
How 16 Marketers Set and Hit SMART Goals

Examples of S.M.A.R.T marketing goals from real companies & the steps they took to hit them.

AvatarDann Albrighton August 15, 2018 (last modified on August 12, 2021) • 16 minute read

Most marketing teams have goals. But are your goals specific, measurable, assignable, realistic, and time-bound? And if they are, how do you go about meeting them?

由于databeplay体育appiosbox是使企业能够能够企业的首个工具automatically track attainment of their SMART goals,,,,we’re all about helping businesses set and hit theirs.

但是,作为我们的智能监控系统,我们不捕捉exactly what marketers do to reach their goals. To uncover what goes on behind the scenes, we asked marketers in the real world what they’ve done to hit specific targets.



SMART Goals for Increasing Website Traffic


Syed Irfan Ajmal来自Ridester告诉我们他们如何使他们的一倍以上organic search and social traffic from 253,000 visitors/month to 650,000 visitors/month within 7 months.

To hit their goal, they created a lot of content and frequently updated it, leveraged Facebook Groups to promote it and sometimes used paid Facebook ads to get their new content in front of influencers and previous website visitors. Here are more of the details:

  1. “Facebook Groups。我们加入了一些与我们的利基市场有关的小组。在分享自己的内容之前,我们与小组成员进行了一段时间的对话。更重要的是,我们与回应我们帖子的成员互动。之所以起作用,是因为当Facebook的Edgerank算法看到高水平的参与度时,它将考虑该帖子高度相关,并将向更多小组的成员展示帖子。
  2. 有机搜索。我们使用了一个关键字研究工具(即Moz,Ahrefs,semrush)来找出竞争对手的排名,然后创建了更强大的内容。关键字工具确切地告诉您URL的排名以及人们如何找到它,因此没有理由发布希望它可以正常工作的内容。我们还定期更新我们的内容,以维持或进一步提高排名。我们有一些超过两年的帖子,这些帖子仍然在Google上排名第一。
  3. 付费流量。我们还使用付费流量来促进我们的有机工作。例如,我们可以使用付费广告来查看特定主题是否越来越受欢迎,如果是,我们将努力使有关该主题的文章更加详细。此外,我们有时会使用付费流量来获得一段内容的初步牵引,然后再与有影响力的人,博客作者和媒体接触。我们还通过在我们的网站上插入Facebook像素,然后向以前的网站访问者和上述小组的成员推广一篇高价值文章来使用重新定位。我们在这种方法中达到了很高的参与水平。”

Tim Jones, founding partner of永恒的作品,,,,laid out a great small business example for growing traffic too.His agency’s goal was to grow their site traffic from just 200 to 1,000 sessions per month. They gave themselves four months to do it.



With better navigation and clearer calls to action, they brought the bounce rate down to just over 30%.

(Editor’s note: this is a clear redesign success. But it’s not always this obvious. Check out how other marketers measurethe success of their redesigns。)


  • Blogs for sharing company culture and answering industry questions.
  • Paid ads for focusing on the company’s current offers.
  • 社交帖子,分享公司文化,博客文章和加强付费广告。

Did it work? It certainly did—they blew their target out of the water and hit 1,900 sessions/month within their four-month target period.

Kenny Lange, founder ofPHNX21创意,,,,identified two things to keep in mind when setting your SMART goals. First, be realistic about setting them. Second, be intentional about reaching them.

His team stayed realistic “by picking a number that we thought was reasonable, but just out of our reach,” he says. This pushed the agency to keep innovating to hit their goal.



Bureau Kraken’s founderCasper Krakenput his site’s traffic goals into their 12-month marketing plan. This kept it top-of-mind and made sure that the team would review it throughout the year. Making a plan is a crucial step in meeting SMART goals.

