中挤压所有东西的需求。Learn more

Can I export my dashboards?

是的,您可以使用计划的快照功能来导出仪表板的PDF或JPG。Learn more


是的,您可以将仪表板保存为帐户模板,以便将来轻松访问/重新使用它们。Learn more


是的,所有仪表板都有一个可共享的链接,可以与非Databox用户共享。beplay体育appiosLearn more

Can I embed my dashboards on a webpage?

是的,我们为所有仪表板提供HTML代码,因此您可以将它们嵌入网页上。Learn more


Yes, you can stream dashboards to a TV.Learn more

How should I visualize different Metrics on a dashboard?

我们为不同类型的数据提供不同的可视化类型。例如,尺寸指标(返回结果列表的指标)通常在表或饼图中最可视化。鉴于,如果是目标,则最好在数字或进度栏中可视化。但是,两者也可以在条形图或线条图中可视化。了解有关可视化类型的更多信息。Learn more


我们的专业和表演者产品上的所有客户都可以从仪表板中删除“由Databox供电”。beplay体育appios但是,我们还提供了一个白色标签的附加组件,该附加组件允许删除数据库品牌,并将自己的品牌添加到登录页面,databox界面,URL和Sbeplay体育appiosystememails中。Learn more

Can I securely protect a dashboard?

Databeplay体育appiosBox用户管理和权限系统非常强大,使您可以将用户添加到您的帐户中,并限制或允许在非常精细的级别上添加权限。为了增加保护,您可以限制可以访问数据库的IP,保护使用密码的单个数据库的访问,从而限制对特定IP地址的用户访问权限,并在您的帐户上启用两因素身份验证。Learn more

Can I organize dashboards?

用户可以通过使用其选择的自定义标签,由用户通过数据源,收藏夹和循环数据库来组织其数据代表帐户中的数beplay体育appios据库。Learn more

How do I organize my databoard to fit my mobile view?

Databoards are automatically optimized for mobile viewing in the Databox mobile app (Android + iOS) or a mobile browser. We also offer a feature within the Dashboard Designer to switch between Desktop and Mobile view. This way, you can sequence which metrics you see first in the mobile view.Learn more


是的。您可以在仪表板设计人员中添加“空可视化”选项卡以添加图像或文本。文本Datablock还支持添加超链接。Learn more
