
15个基本项目KPIs That Benefit the Entire Team


Jessica MalnikJessica Malnik2021年9月9日(最后一次修改于2022年1月11日)•16分钟阅读


Too often, people are quick to dismiss project management as an important skill.


While projects in large organizations might be more organized than your high school group history project (Hopefully!), they are also far more complex behind corporate politics, scope creep, and gold plating.

In this post, we’re taking a closer look at the project KPIs you should be tracking to help your team’s projects run smoother.

What Are KPIs in Project Management?

Project management KPIs allow you to monitor your team’s performance from kick-off to launch. This allows you to understand what’s working well and where you are falling behind. You can use this information to course-correct along the way.


According to our recent survey of project managers, the average project team has between 3-6 people.



how many project management kpis do you track on average per project



Rely on this information when you are setting KPIs for your project management team.

What Are the Best Tools for Tracking Project Management KPIs?

根据我们的研究,大多数前三名popular tools用于跟踪项目管理KPI是Asana,Trello和Jira。我们几乎60%的受访者更喜欢在Asana跟踪其项目管理KPI,大约30%使用Trello,我们20%以上的受访者依靠Jira和ClickUp。其他流行的项目管理工具包括星期一,集中project management dashboardsolutions like Databox, Basecamp, Teamwork, Wrike, and Harvest.




  1. Resource capacity utilization
  2. Project cycle time
  3. 准时任务完成率
  4. Schedule performance index
  5. 项目错误
  6. Time efficiency
  7. Planned hours of work vs. actual hours of work
  8. 任务提交历史记录
  9. 时间表差异
  10. Project velocity
  11. 实际与估计费用
  12. Return on investment (ROI)
  13. 360度反馈
  14. Current development backlog
  15. 客户满意度

1. Resource capacity utilization


“One project management KPI that’s important for PMs is resource capacity utilization,” says Amanda Haynes ofGanttic。“这是项目或任务所占据的资源工作时间的百分比,有2种不同的方法可以找到此数字:

  • 计划或预测的利用:

Scheduled Utilization = Scheduled time/ resource capacity

  • 实际或报告的利用:

Actual Utilization = Reported time/ resource capacity

这个KPI很重要,因为它是其他指标的基础。将特定团队的利用加起来以获取小组的利用率。并分析它将显示计划的有效性。另外,此KPI可以防止员工和团队倦怠 - 保护项目免受高离职率,生产力问题和预算的影响。”借助于project overview dashboard


Whether you use waterfall, agile, or some other methodology, mapping out a big project in cycles or sprints is essential tokeep your team motivated并在正轨。

Chris Westmeyer ofCaring Advisor解释说:“每个项目经理都应跟踪以查看团队表现的最重要的KPI之一如下:

Project cycle time is the time needed to complete a certain task or activity. This key performance indicator evaluates team productivity by assessing the time and speed with which the project is completed. This is an important KPI because efficiency is an essential consideration for any organization as inefficient processes adversely affect the bottom line including goals and objectives. Therefore, managers should track cycle times to monitor the performance of the team and project simultaneously.”

Leszek Dudkiewicz ofPassport-Photo.Onlineadds, “The KPI that I track to monitor my team’s performance is the cycle timing. The timing of the tasks and business processes to be developed is a crucial factor in measuring productivity. Besides being simple to implement, it is a good KPI to know the actual effectiveness of a project or work process.


3. On-time task completion rate


“As a business owner, I can say that one of the most important project management KPIs to consider is the On-time Completion Rate or Percentage which pertains to the rate over the total tasks that are done within the set time frame or schedule,” says Jacob Sapochnick ofSapochnick Law Firm。“This KPI assesses the productivity and efficiency of employees when doing their tasks. Moreover, it can also help the managers oversee the tasks that consume more time than expected as well as individuals that might need extra assistance to meet the deadline. I believe that this metric should be one of the top considerations given that schedule or time budget is one great factor that affects the whole project.”

In addition, Yoann Bierling ofYB Digitaltadds,”Tracking individual progress against the global project results is crucial to understanding where the pain points are, and be able to quickly act on them, by providing more support to overloaded resources, more training to underskilled ones, or any other corrective action that will get each single project member to give its best toward project completion.”



Michelle Symonds of并行项目培训解释说:“时间表绩效指数(SPI),这是对实际进度与计划进度相比的衡量标准。”

格兰特·克莱兰(Grant Clleland)Infiniti Tracking补充说:“计划绩效指数是管理者用来衡量团队按计划执行该项目的能力的指标。这很重要,因为它有助于评估计划时间表的准确性。根据该指标的价值,管理人员可以确定如何创建基线时间表或是否需要更改。SPI在指示项目是否落后于计划中特别有用,因此经理可以及时进行调整。这些调整可以包括重新分配工作量或扩大团队。SPI也是团队效率的衡量标准。它向我们展示了与项目时间表的距离相比,已经完成了多少工作。”


Another KPI to keep an eye on is errors made. When the number of errors increases, this can be a signal that your team is overworked or undertrained.

“从事该项目时犯的错误数量可能会对工作的及时性和质量产生巨大影响,” Aviad Faruzo说法鲁佐。“A high number of errors means that a different approach must be taken towards the project. Because in the end it is the timeliness that gets affected because the tasks have to be done a second time. This makes it difficult to meet the project deadlines and timely deliver the work to clients. It also determines how many times you have to redo things during the project timeline, which is a key factor in time management. This is why the number of errors made are extremely important to track.”

6. Time efficiency

The time to complete tasks tends to expand or contract based on the amount of time allocated for it. Keeping an eye on how much time your team is spending in addition to quality metrics is vital.