SMART Goals for Increasing Search Traffic

Content marketing strategist Estelle Pin told us that they used a customer focus atTinypulseto guide their SEO strategy. “When brainstorming ideas, I was thinking: What value can I give today? What information would make my audience better off after reading this than they were before?” As a result, they were able to在三个月内选择其选定的关键字的第一页。

Cory Sarrett来自Online Optimism还设定了通过SEO扩大网站流量的目标,”Grow web traffic to our client’s website by at least 100% in six months with SEO efforts.”为了实现他们的目标,“创建了博客文章,这些文章使用精心选择的特定关键字来提高SEO排名,并且我们将内容重新放在客户网站的主要部分上,以包括更多关键字。”

需要帮助跟踪关键字排名吗?阅读我们的keyword rank tracking guide

SMART Goals for Getting Online Reviews

行动founder Fiona Adler discussed her work on an online reviews platform. She set specific,为了让更多的人留在平台上的评论,以实现三个月的积极目标


文斯·左顿(Vince Lefton)斗牛犬营销also set out to improve their online review footprint, “我们的目标是在一个月内生成45个壮观的Google评论。“打它,他们,”做了一个比赛——在办公室whoever got the most clients to leave reviews got a bonus.” They also launched a referral program, “Each person who left a review got access to a referral program where they’d get $200 for referring a friend.

SMART Goals for Offline Marketing Too!

Not all marketing occurs online. As marketers, we tend to think of SMART goals for online marketing because digital marketing is instantlymeasurable. But, offline marketing can be measurable too.

In the case ofiHeartRaves‘ — an e-commerce store for rave clothing, digital marketing strategist Brandon Chopp set specific goals in an effort to grow his company’sUnicorn Crew,,,,a group of people dedicated to spreading positivity at music festivals.

我们的目标包括将全国独角兽机组人员的数量增加20%,并简化社区的代表选择过程,,,,” he said.

So iHeartRaves set about figuring out how to do that. The tactic they settled on was identifying 20% more music festivals to target and opening up applications to a larger community. This let them scale their recruiting process and ensure proper execution at each festival.

SMART Goals for Growing an Email List


Akash Karia,主题演讲者和作者设定了一个雄心勃勃的目标:将他的电子邮件列表增加到一年之内的15,000个订户。And his methodical approach serves as an effective lesson.


  1. 让人们访问您的网站;
  2. offer a lead magnet;
  3. communicate to people that you won’t spam them.


Once they got to Karia’s website, they needed to enter their email address to download the book. He noted that adding a note saying “I will never spam you, ever” was crucial in increasing the conversion rate.

By setting out a clearly defined plan, Karia met his SMART marketing goal.

虽然目标稍微降低,但Stacy Caprio来自Deals Scoopset a goal forgrowing her email list too — by 2,000 subscribers in 3 months. “We hit it by optimizing our email opt-in header using the免费的相扑插件,,,,adding more email collection pop-ups and started collecting emails on a network of sites.” she added

Track your email list growth with Databox using one of our free templates for活动监视器,mailchimp,集线器,,,,Active Campaignor市场。

SMART Goals for Starting to Generate Leads

Getting email signups is great. But, for companies with a sales team, generating leads is usually the most critical marketing activity. We gathered some great SMART goal examples for lead generation from our respondents, too.

战略IC入站数字营销主管纳塔莎·海明斯(Natasha Hemmings)说,发现自己处于类似情况。他们的客户获得了大量的流量,但没有捕获任何联系信息。“We set a [top-of-funnel] goal to convert and capture at least 1,000 leads over the first three months,,,,” she says.

So Strategic IC looked at the resources they already had. The client had an online quiz that was popular, so they put it behind an email gate to capture contact details. Once contacts were stored in the company’s CRM, they received quiz results and follow-up content addressing their specific challenges.


In those three months, Strategic IC gathered almost 2,000 leads, nearly double their goal.


Many marketers are already generating traffic and leads. A few smart marketers shared how they increased their conversion rate for the content they had already produced.

And that’s a great place for SMART goals, too.

刺激性‘内容策略师皮埃尔·德·布劳克斯(Pierre de Braux)通过他的方法来实现一个非常激进的目标:在三个月内将每月博客转换增加100%

“[T]his may not seem like an huge increase,” he says, “but for a very high-value/low-volume B2B product, it is a meaningful one.” So he set about increasing the site’s conversion focus.

“The main thing I did to achieve that was to ensure all their blog posts were conversion-focused, complete with a prominent subscription box as well as an attractive CTA driving users to downloadable longer-form content.”

At the end of the period, the company’s attribution model made it clear that the newly optimized blog posts were behind the significant increase in leads and conversions. (The company more than doubled its view-to-conversion rate.)

It’s amazing what a strong focus on conversion will do.

