
根据50多家业务,20个最重要的B2B KPI


Elise DopsonElise Dopsonon January 15, 2020 (last modified on November 22, 2021) • 21 minute read

There are hundreds of metrics you can keep an eye on when running a business.

Sales, marketing, andfinance teamsall have their list ofkpis。但是,如果您想浏览整个公司,您应该看哪些B2B指标?

We wanted to find out how real B2B companies do it–focusing on the KPIs they prioritize, company-wide.

In this guide, we’ll share 20 of the most important KPIs your B2B company should be tracking, including:

  1. 网站流量
  2. Organic click-through rate
  3. Conversions per activity
  4. Landing page conversion rate
  5. Conversions by content
  6. Form conversion rate
  7. Visitor to lead conversion by source
  8. Email sign-ups
  9. Leads
  10. Source of leads
  11. Lead quality
  12. MQL to SQL conversion rate
  13. Performance of qualified leads
  14. Sales pipeline velocity
  15. 销售关闭率
  16. Return on investment
  17. Monthly recurring revenue
  18. Customer satisfaction
  19. Customer acquisition cost
  20. 客户寿命价值

单击上面的链接跳到特定的B2B KPI,或继续滚动以阅读有关您应该关注的指标的更多信息。




Chances are, you’ve got Google Analytics installed on your website.PulnoAgnieszka cejrowska认为,当“记住人们浏览您的网站的人可能是潜在的潜在线索时,这又可以转变为客户。”

Cejrowska explains: “Monitoring the traffic is a good way to learn how the customers land on your site and what they want from you, what exactly are they interested in.”

“Knowing that you can adjust your content and plan the marketing strategy to attract even more visitors – potential customers.”

2. Organic Click-Through Rate (CTR)

根据Priya Kumari的说法Valasys Media, “click-through rate is one of the most important KPIs the marketers should put to use for measuring the success of their organic and offline SEO campaigns.”


“Unless the content on the website isn’t served to the relevant people, generating the requisite conversions and accomplishing the other core bottom-lines would become a daunting task,” Kumari adds.

3. Conversions per Activity or Campaign

“One important KPI we track across all of our marketing is how many customer signups did an activity generates,” writesREMITR‘s Sandeep Todi. “That is the end-goal of all our initiatives, and leads us to devise better ways of tracking what we do.”

Todi puts that into practise: “If we did an online or an offline campaign which does not have good attribution capability, we build that in if we’re doing it over a longer period, going beyond the immediate metrics (e.g., how many contacts did we make vs how many signups did it generate).”

Mitt Ray社会营销写作adds: “You can easily monitor this metric by setting up goals on Google Analytics. The average website has a conversion rate of about 1.95% and the top 10% of marketers convert at 4.77%.”

强力晶格‘s Newaz Chowdhury agrees: “Tracking this is helpful because it tells you if your website is engaging to users. If people leave without taking action, then there’s something wrong.”

拉米·米勒(Ramey Miller)的团队Text Requestalso does this by measuring “the number of sales that come from each individual marketing effort.”

“This answer seems like an obvious one but, you need to dive deep into these KPIs and figure out what’s working, what you should do more of, what you can work on. It is also nice to see when the fruits of your efforts are working out.”

Plus, Jim Knapp ofMediaSalestrainer.comadds that “conversion rate (closes as a percent of qualified opportunities) as it expresses quite clearly a product/service-market fit.”

Related:How to Set Up & Use Google Analytics Conversion Tracking


您知道您应该跟踪自己的总收入。但是布莱恩·科尼格(Brian Koenig)Smile Marketing解释说,您可以通过细分数据来做到这一点:“一个示例是评估着陆页转换。”

“By setting up conversion goals on your landing pages, you can measure the number of leads a landing page generates, but also the key data that determines the page’s efficiency.”

Koenig continues: “For example, if the percentage of visitors converting on your landing page is a mere one percent, you know you have a conversion problem. You now need to reevaluate your page content and design.”

罗比·理查兹(Robbie Richards)补充说,您还可以细分此着陆页流量,以显示有机用户的数据,“这将使您深入了解哪些内容资产和主题对您的业务造成最大价值。”

“作为一家主要与B2B SaaS公司合作的SEO代理商,我们进一步分割KPI的一种方式是打破子文件夹的着陆页报告。例如,我们将使用 /解决方案,功能和 /博客子文件夹中所有的登录页面构建表,以便我们可以将适当的转换目标与各自的内容保持一致。”

“For example – within the /solutions and /features subfolders, we’ll show trial signups from organic traffic for each landing page, and how that is trending. Then, for the /blog subfolder, we might show newsletter signups from organic traffic for each landing page.”