7. Planned hours of work vs. actual hours of work


“Planned hours of work vs actual hours of work,” says Andrew Fiebert of套索。“If there’s a big disparity between the two, it means that a few factors need to be evaluated – team/individual productivity, resource allocation, and scope creep. Sometimes it can indicate a need to move people around in a project, other times it can indicate a need for additional resources.”

8. Task submission history

You may find it helpful to monitor the total number of tasks submitted.

劳拉·加斯特(Laura Gast)说:“跟踪团队的项目提交历史是监视绩效的好方法。”Truck Driver Institute。“If project deadlines are being met consistently with quality work on the other end, that is a clear indicator that your team is productive and cohesive. On the other hand, teams that struggle to meet project deadlines may indicate a need for a shift in workload, team size, or changes otherwise. Either way, tracking this KPI will help project managers obtain a clearer understanding of their team’s performance.”

9. Schedule variance


“One important KPI that Project Managers should set and keep track of is the Schedule Variance (SV).” says凯文·米勒(Kevin Miller)。“This metric is an indicator of if the project is ahead or behind schedule. It gives the project manager an accurate picture of the progress which is a vital element of running a successful project. It helps to ensure that you stay on budget and have enough resources to complete the job.

Schedule Variance is also part of managing stakeholder expectations. It provides insight and figures to provide stakeholders to either assure them the project is running smoothly or give context as to why changes are needed to address a delay.”



“Velocity measures the quantity of work completed in a sprint and gives teams an idea about how much work can be done in the next sprint,” says Sergei Moskvin ofOrangesoft。“A flat velocity is better than one trending down, but unless there’s nothing to improve in the teamwork, the velocity trend should be up over time.”

杰克·卡罗尔(Jake Carroll)创建Kaizen补充说:“速度不应该用于绩效管理人员/团队,而是要了解我们可以运行的速度。如果我们知道这一点,那么我们就可以在信心锥体内解决复杂的问题。速度非常重要,因为Scrum团队通常正在处理有时难以预测的复杂软件,并且通常会在这里和现在解决解决问题。对速度有很强的掌握将使产品经理能够更轻松地与非技术合作伙伴进行交互,并将其带入您的世界。”

11. Actual vs. estimate costs


Max Benz ofremote-job.netsays, “Knowing how much the project is expected to cost and when it will be completed is a good indicator of whether or not the project will be successful. It also helps with budgeting for future projects as well as meeting overall financial goals in a business.”

You can compare these estimates to the actual project cost.

12. Return on investment (ROI)

When you know your costs, this makes it easier to evaluate if the project had a positive or negative ROI.

“一个绝对必要的KPI跟踪是Return On Investment (ROI)”马辛·斯托尔(Marcin Stoll)说蒂迪奥。“It is the crown of all other metrics, measuring the overall financial worth of a particular project related to its cost. ROI calculations can help the company to understand if a project will result in a positive payback for the company, estimate financial value, and compare to the other planned projects. Figuring out whether to start a project should go hand in hand with continuously measuring ROI to avoid making decisions that will result in losses.”

蒂姆·萨顿(Tim Sutton)CoffeeGeek TVagrees, “The one KPI every project manager should track to monitor the performance of their team is the Return on Investment (ROI) = Net Profits/Costs * 100.

It shows how well the project is generating profits from the cost of input that’s invested. The costs can include labor costs, physical resources, and overhead.


13. 360度反馈


“ 360度反馈对于衡量和了解您的团队如何实现其个人和团体目标至关重要。”R3SET。“This anonymous feedback comes from those working around the employee. Typically, they’re managers, teammates, and direct reports. The data you collect should be both quantitative and qualitative. This means the questions can range from how well the team member prioritizes their workload and meets deadlines to whether they embody the company values. 360-degree feedback also offers employees the opportunity to evaluate themselves.

While it’s not always easy to trust in this process, its goal is to solicit constructive feedback and actionable insights. A well-structured 360-degree review helps team members know what actions to take to improve their performance and ensures that each employee’s daily activities align with the team’s overall goals.”

14. Current development backlog

This admittedly only applies to软件工程师,但这是技术经理可以跟踪的关键KPI。

“For me, the number one KPI that every project manager should mind is the current development backlog,” says Heather Reid ofUkelele Tabs。“这不仅会显示您的团队效率和富有成效的效率,而且还将显示您作为项目经理的有效性。您是否按时完成任务?您是否有任何任务抛在后面,现在需要照顾自己的任务才能使自己重回正轨?这些是需要观察到的重要指标,因此您真的可以知道您是否实际取得了进步并达到目标,还是在假装上班时浪费时间。”

15. Client satisfaction


“最重要的KPIto track is customer satisfaction,” says Elizabeth Harrin ofGirlsGuideToPM。“Success is determined by the client and the perception of success is shaped by their experiences throughout the project. In other words, they don’t decide on whether the project is a success at the end, their opinion is formed throughout the life cycle, whether you are using predictive, hybrid or iterative approaches. I think it’s important to track measures that are important to the customer/client. They typically don’t care, in my experience, about whether you have completed all the project management documentation or filed everything correctly, or ticked the box for lessons learned. They judge projects completely differently: by the experience of being part of the delivery team and how they feel they were treated, and by the value of the outcome.”


Jessica Malnik
Jessica MalnikJessica Malnik is a content strategist and copywriter for SaaS and productized service businesses. Her writing has appeared on The Next Web, Social Media Examiner, SEMRush, CMX, Help Scout, Convince & Convert, and many other sites.
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