

From taking the time to know your customers and learn the intricacies of Twitter’s ad platform to building solid reports, here is how to improve your Twitter ads.

杰西卡·马尔尼克(Jessica Malnik)杰西卡·马尔尼克(Jessica Malnik)on May 31, 2022 (last modified on May 21, 2022) • 17 minute read




在这篇文章中,我们将仔细看看一些Twitter ad best practices as well as some potential drawbacks to the platform.







experience in advertising on twitter

In particular, 42.11% of our respondents advertise on Twitter, while 45.67% of them used to advertise on this platform. 12.28% of them stated that they have never advertised on Twitter.

It is also interesting to note that almost 60% of those who have never advertised on Twitter work for agencies.


Of those who have experience with Twitter ads, around 30% are very satisfied with the ad platform. These respondents tended to be at larger brands running brand awareness campaigns.

Marketers at smaller companies or who were running strictly lead/conversion campaigns tended to be less satisfied with Twitter ads, compared to other platforms.


9 Biggest Cons of Using Twitter Ads and Tips for Overcoming Them


  1. 低标准报告功能
  2. 利基观众
  3. Not intuitive to use
  4. 广告太干扰了
  5. Not great for BOFU campaigns
  6. 比其他广告平台更昂贵
  7. 缺乏广告管理控制
  8. Too many bot accounts
  9. 客户支持缓慢



While they make a valid point, after recent iOS privacy changes, it is worth noting that attribution is getting worse across the board.

“与其他平台相比,Twitter广告很难通过不良的转换跟踪导航,” Haleema Rehman说Six & Flow。“尽管可以缩小目标,但它不是为B2B业务做广告的最佳平台。”

马克·托马斯(Marc Thomas)由搜索提供动力says, “It’s a low bar to create an amazing ad platform. And Twitter thinks it’s a limbo contest. Specifically: Bad attribution, Hard to make spend efficient, Unreliable creative tools, Poor collaboration”

Sean Nguyen of互联网顾问补充说:“作为一家基于互联网的公司,我们主要使用Google AdWords来满足我们的广告需求,尽管这对我们来说是一件好事,但在我们尝试在Twitter上做广告之前,它可能已经使我们的期望有所高档。当我们在Twitter上做广告时,界面不仅令人困惑,而且跟踪不是很好,而且我们非常注重数据。



“转换跟踪准确性,”杰米·欧文(Jamie Irwin)解释说直接搜索,“我对此有疑问。我们需要准确的每日报告。我必须继续使用Google Ads和Google Analytics(分析)以获取完全准确的数据。”

Sam Speller ofKenko Matchaadds, “In my experience, the biggest con of using Twitter ads is that it can be hard to know how effective your campaigns are in real-time. For example, I know that one of my campaigns has been running for two days and has gotten a few thousand impressions, but I don’t know how many people clicked on the link at all or what their engagement rate was. It would be great if there were some way to see these metrics in real-time so that I could tweak my campaigns as they’re running.”

Ricky Lui ofYoyipet同意说:“ Twitter广告的转换跟踪差,并且不会引起每日报道。Twitter生成了我们生成的十个线索中的大约一个。因此,如果您花钱并且看不到预期的结果,请不要惊慌或阻止任何广告。您的广告很有可能比Twitter报告的更好。如果您不想失去潜在客户,请保留自己的日常报告将是您的最佳选择。例如,Google Analytics(分析),可以在第三方网站上设置跟踪。”



“ Twitter无效(对我来说)是无效的,可以扩大品牌的影响力。”主要是博客。“我研究社交媒体的增长,没有人推荐Twitter通过有机或付费手段来促进流量。尼尔·帕特尔(Neil Patel)在播客中指出,Twitter实际上对提升范围一文不值。如果您想购买广告,则需要在其他地方花钱。Twitter需要像Tiktok一样提高有机覆盖。然后,营销人员会对购买Twitter广告感到兴奋。”

John Frigo of最佳价格营养说:“我们将来停止使用和不会使用的两个平台是Twitter和Reddit,在驱动流量或转换方面,都不是有效的。人们不在Twitter上购物,无论出于何种原因,它都没有Instagram广告经常具有的高转化率和病毒性。另外,Twitter历史上对他们的用户数量撒谎,因此我个人并不真正信任他们。”

查尔斯·德马克尔斯(Charles Demarkles)数字化补充说:“使用Twitter广告最大的缺点之一是它们仅在Twitter的生态系统中起作用,这可能会损害客户的成功,具体取决于其产品或服务的利基市场。Twitter的平台是交换想法的绝佳媒介,一些个人利基市场具有非常活跃的社区基础,可以利用该平台。

However, there is limited reach using Twitter, compared to Google which can show you a variety of ad types in nearly any corner of the internet that you go to. Certain products & target consumers will not be compatible with Twitter, either because they don’t use the platform, or would rather be making their transactions in a place that they feel safer.



如果您曾经使用过Facebook Business Manager,那么您就会知道平台可能会多么笨拙。不幸的是,Twitter的广告管理平台对于某些人来说也有很​​多不足之处。

“最大的骗局是广告平台本身的复杂性,”克里斯·格雷森(Chris Grayson)说影响力。“广告仪表板的结构和布局可能会令人困惑且难以导航,尤其是对于初学者而言。

In order to improve this aspect of Twitter ads, there should be better training available for users, as well as more user-friendly tools that can help to streamline the ad creation process.