“Finally, if we have access to CRM data, we’ll pull in the lead to opportunity to close numbers for the organic traffic channel. This helps close the loop,” Richards adds.


Foundation‘罗斯·西蒙兹(Ross Simmonds)还说,您应该计算内容营销的转换率:“今天每个B2B营销人员都被购买了创建更多内容的想法。但是通常他们很难捕获/跟踪这些资产的投资回报率。”

“Thus, I think every B2B marketer needs to track assisted conversions as a part of their key performance indicators. It will show them whether or not assets being developed are resulting in conversion or if they’re simply falling flat.”

Dylan Zsigray explains how the team atKiwi Creative这样做:“有了我们的封闭内容,我们利用着陆页来跟踪个人内容性能,并为铅转换提供了清晰的途径。从中产生的重要KPI是每个着陆页的性能。”

“For example, are readers converting by accessing gated content? Are they scrolling down the whole page? Is the bounce rate higher on some gated content pieces than others? All of these questions steer optimization for our landing pages and form a foundation for future marketing strategies.”

Zsigray continues: “If a specific piece of content is under-performing, then the industry may not be looking for that type of information and our energy ought to be focused elsewhere.”

6. Form Conversion Rate

“For our team atEater Creative,我们最重要的KPI之一是接触形式转换,”本杰明·苏曼(Benjamin Surman)写道。


“This data can then help us continuously improve our internal lead ranking system based on multiple metrics, which means getting prospects to a client status much faster,” Surman adds.

But according toT3乔丹·威尔逊(Jordann Wilson),“除在线表格,电子商务购买等外,每家B2B公司都应跟踪他们的电话的成功。”

“For our B2B clients, we typically see a 3:1 ratio for lead generation through the phone. With longer sales cycles, customers have an expectation of speaking to a representative before making a large purchase. Having tools to attribute valuable phone calls back to paid media is crucial for growth.”

Wilson explains: “With tools like Marchex, you can go a step further to listen to calls and identify common customer questions that can help guide content recommendations and advertising copy.”


“When I’m looking at B2B marketing metrics, particularly for digital, I always look at visitor-to-lead (aka session-to-contact) rate as a KPI… but I particularly like to look at VTL by source,” writes冲动的朱利·杜兰特(Juli Durante)。

“I find marketers are often looking at VTL in general, but forget that different traffic sources should convert at lower rates than others.”

“For example, if you are sending a lot of emails, you may have a lower average VTL rate – email communications generally go out to contacts already in your database.”


TradeWheel‘s Anosha Imran agrees: “Website visitors are potential sales leads. Tracking this is important to determine the performance. It can be tracked using an analytics tool that gives you valuable insight into the origin of the traffic. It also shines a light on SEO practices that brought the most visitors.”

8. Email Sign-Up Conversion Rate

Jarie BolanderJSY PR和营销思考:“所有B2B营销人员都应跟踪电子邮件通讯注册。”

“This is a leading indicator of how well your messaging is resonating with folks that find you via search or other means,” Bolander adds, hence why their team thinks the email sign-up conversion rate is a KPI that B2B marketers need to monitor.

9. Leads

“In B2B marketing, leads is our most important KPI,” writesSelby的Stan Tan。“我们需要与我们的销售团队合作以结束这一领先优势。仅营销就不足以关闭B2B的领先优势。”

与Tan的团队不同,我们发现大多数B2B KPI是为特定部门而不是公司范围的:

谭继续说:“ B2B交易从数千到数十万美元,有时甚至数百万美元不等,您不会得到这一导致您通过购物车购买100,000美元的产品。因此,铅是我们衡量的#1度量。”

Danyal Effendi ofPureVPN同意:“领先驱动销售;潜在客户数量越大,销售数量的机会就越高。”

Romain Chiaramonte ofWild At Heartagrees: “Clearly, it’s mandatory to track number of leads per day, and, score of each page per lead in order to only focus efforts (SEO) towards these key pages. B2B is all about results and 1 new customer can easily reimburse marketing cost.”

PRO TIP:Track all your leads with ease by using our pre-builtlead generation dashboardtemplates.

10. Source of Leads


“我们发现,包括每个来源的关键lead we capture,” writes Clayton Arnold ofNRI Industrial Sales。“This way we can get a full view of our marketing campaigns to determine what approaches are working or which ones need further tweaking.”

Stephen Taylor ofWISER Systems表示赞同:“所有的营销人员的指标和kpis can track here, the most reliable one for marketing attribution models is typically the conversion rate of those leads by leads generation source.”