Jumpanzee联合创始人戴维·丹宁(David Denning)分享了一个类似的故事。他的小组旨在实现在不到六个月的时间内,客户登陆页面上的转换率超过10%,比30%的跳出率低于30%。


In the end, the conversion rate skyrocketed, breaking 25%, and the bounce rate plummeted to less than 20% within two months.

SMART Goals for Increasing Your New Customer Acquisition Rate


But, in this next example, the conversion rate that mattered was the visitor tocustomer兑换率。Leadfeeder‘s head of marketing, Christina Hall, also placed an emphasis on reducing friction via UX.Only 18% of customers went through the entire trial signup process at Leadfeeder, a software as a service company. The company wanted to get that number over 25% in three months

试用注册过程包括登录Google Analytics(Analytic)帐户(因此LeadFeeder可以吸入数据),这导致20%的用户退出流量。因此,领先者采取了行动。



伊恩·蒂斯塔尔(Ian evenstar)UNINCORPORATED,,,,shared an interesting strategy for meeting a client’s goal ofincreasing student enrollment in an online master’s program by 33% in six months

By focusing on their advertising budget, UNINCORPORATED was able to determine their target cost per acquisition and optimize their paid advertising campaigns accordingly. They also began scoring leads.

“By scoring our leads we were able to focus our limited internal and external resources on providing concierge-level service to the people most likely to apply and accept the university’s offer,” says Evenstar. And that level of service helped them hit their SMART goal.

Based on these examples, marketers can obviously have a big and very direct impact on sales for SaaS companies and universities.

But, as Patrick Dodge fromCreative Side Marketing共享,当销售离线时,它与B2B营销同样重要。”我们的目标是吸引足够的潜在客户在B2B营销计划的前三个月中吸引我们的客户40个新客户。We started the campaign in April, 2018, and now have 49 new customers confirmed to date.” To hit the goal, “We used a methodology and template that helps us determine the revenue gap we needed to hit, then we found the milestones needed to get there. For instance, we calculate the number of customers, opportunities, leads, and website traffic needed to fill the revenue gap, based on inbound marketing averages.”


Too often, companies forget that marketing’s job shouldn’t end after the customer is acquired. Most of the SMART goals that marketers shared with us were typical pre-sales or top-of-the-funnel marketing goals, except one.

Joe Sinkwitz fromIntellifluence- 品牌招募影响者的市场 - 分享了他们设定的目标,以增加新的收入来源。$ xxx,xxx交易收入到9月。为了达到这一目标,他们的产品团队与营销工作之间进行了广泛的协调。首先,他们必须启动新的软件功能,然后开始推销它们。他们的营销闪电战涉及一系列活动,包括电子邮件营销,公共关系,对平台上现有影响者和品牌的演示,播客访谈和内容营销。

How to Ensure Your Company Hits Their SMART Goals

While many of the marketers we surveyed explained the marketing tactics they used to hit their goals, some also shared the management approaches they take to ensure they hit.

For example,分形溶液founder Jacob Fenuccio used a new Kanban management platform to schedule and track work for his entire team. By implementing the Kanban system at his firm, he says they were able to hit all of their goals of increasing traffic, generating more leads, qualifying more leads, and making more sales.

进入AM招聘经理达伦·施雷赫(Darren Schreher)指出了他公司成功的目标实践。他们没有为营销团队创建明智的目标,而是为每个团队成员创建单独的智能目标。然后,他们以图形方式显示它们,以便每个人都可以看到他们的个人目标与公司优先事项的关系。

At Databox, we follow a similar process, as our CEO, Pete Caputa, shared in the post, “我们过去经常获得100万美元的年收入的目标设定过程。” While not a Kanban board, we do have a view of all our goals that every employee can track whenever they want and that we review in our team and company meetings. By having one view, we can see exactly how everyone is performing, which motivates us all to work smarter and harder.

As you can see, there is no right or wrong way to set and track your SMART goals. While some companies will have similar goals, your priorities, challenges, resources and constraints are going to be different from everyone else’s, so the way you pursue your goals may be different, too. But, hopefully these stories gave you a few new ideas on how you might go about pursuing what’s important to you and your organization.

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Dann Albright丹恩(Dann)是一位自由作家,他帮助B2B公司更有效地吸引观众。他强调有机交通和转换,他采用了大想法,并将它们变成了高度实用的内容,使读者吸引了读者。
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