Overall, with a few key improvements, Twitter ads could become an even more powerful marketing tool for businesses both small and large. Bottom Line: The ad dashboard on Twitter is confusing and difficult to navigate.”

有关的24 Twitter Marketing Tips for Driving Engagement, Leads, & Sales




Additionally, because ads are often targeted at specific groups of users, they can come across as being tone-deaf or insensitive.

For example, I once saw an ad for a weight loss product that included the tagline “You’re worth it.” While this may be an effective slogan for some people, for others it could be triggers feelings of guilt or insecurity. If Twitter wants to improve its ad offerings, it needs to find a way to make them less disruptive and more relevant to users.”

琳达·汤普森(Linda Thompson)Notta.aiadds, “We tried using Twitter Ads to grow our following on Twitter for a period. After a while, we realized that the ROI from Twitter Ads was simply not it. For a start, Twitter’s targeting style is simply a mess. The ads may give your brand awesome reach, but that reach doesn’t really matter if your brand is being viewed by the wrong audience.

In a way, advertising on Twitter is more or less a gamble. The Twitter audience also rarely engages with promoted content. The chances of getting some real engagement on your promoted tweet is ridiculously low.”

When people do engage, this can lead to more negative comments on your Twitter ads than other platforms.

例如,史蒂夫·雅诺(Steve Yanor)天空字母社交媒体说:“使用Twitter广告的最大骗局是,人们可以在您的广告上发表负面评论。为了解决这个问题,请关闭评论,以便只有广告中提到的人才能发表评论。”



“ Twitter算法在优化转换方面的效果不如Facebook的效果,” Claire Jarrett说Jarrett Digital。“它无法访问尽可能多的数据点,因此流量质量较低。结果,铅的价格要贵得多,其中铅的数量更少。

Even retargeting ads don’t work as effectively, with Click-Through Rates around a third of what you see on other platforms.

To improve the results from Twitter Ads, the system needs to do a better job at identifying those people who are likely to convert. Helping advertisers to increase conversion rates and dropping cost per lead will see a lot of advertisers choose to invest more in the platform.”



Twitter ads are also more expensive than Facebook ads.

“使用Twitter广告的最大弊端之一是它们可能非常昂贵,” Goodell David说木工清晰度。“根据您的预算以及您想接触多少人,您最终可能会在Twitter广告上花费很多钱。此外,Twitter广告并非总是能确保成功的。即使您创建了精心制作的广告,也无法保证人们会看到它或会导致转化。

There are a few ways to improve the issue of expensive Twitter ads. One way is to create a more targeted ads approach. This can be done by targeting ads to specific groups of users based on interests, demographics, or even location. Another way to improve the issue of expensive Twitter ads is to create more engaging and relevant ads. This can be done by making ads that are more likely to be clicked on, or by making ads that are more relevant to the user’s interests.”



“使用Twitter广告的最大骗局是,它们可能有点麻烦,”技能建筑培训。“You have to create a new ad campaign for each individual ad you want to run, and then keep track of all the different settings and targeting options for each campaign. And if you’re running multiple ads at the same time, it can quickly become a full-time job just to keep them all straight!

One potential solution to this problem is to seek more training and support for advertisers. This could include perusing detailed tutorials on how to use the various features of Twitter ads and seeking support in terms of understanding the data and analytics associated with them from Twitter.”

史蒂文·沃克(Steven Walker)Spylix补充说:“我认为,Twitter是您可以使用和信任来推广广告的最佳平台之一。如果您知道目标受众,并且它正在实现,则将此工具用于广告可缓解。但是有些事情确实使我感到困扰,而且很容易改进,但事实并非如此。



8. Too many bot accounts


“ Twitter广告最大的骗局是,有很多机器人型帐户,以至于观众的目标有时会产生误导。”BlueTuskr。“For example, you can target as deep as running ads directly to a certain profile’s followers, but if most of their followers are fake accounts, it’s tough to get the results you want.”

Abhishek Joshi of博客的狗agrees, “I guess the issue that stares them hard is to account for ‘real users’ on the platform – trends, hashtags, etc. fail to have any meaningful impact if bots rule the roost. Twitter needs to open up on cleaning the userbase – getting rid of bots, the loopholes that allow blackhat operators/agencies to hijack conversations and seed hashtags, often politically motivated.”


Similar to bot accounts, customer support is another issue that plagues every ad platform from Google to Facebook and Twitter.

“如果您的广告有问题或其他使您需要与他们的支持团队联系的问题,那么Twitter确实不是最好的帮助,” Kristen Bolig说。Securitynerd。“他们可能很难与他们联系,即使您确实与之联系,有时您的问题也无法有效解决。





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About the author
杰西卡·马尔尼克(Jessica Malnik)
杰西卡·马尔尼克(Jessica Malnik)杰西卡·马尔尼克(Jessica Malnik)是SaaS和生产服务业务的内容策略师和撰稿人。她的写作出现在下一个网络,社交媒体审查员,Semrush,CMX,帮助侦察,Concorce&Convert以及许多其他网站上。
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