“This helps a) quantify many of the actual costs to acquire customers, and b) show more clearly what is and isn’t working at the leads generation level.”


提高铅的质量是重中之重68% of B2B professionals

That’s why Shaye Smithof销售策略中心thinks it’s an important B2B KPI: “Are the leads coming in considered “quality,” and specifically sales qualified, for our sales team?”

“The revenue that is generated from these leads is also helpful in analyzing and assessing the lead scoring over time,” Smith adds.

12. MQL to SQL Conversion Rate

“Every B2B marketer should be tracking leads and differentiating between marketing qualified leads (MQLs) and sales qualified leads (SQLs),” Lauren Walter of搜索Optimisim想。


沃尔特(Walter)解释说:“ MQL采取了一些措施,表明他们更有可能成为客户,例如访问您的网站或下载白皮书。但是他们还没有在决策阶段。这意味着他们应该由您的营销团队对准,但优先级不足以将其交给您的销售团队。”

(Ron Selaadds: “MQLs are contacts who have identified themselves to be sales-ready and are deeply engaged with your offering as compared to usual leads.”

“For instance, contacts who have downloaded your brochure can be considered to be MQLs if they satisfy the criteria of your target audience, including target industry, business size, specific vertical, or revenue.”)


“By tracking both MQLs and SQLs, your company can make the most of its data on leads and act accordingly,” Walter says.

Nichole Turner ofChief Martech Officer补充说,跟踪SQLS“知道非常重要,因为这是营销和销售之间的交接。”

“If sales accept your lead as sales qualified, then I feel marketing has done their job. After that, it’s up to sales to close the deal. This is a great metric to show the value of your campaigns and to gauge whether or not they are not only creating leads, but the right leads.”

However, Nick Nelson ofTopRank Marketing说:“我宁愿不考虑MQL/SQL,因为这种区别可能是分裂的。取而代之的是,集体同意对“合格潜在客户”的共同定义,然后评估他们如何有效地通过您的漏斗。”

“优化这将使你的企业获益tremendously — sales waste less time chasing futile leads while strengthening the relationship with marketing due to improved alignment.”

“Changing focus from how many prospects are in your pipeline to what percentage of prospects are converting is a key element in a generalized shift from quantity to quality,” Nelson summarizes.

13. Performance of Qualified Leads

“Measuring the performance of qualified leads is our north star KPI here, and [Tilt Metrics]为其他B2B营销人员推荐。


Morelli mentions that they use this B2B KPI to monitor how many leads their team needs to close per quarter. That’s the second-most common frequency for reviewing and adjusting the importance of a metric:

PRO TIP:跟踪您合格的潜在客户的表现,以及我们的更多performance dashboardtemplates.

14. Sales Pipeline Velocity

“管道速度是衡量营销活动成功的重要指标,” Vishal Srivastava说Trainedge Consulting

“Pipeline velocity measures the time it takes for a prospect to move from lead to customer. It’s important because it tells you how well you manage your funnel and nurture the leads.”

爱丽丝·多纽(Alice Donoghue)theapplabbthinks “every company can define what a “step” in their sales process entails.”

“这KPI本质上显示的是一个的速度有多快d easily a potential customer can slide through the sales pipe. It shows how well laid-out your funnel is. And, it reveals if you’re relying too much on high-touch customer service (your salespeople or CEO having to fight tooth and nail for every close).”

Donoghue continues: “A lot of B2B businesses fall into the trap where, through lack of branding or market positioning, they spend way too long explaining their benefits to each new customer. This goes to show that the customer isn’t receiving a clear message of what product/service you offer and what they stand to gain, right when they encounter your brand.”


“By working at this KPI, you’ll be able to better quantify the effectiveness of your marketing department, and also save your salespeople a ton of work, Donaghue says.

William Chin-Fook ofPickfuagrees: “During the buying cycle – if you end up having a lead drop off during the conversion funnel, that is counted as a loss. Whereas if you convert that lead – it’s counted as a win!”

“这很重要的原因是由于它对您的转换漏斗的影响。DIN/损失分析是任何B2B营销或销售团队的核心,因为它有可能向您显示销售管道中的缺陷,然后您可以补救并希望获得更多收入,” Chin-Fook总结说。

PRO TIP:通过我们的预处理,免费下载来跟踪您的销售管道的性能sales pipeline dashboards

15. Sales Close Rate

“The most important KPI that B2B marketing professionals should track is actually a sales metric: close rate,” writes Jeremy Cross of团队建设费城


Editor’s note:是否想在重要的KPI趋势上升或下降时获得通知?得到Databox alerts现在为您的KPI。

16. Return on Investment (ROI)

“If I have to pick just one KPI it’s revenue generated per dollar spent,” says Dave Davis ofBeanstalk Internet Marketing


“It’s helpful because, at the end of the day, this is the metric that keeps a business afloat. My company doesn’t run on Facebook Likes or organic visitors… It runs on sales and conversions.”

