


杰西卡·马尔尼克(Jessica Malnik)杰西卡·马尔尼克(Jessica Malnik)2020年2月18日(最后一次修改于2022年1月17日)•14分钟阅读




这就是为什么定义如此重要的原因set KPIsfor each event you put on.

通常,这些活动营销KPI属于出勤率或事后转换。我们想知道实际活动营销人员优先考虑的哪个类别中的哪个类别 - 因此我们问了其中61个。



To get more insights on that breakdown, we asked those marketers to share their #1 event marketing KPI. Below, we share the 16 metrics they talked about.

Want to know the most important marketing KPIs to track across all functions (i.e. content, SEO, email, social, etc.)?



Jumpy to any section below to read more about the metric, why it’s important, and ways for improving it.

  1. Event Mentions
  2. 社交媒体参与
  3. 净启动子评分(NP)
  4. 推荐
  5. 目标回报
  6. Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV)
  7. 出勤率
  8. 合格的线索
  9. Cost Per Lead (CPL)
  10. 事后转换
  11. 注册和RSVP
  12. Email Signups
  13. Sales – By Ticket Type and Marketing Source
  14. 与会者 - 新的和返回的
  15. 观众参与
  16. Brand Loyalty

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“跟踪提及的数量有助于营销人员了解活动与会者之外的活动的意识,”J. Simms活动和营销。Plus, Simms added, “the event can spread or become viral, and be picked up by media outlets who share the event to their followers.”

彼得·拉格雷格(P​​eter Lagregor)Play It Forward Foundation同意Simms的同意,他说:“对我们来说,活动营销最重要的KPI是股票,推荐和参与度的结合,我们共同称为“事件嗡嗡声。”



“Keeping track of social media mentions (tags of the event social handle or event hashtag) will determine the amount of engagement of the event attendees and brand awareness the event generated,” said Jamie-Lee Kay ofThe Other Straw



汤米亚·海斯(Tommia Hayes)社区卫生慈善机构recommended creating a hashtag for your event as one way to measure social engagement. “Tracking social media engagement and mentions is a great way to track how engaged your attendees are and if they’re enjoying and valuing what’s being shared. This also helps you as the host see what’s working and what isn’t valuable.”

“创造的嗡嗡声将使您的动力滚动,” Alexandra Zamolo的养蜂人解释说:“当您准备开始推广下一个活动或与与会者接触其他机会时,这可能会让您处于一个伟大的位置。”

Andrea Moxham马蹄 +公司指出,使用事件标签也可以帮助您保持与实际与会者的参与度。“通过为您的活动创建一个主题标签,您可以跟踪与会者对此的评价,以便您以后可以在社交媒体上与他们互动并确保您的品牌保持头脑困扰。”


“如果人们认为您钉上了这项活动,他们将更有可能返回并向他人推荐您。”- 梅兰妮·穆森(Melanie Musson),360 Quotellc

“无论您的活动的目标是什么(无论是提高品牌知名度,教育,网络等),NPS都很好地表明了您从参与者的角度做到的,” Bel Booker说。自由记者

作为Hima Pujara的grupio解释说:“这个分数告诉您的活动给与会者带来了多少价值。因此,此分数表明与会者是否会向他人推荐您的活动。”

安德里亚·卢比尔(Andrea Loubier)邮报agreed, “Attendee satisfaction surveys are extremely important,” Loubier said. “Without them, it’s difficult to see which areas of the event were met with success, and which ones require improvement.”

“Was it worth their time and would they recommend it to others?” asked Paige Arnof-Fenn ofmavens&moguls。“Attendee satisfaction and Net Promoter Score are keys to success in my experience.”

4. Recommends

除了NP,Mayank BataviaQuickEmailVerification建议跟踪推荐(HA!)。

“末事件”,巴达维亚说,“你’ll want to collect the feedback of attendees, speakers, and sponsors. And one question you’ll ask is: ‘On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend this event to a friend? (0 = Never, 10 = Very likely).’”

“This is the most direct, in-the-face response to the success of your event.”


Chris Clegg ofPortma说他们是#1的活动营销KPI是投资回报率。“建模您的覆盖效率,质量和影响,以获取对新收入产生的新收入的估计,并将其除以预算。然后细分结果,看看您的表现不佳和表现不佳。”

“由于不同的事件是出于不同的原因,”Harris Schanhaut解释说:“以上所有类型的事件之间有两个共同的分母:它的成本和什么是Roo(客观回报)。”

“这个答案在几件事上会有所不同 - 您的目标,观众,行业以及活动的性质是什么。”Brainrideradded. “If your goal is to see revenue from your presence at an event, then the one event marketing KPI you’ll want to track is ROI.”


亚历山大·凯斯勒(Alexander Kesler)注射argued that customer lifetime value is the ultimate measure of event marketing ROI, saying, “The one metric that perhaps most accurately reflects event marketing ROI is lifetime customer value, which provides hard data on how profitable the event was.”

