Data Snacks

How to Identify and Analyze Your Most Successful Landing Pages


马里亚·赫拉德尼(Marija Hladni)马里亚·赫拉德尼(Marija Hladni)on April 11, 2022 (last modified on April 13, 2022) • 8 minute read

Today we’re talking landing pages—whether you’re investing time and resources into content and SEO or rely heavily on paid search and paid social, all that website traffic won’t mean much if the landing pages you’re driving traffic to aren’t converting well.

这是因为登陆页面应设计为鼓励您的访客采取行动。一旦访问者采取了他们被要求采取的措施,无论是购买还是有人注册以在您的电子邮件列表中,我们都会称之为转换。和如果您的着陆页没有转换, then you aren’t moving prospects through your funnel, which means fewer sales and less revenue.

HubSpot landing pages

You can see now why it’s so important to track and analyze登陆页面的性能。Today we’re going to be building a dashboard together that will show you how to discover-

  • How well your landing pages are converting overall
  • Your most successful landing pages, split up by your end-goal, which will help you figure out what’s working
  • 和how to create a visual pipeline view of how your landing pages are performing at each stage of the customer journey, from site visitor to buyer, so that you can identify where the holes in your proverbial bucket are


Let’s get started.

Time to Dig into Landing Page Data

Alright, I am inside the Databox app, and I want to use HubSpot Marketing as my data source. If you use a different marketing tool, don’t worry, you’ll still be able to follow along. The first thing I’m going to do is navigate to theDatabox Designer。添加指标非常容易。首先从左侧的指标库中选择数据源,然后拖放一些可用的预构建指标。


With Databox, you can choose how you want to visualize your metrics, and like I mentioned at the start, I want to be able to actually see how my landing pages are performing through the customer journey, aka the path a customer would take when they go from a total stranger to a customer, so that I can start developing high-level strategies to address any issues that we find. In a little bit, I’ll go into the different forms these strategies can take. But let’s start building first.

So we go to visualization types right here and choose – Pipeline – then we add each metric we want to see. These will go in order of the steps a customer would take through a funnel, according to how Hubspot categorizes them. So we’ve got…




Which means, of those views, how many form submissions you received. This could be any Hubspot Marketing form you’ve got on your website, and it could also include multiple forms submitted by the same person.

Landing Page Contacts


和Landing Page Customers


A little later on, we’ll discuss why the pipeline visualization works best for obtaining insights. But for now, let’s keep building the dashboard. So after that, I want to add an additional visualization for the average landing page conversion rate across all of my pages, just so I could have the number in front of me each time I glance at the board.

So I’ll to my Metrics Library, choose Landing Page Conversion, and drop that in.



好的,我们有了…现在看closer at the metrics and see what they are telling us –


So as we’re looking at this number, I know the first thing you’ll probably want to know is—what’s a good landing page conversion rate? The平均登陆页转换率can land somewhere between 2 and 6%, depending on your industry. And while the average across all industries is just 4.2%, beyond that, it can vary somewhat dramatically depending on the goal of the landing page itself… It’s important that you determine what a good conversion rate is based on where you’re at now, and your overall business goals—not a random industry benchmark.

The second visualization here is meant to just draw your eyes to the current conversion rate for the set time period each time you glance at the dashboard. Like I mentioned before, if you see a bump or a dip along the trendline, now you have a date range that you can investigate a little more thoroughly.


第一个度量标准向我们展示了每个登陆页面的观看次数,哪些登陆页面的观点最多。这是一个重要的见解,可以帮助您管理吸引此页面流量的广告系列的性能。第二个指标在指定的日期范围内为我们提供每个着陆页的着陆页客户数量。当然,我们希望这些数字在转换为客户查看页面的访问者时会更加亲密 - 这就是为什么我们创建了比较可视化的原因,以便我们可以看到这两个指标在特定日期范围内有多近或分开。

Now we move on to Landing Page Submissions

With this data, we can see哪个CTA起作用登陆页面上最好的内容以及哪种类型的内容获得最多的潜在客户或表格提交。这可以帮助您全面地格式化更有效的着陆页。

Finally the Landing Page Pipeline

The pipeline visualization is a great way to see the journey from a view all the way to the customer.


How to Improve Your Landing Page Conversion Rates

So, after all of this analysis, you might be wondering what you can do to improve your landing page conversion rates. CRO (or Conversion Rate Optimization) strategy is an entire marketing discipline, and there’s a ton of great information out there, but here’s a few places you can start:

  1. Use ONE Call to Action.每个登录页面理想情况下应在整个页面中使用一个呼叫。You can add that call to action as many times as you’d like, and in as many formats as you’d like, such as a form field, a text link, a linked image, or a button, but it should always be the same call to action. This reduces confusion and increases the likelihood of getting that conversion.
  1. Add social proof!People want to know that you are someone they can trust. Testimonials, customer quotes, and real customer reviews are all great social proof that tells the person on your landing page that you are the real deal.
  1. 尝试混合媒体。Images and videos can help to increase the conversion rate by making your landing page more interesting and interactive.

和this is just the start. As you build on your strategy, keep coming back to this dashboard to check in on your progress and find what’s most effective for your customer.

Time to Start Tracking

That’s it for today.

Conducting a thorough landing page analysis will help you get insights into the success of your approach. Knowing exactly which landing pages attract the most views and then result in the most form submissions and conversions can help create a more effective campaign, and one that will help you reach your end-goals.

You’ll also be able to quicklyidentify landing pages that underperform因此,您可以进行提高转化率所需的调整。

如果您需要帮助跟踪和可视化详尽的着陆页分析,我们成功团队的成员可以为您提供任何支持的仪表板,以便免费启动您。Schedule a free dashboard setup here.

If you haven’t already, justcreate your free Databox account并通过聊天或电子邮件与我们的团队联系。

See you next time.

About the author
马里亚·赫拉德尼(Marija Hladni)
马里亚·赫拉德尼(Marija Hladni)Databox的高级营销策略师beplay体育appios
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