Kevin D’Arcy ofThinkFuel Marketingsummarizes: “At the end of the day, marketers have a responsibility to prove the effectiveness of their activities and take ownership of their budgets and goals.”

17. Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR)

Do you run a B2B SaaS company?

Corey Haines of重构生长认为“对于SaaS和订阅的业务,经常收入是使业务可持续发展以及每个营销人员最终努力改善的原因。”

“All leads, subscribers, website visitors, and customer signups should back into how it affects MRR.”

PRO TIP:与我们的接近实时跟踪您的MMRSaaS MMR dashboardtemplates.

18. Customer Satisfaction

360quoteLLC‘s Melanie Musson thinks: “This indicator often gets lost behind growth and revenue, but it should be in the forefront.”

“Good customer service trends will help every other part of the business grow. If you see customer satisfaction decreasing, you can bet that the rest of your KPI will start decreasing soon.”

The team atWyatt Internationalargues that you can do this using sentiment–which Bethany Haller says “is an excellent KPI as it provides a reality check and makes you really think about the content you’re producing.”

“Tracking sentiment can be a real challenge, as there are several ways to do it. Whether it’s through a rule-based approach that incorporates Natural Language Processing (NLP), adopting an automatic approach that utilizes artificial intelligence (AI) to trawl through data, or a hybrid approach, there’s not a ‘one rule fits all’ approach.”

“However, tools such as Google Insights, Google Alerts, Talkwalker, Brandwatch, and Hootsuite Insights are excellent places to start,” Haller adds.

PRO TIP:Track your most important customer success metrics with our pre-builtcustomer support dashboards


Jonathan Chan ofInsane Growththinks that CAC is one of the most important B2B metrics–but not in the way you might think: “B2B marketers need to also factor in the ‘time-cost’ of acquiring a client.”

“Too many marketers make the mistake of only considering the cost of their tools and/or PPC spend, and not the cost of the time that went into conceptualizing, preparing and executing their strategies and tactics.”


Chan continues: “Reducing that overall CAC should always a top priority for all marketers as this affects macro-level business goals like revenue and profit. But it also affects micro-level goals such as increasing conversion rates and reducing customer churn.” Measure the impact your CAC value has on your business goals with this freebusiness dashboard


当我们问团队The 5% Institutewhat B2B KPI is the most important, Khabeer Rockley said: “They should all track the lifetime value of a customer.”

“It’s important because it allows you to see how much you can potentially spend on acquiring a customer; even if it’ll initially mean you lose money on the front end.

雅各布·兰迪斯·埃格斯蒂agrees: “Customer lifetime value is a crucial KPI for B2B marketing. You need to know the lifetime value of a customer so you can decide how much you’re able to spend to acquire a customer.

However, Landis-Eigsti argues that this metric can vary dramatically, based on your industry: “For a personal injury lawyer, acquiring a customer for $175 is incredible. For a coffee shop, it’s a disaster.”

“您应该跟踪客户的寿命价值,以便您可以看到如何花费多少钱来获取新客户。但是,您也希望积极努力提高这个数字。您可以通过增加推荐,减少流失并增加更多的重复业务来做到这一点,” Landis-Eigsti说。

BuySellAds‘ Cole Heggie adds: “If you know what the lifetime value of your customers is, and find the main source of those with the highest lifetime value (that is, where to find them), you’ve created an ideal targeting persona: it could be as simple as focusing your efforts there to drive exponential revenue and growth.

The best part?JVT MediaToni JV说:“此KPI还可以为您提供有关如何增加客户终身价值的想法。“从长远来看,我们如何才能提供更多的价值,以便我们的客户希望与我们合作更长的时间?”


Tracking the performance of your B2B company doesn’t have to be as complicated as you might think.

Start by adding these B2B KPIs to your watch list, and if you need a quick performance update set18beplay 并通过电子邮件,移动推送通知和/或Slack每天,每周或每月收到KPI的自动更新。

About the author
Elise Dopson
Elise DopsonElise Dopson is a freelance B2B writer for SaaS and marketing companies. With a focus on data-driven ideas that truly provide value, she helps brands to get noticed online--and drive targeted website visitors that transform into raving fans.
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