7. Attendance Rate

“Real attendance is a vital one in my opinion,” said Eloah Manzoli ofShophysio。“我希望确保有人真正努力努力,因为这是一个很好的迹象,表明他们对我们必须说的话进行了投资。”


“ RSVP是一个很好的第一级指标,但是如果您的活动是免费的或低成本的,则不可避免地会有一些下降。了解一些一般基准(例如,我们希望RSVP的70%出现)将有助于您的营销团队计划促销,以确保您填补房间。”



“不知道有多少人从事您的品牌,您无法理解活动的成功。”- 奥利维亚·柯林斯(Olivia Collins),Gather


“可以说,您跟踪最重要的KPI是活动中建立的合格连接,” Adam Helweh补充说Secret Sushi,Inc。

“我们参加的每个活动的最终目标是赚取线索,”指南。“考虑到这一点,我们专注于有可能转变为潜在客户的高质量与会者。”瑞奇·沃尔夫(Ricky Wolff)君士agreed, noting sales pipeline generated as their #1 KPI. “At the end of the day, you need to prove the ROI of your event investments.”

“合格的潜在客户可以通过展位签到,预先安排的销售会议以及演示的数量在活动中产生。”EventGeek。“Be sure to mark the leads and accounts you met and engaged with at the event in your CRM so you can track how many deals and how much revenue resulted from it.”

“An event marketing KPI that marketing teams should track is the number of booth visitors that convert into marketing qualified leads,” argued Tracy Staniland ofChisel AI



In addition to measuring the sheer number of leads generated, Mike Weimar of标志性显示也建议测量这些线索的成本。“潜在客户通常是每个事件的最高目标,因此我最喜欢的KPI是铅总数除以总事件成本。”


“虽然RSVP和与会者的数字也很重要,” Paige Sander说咸石头, “understanding post-event conversions will give your team a better idea of the success of an event.”

斯蒂芬·泰勒(Stephen Taylor)Wiser Systems,Inc。解释说,偶数转换可以“采取各种形式,无论是发送电子邮件或响应率,会议或电话安排的电话,要求其他信息,产品演示或内容下载的请求。”



11. Registrations and RSVPs

“您的全部注册将使您知道您的活动能力如何,以及最终的演讲者是否成功地鼓励出席。”Flow SEO

Avinash ChandraBrandloom和aaina bajaj信号解决方案同意,与Bajaj说:“注册是每个团队都需要跟踪的主要事件KPI之一。有必要定期跟踪注册,以便随着时间的推移透明地了解销售业绩。您使用此指标越详细,在评估活动性能时将提供的确定性越多。”


“推动品牌知名度非常好,但是营销活动还必须证明它们正在为公司增加财务价值,”nuleaf自然。“同一父本转换是很重要的,因为它是how you evaluate the success of the event—Is it worth investing in again?”

As for how to measure that, Kelly recommended tracking the number of email signups that result from the event.

13.销售 - 票务类型和营销来源


“用于活动营销”,Cassy Aite霍皮尔说:“跟踪营销来源的销售额的第一千kpi。该指标告诉您哪种来源准确地对您的底线产生了最大的影响。”

编者注:Looking for a better way to monitor ticket sales by ticket type?下载此免费Eventbrite事件模板要查看一个整洁的仪表板中的整个故障。

14. Attendees—Both New and Returning

作为Sayana Izmailova荒野sees it, the most important KPI for event marketing is how many new attendees an event brings into the fold. “Attendance numbers on their own can include constituents who are regular attendees and aren’t good indicators of how well the event was marketed to people outside the organization’s regular circle,” Izmailova said.

“New contacts are especially important, as they can be surveyed to answer questions like where they heard about the event and what made them interested in attending. These and other answers can tell a powerful story about which marketing efforts were worthwhile and which weren’t.”

另一方面,山姆·威廉姆森(Sam Williamson)CBDIABLO UKrecommended tracking return attendees, too.

“The event marketing KPI that we always pay close attention to is how many attendees to our first event decide to purchase advance tickets for our next event. We’re interested in the lifetime value of a customer, and if our first event doesn’t immediately inspire them to purchase a ticket for our next event, then we’ve done something wrong and we need to address that immediately.”


Benedetta FadiniMCI集团建议跟踪更广泛的活动营销KPI,他们称为受众参与。“其中包括每个显示该活动引起目标受众共鸣的指标 - 无论是通过社交媒体参与,参加会议,应用程序下载,反馈调查等等而引起的。”

利亚·卡特(Leah Carter)莉亚·纳奥米(Leah Naomi)同意,说:“我认为最好看看与会人员在平台上与出勤率之间的参与水平。这样,您就会知道什么途径在什么时间和原因。”


“一个应该始终追踪的常见的KPI是推动品牌忠诚度,” Delanie Olsen说Total Event Resources

“Whether it’s an internal or client/consumer-facing corporate event, building a strong brand following and creating an event where attendees leave with a better understanding of the organization and their services/products will always be key in reaching goals and tracking engagement,” Olsen explained.



Either way, the event marketing KPIs above should help you find the right success metric for you to track in your营销仪表板

Need a quick update on the performance of your event? With18beplay ,您可以选择多达15个指标,并将这些指标的性能更新自动化为您的整个公司或特定部门。

杰西卡·马尔尼克(Jessica Malnik)
杰西卡·马尔尼克(Jessica Malnik)Jessica Malnik是SaaS和生产服务业务的内容策略师和撰稿人。她的写作出现在下一个网络,社交媒体审查员,Semrush,CMX,帮助侦察,说服和convert依以及许多其他网站。
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