

From annual and financial reports to sales activity and marketing reports, 10 pros share their top data report templates.

杰西卡·马尔尼克(Jessica Malnik)杰西卡·马尔尼克(Jessica Malnik)2021年9月20日(最后一次修改于2022年5月12日)•10分钟阅读


Unfortunately, many SMBs miss the mark when it comes to putting together reports. They forget one or more of the fundamentals, like:

  • 谁在阅读报告?
  • 您试图实现此报告的目标是什么?
  • What context does your manager need?
  • What’s the simplest way to present all of this data?

Once you have the basics in place, it is critical to templatize your reports, so you don’t need to spend more than an hour creating each one (like almost 93% of the SMBs we surveyed do).

do you use templates for business reports




  1. 财务报告
  2. Weekly sales activity report
  3. 营销报告
  4. 网站流量报告
  5. 项目管理报告
  6. 年度报告

1. Financial Report

当我们询问贡献者哪些报告模板他们认为对中小型企业最有用时,财务报告仅次于年度报告。这是有道理的,因为在创建业务报告时,从大局开始 - 贵公司的财务状况很有帮助。

Other popular responses included annual report templates, marketing report templates, and monthly report templates.

which report template is of most use for your SMB


亚当·伍德(Adam Wood)RevenueGeeks首先分享“损益(P&L)声明(也称为损益表)在特定时间段内显示您的收入,成本和费用。由于损益表提供了您的底线或净收入的最佳视角,因此,如果您的公司随着时间的推移赚钱或损失了,通常用于说明业务贷方和投资者。


杰罗恩·范·吉尔斯生态体adds, “Being a business owner myself, I believe that the profit and loss statement also known as a P&L or income statement is the most important report for any business. This report tells you how much money a company makes, among other things. Details on where you spend money and where it comes from being included in a well-run bookkeeping process.

For instance, I can quickly review my P&L to see how much money I make from writing, how much money I make from advertising, how much money I spend on business travel, and how much money I spend on computer and internet costs. Each business would have different accounts for its own income and spending categories.”

这是一个示例财务报告模板来自Datbeplay体育appiosabox。Quickbooks users rely on this dashboard to monitor business sales and expenses and stay on top of their company’s finances. You can browse morefinancial dashboardshere.

QuickBooks P&L仪表板




例如,阿丽娜·克拉克(Alina Clark)Cocodoc补充说:“作为SaaS业务,销售KPI报告是我们业务中所有报告中最重要的。企业依靠销售团队来促进公司的增长。


这是一个示例weekly sales activity report来自Datbeplay体育appiosabox。HubSpot用户依靠此仪表板来洞悉其销售管道,关闭与WON交易以及在给定时间段中表现最佳的销售人员。您可以浏览更多销售仪表板here.




瑞安·罗特曼(Ryan Rottman)OSDB Sports解释说:“营销报告模板在始终插入新信息时可能非常有用。另外,您的营销策略完全影响您的投资回报率以及您的底线。因此,能够以简单而简单的方式创建和理解这些报告可能会改变游戏规则。”

例如,乔治·贝莱蒂(George Belletty)Mango and Coffee说:“作为营销专家,我相信营销报告同样重要。您可以说,中小型企业没有那么大的营销预算,但是他们确实有在线形象。每个SMB都应准备网站流量和社交媒体报告。这些报告有助于中小企业分析其消费者基础和参与水平。”

这是一个示例marketing report来自Datbeplay体育appiosabox。HubSpot users rely on this dashboard to get a clear understanding of how many visitors are converting into leads from their website. You can browse more营销仪表板here.


4. Website Traffic Report


“The two most consequential reports for SMB owners are website traffic + conversion reports, and social media reports,” says Jonathan Zacharias ofGR0。“具体来说,网站流量 +转换报告将帮助品牌和公司就营销策略做出明智的决定。


同时,社交媒体报道对于增长绝对至关重要。理想情况下,品牌应跟踪每周/每月的追随者增长,每周/每月的印象,并且每个帖子都喜欢 +评论。由于社会证明与公司的整体绩效直接相关,因此目标是全部KPI的5%MOM增长。”

凯瑟琳·布朗Spyic补充说:“ Google Analytics(分析)报告对于任何SMB所有者来说都是必须的,尤其是在这个数字采用时代。虽然这可能不是股东的要求或告诉您您帐户中有多少资金,但至关重要。它让您知道您的网站访问者,他们搜索的内容,那里有多少访问者以及人口统计。


这是一个示例website traffic report来自Datbeplay体育appiosabox。Google Analytics(分析)用户依靠此仪表板来跟踪其最重要的网站参与度指标,例如新用户的百分比,跳出率,页面上的时间等。您可以浏览更多Web分析仪表板here.

Google Analytics(分析)网站流量仪表板


Up until this point, we’ve only talked about report templates for specific results (i.e. finances, sales, and marketing). It is only critical to track inputs like how effective your team is working on large company initiatives and projects.

“Project status reports are critical for communicating updates on what you’ve accomplished and what’s still pending,” says Paige Arnof-Fenn ofmavens&moguls。“它们还可以帮助您强调当前和潜在的问题,这有助于鼓励透明度并与您的团队和客户建立信任。”

这是一个示例项目管理报告来自Datbeplay体育appiosabox。使用Asana用作其首选项目管理软件的中小型企业可以通过此仪表板在项目中的所有关键里程碑和任务中获得可见性。您可以浏览更多project management dashboardshere.

Asana project overview dashboard


This is an example of an员工生产力报告这有助于代理商跟踪收获后的总账计和不可付的时间。浏览更多员工时间跟踪仪表板here,

Harvest time report dashboard

6. Annual Report

Savvy general managers, operations managers, or COO will package all of these reports into an overview report on an annual basis for the CEO and CFO. So, they can get a high-level overview of the business in just 10-15 minutes.

亚历克斯·乌里亚特(Alex Uriarte)1-800受伤shares why are annual reports important: “I believe that the most important report for SMB owners is the annual report. An annual report’s main purpose is to show you what your organization has accomplished in the previous year. If the financial data are in your favor, you may also use this type of performance report as a marketing tool to get people excited about your company, especially potential investors and customers. Annual reports to the Securities and Exchange Commission are required by law for publicly traded companies (SEC).”

这是一个示例n年度营销报告来自Datbeplay体育appiosabox。该仪表板概述了您的HubSpot帐户中的年度指标,包括销售,电子邮件,流量和联系人。浏览更多business dashboardshere.



如果您想看到更多dashboard examples和模板以进行准确的数据报告,请查看模板库。

杰西卡·马尔尼克(Jessica Malnik)
杰西卡·马尔尼克(Jessica Malnik)杰西卡·马尔尼克(Jessica Malnik)is a content strategist and copywriter for SaaS and productized service businesses. Her writing has appeared on The Next Web, Social Media Examiner, SEMRush, CMX, Help Scout, Convince & Convert, and many other sites.
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