

In this episode of Data Snacks, we talk about the importance of tracking conversion rates over absolute improvements, as well as ways for tracking and improving yours.

约翰Bonini约翰Boninion March 22, 2018 (last modified on March 29, 2018) • 5 minute read

How do I improve my website conversion rate?



At Databox, our marketing team uses conversion rates like visit-to-signup, as well as signup-to-paid, as our “north star metric”–metrics that provide clarity (and therefore, direction) into all areas of the marketing funnel.

I was recently asked what my desert island metric would be and wanted to share my response, and details for how I track it and approach improving it, on this episode of数据小吃.

Note: Want the template used in this episode?You can grab it for free right here,由我们在Pepperland Marketing上的朋友提供。

How to track and improve your website conversion rate

Audio transcription


The question was, “what would be your desert island metric if you could only measure one thing?” It got me thinking and I wanted to share my thoughts here as well.

To illustrate my point, I went looking around for a template in the Databox template directory andfound what might be one of the tightest templates关于DataBox的代理合作伙伴之一,Pepperland Marketing从Pepperland Marketing跟踪您的整体网站健康。beplay体育appios


While looking at KPIs in terms of the whole, absolute numbers (total sessions, new signups, etc.) is certainly helpful, I use percentages like visit-to-signup and/or signup-to-paid as a “north star metric” that allows me to gauge how several areas of the funnel are performing.

Visit-to-signup, in this case, allows me to gauge the effectiveness of several key areas of the funnel all at once.

The effectiveness of the landing page where people are signing up, the calls-to-action that drive people there, the amount of traffic that we’re doing to the website in general–all of these things have a direct influence on our website conversion rate.

If any of these areas are lagging, that’s going to affect our number, and most importantly, provide me with a few focus areas to zero in on. So by looking at one metric, I can focus on several areas of the funnel at once rather than just looking at absolute whole numbers like visits, leads, signups, etc.

So to answer the original question, visit-to-signup rate, or more broadly website conversion rate, would be my desert island metric. And what I would do is actually drag a new visualization block into my dashboard and dedicate it to displaying my website conversion rate.



  1. 人们完成注册的形式:What’s the completion rate of the form? Where are people dropping off? How can we improve the completion rate without sacrificing lead intelligence?
  2. 人们注册的着陆页:有多少访问者到达表格所在的页面区域?或者,如果我们正在使用聊天小部件,那么有多少访问者参与其中?我们可以测试标题,按钮副本,整体页面长度等的一些变体吗?
  3. 人们点击到达该页面的呼吁行动:这些CTA的点击率是多少?它们出现几页?我们可以进行哪些测试以改善整体CTR?
  4. 整体流量的页面aforementioned calls-to-action appear:我们如何驱使人们进入CTA和/或形式出现的这些页面?我们如何开车?



For example, how do I increase leads? Well, I can run a paid ads campaign. I can publish more ebooks. I could write more content.

How do I increase sessions? You could list out 30 ways, but when you look at website conversion rate as your north star metric and break down the individual inputs that influence that one metric, it gives you an area of focus that you can now zero in on and look at ways to improve.

在Google Analytics(分析)中设定目标标准

In order to track your website conversion rate in Databox, you’ll need to make sure (if you haven’t already) that you’ve set the appropriate goal in Google Analytics in order to pull the metric.

有几种方法可以做到这一点。Google Analytics(分析)中的4种目标类型是:

  1. URL destination: Goal is triggered when a visitor hits a specific URL.
  2. 访问持续时间:当访问者在您的网站上登录指定的时间时,触发。
  3. 页面/访问:离开网站之前,由访问者视图的页面触发。
  4. Event: Custom event.

You’re going to want to log into your Google Analytics account and, if you haven’t already, specify the appropriate website conversion goal you want to then track in Databox.


A better way to track your website conversion rate


Grab the template used in this episode, connect your Google Analytics account, and you’ll see your data populate within minutes.

约翰Boniniis Director of Marketing at Databox. He's passionate about building brands that tell great stories. Connect with him on Twitter @bonini84.
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