


AvatarKiera Abbamonteon October 16, 2019 (last modified on January 10, 2022) • 14 minute read


That said, video is also often the most resource-intensive type of content to produce—so you want to get the most out of that effort. Those same marketers also told us that most of them average between 21-50% watch time on their Facebook videos.


Here are the 16 expert tips they shared.



1. Post Mobile-Friendly Formats


“我们上传垂直视频是因为大多数Facebook用户在智能手机上消耗了此内容,” MarcinNiewęgłowski说Digital Now.

“垂直或正方形的Facebook视频往往会获得更多的视图,分享,参与度和覆盖范围,尤其是在手机上。”Demum. “Square videos take up to 78% more space on a Facebook user’s phone than a landscape format, meaning these users are more likely to watch, share, and engage with square clips.”


“我们使用一系列技术来激励在Facebook上更长的观看时间,” Polly Kay说English Blinds. “These commonly include offering incentives such as a discount code or special offer that can be found at the end of the video, and promoting this in the intro and description.”

珍妮丝·沃尔德(Janice Wald of)Mostly Bloggingrecommended including a relevant and engaging hook at the beginning of your video. And that hook can be a teaser for an offer or discount code that’s included for viewers who watch until the end of the video.


亚历山大·波特Search It Localshared a small change marketers can make that has an outsize effect on your video’s performance: upload it directly to Facebook. “A 2017 study showed that videos uploaded directly to Facebook get 10x the engagement that links to YouTube videos do.”

在像YouTube这样的网站上进行交叉点可以为您节省一些时间,但波特认为,在Facebook上的参与度不值得。您可以免费监视人们在Facebook上免费使用此视频的方式social media dashboard example.

Editor’s note:是否想在YouTube和Facebook上查看视频性能,可消化仪表板?Download this free YouTube + Facebook template在两个平台上查看覆盖范围,参与度等等。


“ I bait followers with a post on the topic a day or two before publishing the video. Then I post an update, several hours before publishing, letting them know a new video will be published on the subject,” David Hepplewhite ofNorgeseotold us.


Deborah Sawyerr of索耶尔斯的房子同意,说:“我宣布,我将做一个live broadcast a few days before I do the video—so viewers can look out for it. I announce the pending video on my Facebook personal timeline, on my Facebook business page, in my Facebook group, and on my Whatsapp status with a link to my Facebook page.”

5. Ruthlessly Edit Videos Down

Anjana WickramaratneInspirenixsaid that the reason many marketers struggle to see commendable watch time on Facebook videos is that the videos themselves aren’t concise and focused enough.

“始终在不完成任务的情况下将视频保持在点上。如果您偏离轨道甚至一秒钟,观看者就会对视频失去兴趣,然后单击它 - 但是如果您坚持整个点,您将能够增加观看时间。观众将完成视频,因为他们必须准确地看到他们想看的东西。”

6. Use Proven Elements of Good Copywriting in Your Script

“Good copy is designed to smoothly move the reader from one line to the next. When you apply those same principles to video, you will see your watch time increase,” said James Pollard of顾问教练.

“我所有的Facebook视频都是脚本拼写的,单词词,” Pollard继续解释。“我基本上掌握了文案写作的成熟元素,并写出了整个视频。例如,在一封印刷销售信中,已证明添加问题可以增加回应。因此,我在视频中应用了同样的想法,并注意到整个视频中提出问题大大增加了观看时间。”


Much of the advice we heard centered around a pretty basic concept—create engaging videos to start with. Tim Parkin ofParkin Consulting这样的框架,“赋予观众养成观看视频的习惯。”


  • Creating great videos and
  • 始终如一地这样做

“Creating valuable and interesting content is a must, but you need to also post videos on a regular basis in order for your audience to get into a routine of watching your videos,” Parkin noted. “Once your audience starts watching your videos on a regular basis and is hooked on your content, your video watch time will soar.”

Andrei vasilescuDontPayFullagreed, saying, “A business profile that posts interesting and informative videos frequently is watched by the viewer for a considerably longer time. Hence, post directly engaging videos in your Facebook profile to increase the watch time.”

8. Always Include Captions

“一张图片讲述了一千个故事,但是带有标题的视频告诉了一千个故事。”- 史蒂夫·普里查德(Steve Pritchard),Healing Holidays

Adding captions to your Facebook videos was far and away the most common tip we heard about. When we asked respondents if they include captions, an overwhelming 79% said yes.

“关于Facebook视频,有几件事要记住。首先,音频播放。其次,他们播放没有声音,直到观众打开声音为止。这意味着人们常常最终观看没有声音的Facebook视频。” Alex Membrillo解释说Cardinal Digital Marketing Nashville.

“While great titles and descriptions are important, if someone is watching the video and then scrolling on, text within the video is the best way to engage the audience.”

As Alexander Porter ofSearch It Localput it, “A video that autoplays without sound might as well be a photo. The audio is central to your videos’ message and power. And while 85% of Facebook videos are played without sound, you can mitigate this by adding captions.”

添加字幕是为用户创造便利性和可访问性的直观步骤,但许多人都忽略了它。”大海told us. “Captions can also dramatically improve watch times by gripping scrolling users in the Timeline.

布莱恩·詹森(Brian Jensen)一致的数字agreed with Dunn and Porter, saying, “Because videos are automatically muted on Facebook, adding captions can be an easy, effective way to increase watch time—especially on mobile.”

“Adding text captions to your video will help grab the user’s attention,” said Andrew Ruditser ofMaxburst. “As they scroll past your video, they’ll subconsciously begin reading the text in the video as it automatically plays. This will pull them in and make them want to continue watching.”

Ruditser added that “most users spend their time scrolling through their news feed while they’re at work or in public, keeping their sound off. Adding captions to your videos will allow the user to watch and understand your video without needing sound, making it easier for them to continue watching in a public setting.”

G2劳伦·波普(Lauren Pope)回应了这种观点,他说:“视频标题是在Facebook上增加手表时间的最佳方法,原因是一个简单的原因:可访问性。它使您的视频更容易被听力或聋哑的人访问。如今,有这么多免费的字幕软件解决方案和应用程序(包括在Facebook平台中构建的一个),没有任何借口不包括它们。”

乔·斯隆(Joe Sloan)挑战者学校还建议上传自己的字幕,而不是使用Facebook的自动转录。“如果用户可以阅读内容,他们更有可能观看更多甚至单击以收听视频。”

Sam Olmsted of本田上级强调了在视频中添加标题的另一个好处,“视频字幕还可以使您更多地关注消息,并让您轻松地在国际市场上轻松地翻译该消息。”

9. Use “Pattern Interruption”

Dan Christensen ofPest Rank建议使用称为“模式中断”的东西使观众在整个视频中参与其中。


Dave Kane ofEastSideCorecommended a similar strategy, saying, “Dividing up the video into chapters helps audiences know they are getting close to the end.”

10. Promote with Lookalike Audiences

Jeromy Sonne of月光营销shared a unique tip about promoting your videos. Sonne suggested using lookalike audiences to devote more of your paid budget to audiences similar to the people who are already watching your videos for a longer amount of time.


11. Spend Time on the Video Description

虽然清晰而引人注目的视频描述似乎是让人们进入的技巧start看你的视频,它还可以鼓励观众to stick around. Think about it: your video description sets the audience’s expectations—and low watch time can often be the result of a discrepancy between expectation and reality.

“如果他们知道您的视频包含什么,他们会知道它是否对他们有用。”Colibri Digital Marketing. “A compelling thumbnail might increase clicks, but the description is the best way to bring in viewers who are actively engaged for the full duration.”



“We ensure videos get straight to the point. No intro, no opening credits, just straight into the most engaging opening visual to grab attention,” Alistair Dodds ofEver Increasing Circlestold us.

Mike Clum of笨拙的创意分享了类似的建议,暗示:“制作前10秒,尤其是前2秒,在视觉上出乎意料。在开始的几秒钟内,应该以独特的视觉效果来打击通过Facebook滚动的观众。不要从徽标刺或库存照片开始,而要有吸引力和有趣的东西。”

Clum also recommended marketers “A/B test many different intros to find which one keeps people watching longer.”

13. Go All-In on the Emotional

It’s no secret that compelling videos are more likely to keep viewers engaged than crummy ones. But Andrew Schutt ofSchutt Mediarecommended going all-in on the emotion as a way to keep viewers viewing.


14. Keep It Short

When it comes to getting viewers to watch your video for longer, making shorter videos can seem counterintuitive at best, and a little like cheating at worst. But the reality is, it doesn’t matter how many seconds or minutes a viewer watches your video—it matters how much of your message they see.

“I’ve found that making videos under 1 minute in length (with a progress bar) increases watch time the most,” said Tate Olson of影响者学院. “When you have a strong Pattern Interrupt and it’s a short video, most people are willing to stick around and watch it through since it doesn’t take a whole lot of patience on the viewers part.”


Zontee Hou ofMedia Volery告诉我们,增加Facebook观看时间实际上是从了解自然在Facebook上表现良好的内容的类型开始。

“Ultimately, audiences keep watching if the content resonates with them and keeps them intrigued. Content that keeps people sticking around for the next thing in the video works well,” Hou said.

“Some of our clients’ most successful video formats on Facebook,” Hou went on to share, “are live Q&As with experts and influencers, where the questions are fun and useful, compilations of short, how-to content, and streaming panels, featuring people with widely varying points of view.”


Almost any video or piece of content can bore its audience with one mistake: being too one-sided. That’s why Mike Allton ofAgorapulse建议使Facebook视频更具互动性。

“We routinely bring extremely qualified and sought-after guests onto our shows and give our audience an opportunity to ask questions. By monitoring the comments and making it an open conversation, audience members are encouraged to stay, ask questions, and see how the guest responds,” Allton explained.

Boost Your Facebook Video Watch Time

请记住,增加您的Facebook视频观看时间不仅仅是要让观众坚持使用更长的时间,而是要吸引观众参与并确保他们可以传达您的全部信息。将A+视频内容与上面的专家提示结合在一起,并跟踪您最有价值的视频指标video marketing dashboard,您会走得很好。


Kiera AbbamonteKiera是与B2B SaaS公司合作的内容作家。在Twitter @kieraabbamonte或Kieraabbamonte.com上赶上她


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