Web Analytics

免费的Web Analytics仪表板模板

这些Web Analytics仪表板通过最受欢迎的工具提供了一些最常见的Web分析指标。您稍后还可以自定义模板。首先,只需选择一个模板,连接数据,并且您的度量可视化将自动填充。

Create your free Databox account

Track some of the most common Web Analytics metrics and KPIs and analyze your Web Analytics performance with just a few clicks.

  • Google Analytics
  • Marketo
  • Instagram Business
  • Mixpanel
  • Adobe Analytics
Don’t see your SEO tool?
You can build a dashboard with any data usingZapier,Integromat,Google表, or aSQL database.
Google Analytics(分析)仪表板模板将为您提供有关用户,会话,推荐等信息的见解。
Google Analytics
Focus in on the metrics that matter from your Google Analytics account. Measure the key outcomes that your website was designed to create, as well as the leading indicators that help pinpoint where your greatest opportunities lie.
Google Analytics
Google Analytics(收购)仪表板模板更深入您的资源,并揭示了哪些营销活动最有生产力。
Google Analytics
The Google Analytics SEO dashboard shows exactly which search terms lead to visitors, and the quality of those visitors.
Google Analytics Google Search Console
集线器营销dashboard template provides you with insights to increase traffic, convert leads, and prove ROI.
Google Analytics(分析)仪表板模板将为您提供有关交易和收入,转换率等的见解。
Google Analytics
Facebook广告和Google AdWords模板允许您同时监视Facebook和Google广告系列,以跟踪您的进度和领域以进行改进。
Google Analytics Google Ads Facebook Ads
The Google Analytics Traffic Growth dashboard slices your traffic different ways to determine factors that lead to quality visits.
Google Analytics
The Search Console Basics dashboard reveals which pages are most visible on SERPs and which ones actually drive organic traffic.
Google Search Console
This template will provide you with greater visibility and more control over how your business is displayed in search results.
Google Analytics(Analytic)受众概述仪表板为您提供了网站用户的顶级概述,以了解访问者位置,参与度和常见设备的见解。
Google Analytics
The AdWords PPC dashboard template gives a complete view of all the fundamental ad metrics, including cost-per-click, click-through rate and impressions.
Google Ads
This dashboard highlights the second part of the inbound funnel- Convert. It shows how well you are creating leads from your site.
Google Analytics 集线器营销
The Youtube Overview Dashboard shows engagement on your Youtube channel with metrics like minutes, views and referral sources.
The HubSpot Email Campaign Dashboard shows which emails get opened and clicked over the course of a week or month.
This dashboard shows you how your site is performing in organic search results and how that performance is trending by monitoring top performing queries, pages, and your average ranking.
Google Search Console
This dashboard allows you to view Adwords performance and custom insights on the campaign level.
Google Ads
Google Analytics(分析)内容分析仪表板揭示了哪些页面可让访问者的注意力并防止它们弹跳。
Google Analytics
该仪表板允许Shopify商店所有者通过Facebook广告和Google Analytics(分析)在线销售统计数据。专注于顶级产品性能,电子商务转换率和受众概况。
Google Analytics Facebook Ads Shopify
The Blog Quality Metrics Dashboard shows you which posts engage readers and encourage them to take further action on your site.
Google Analytics
HubSpot (Leads by Source) dashboard template gives insights on which sources of traffic drive the most leads or contacts. It explains where to focus marketing effort.
Use this databoard to get an activity snapshot of new users from your organic channel. These metrics will help diagnose which assets are working well, and where you need to focus more attention.
Google Analytics
The YouTube Channel Performance dashboard makes it easy to measure video engagement with multiple metrics.
LinkedIn Company Pages Facebook Pages 推特 Instagram Business
The Google Analytics Social Media dashboard looks at the actions that users take after learning about your brand on social media.
Google Analytics
Google Analytics(分析)电子商务销售仪表板分析哪些因素会导致您的电子商务商店的销售。
Google Analytics
This dashboard helps you analyze your landing page down to every detail: traffic, sources, leads, bounce rate and more.
Google Analytics
The Monthly Marketing dashboard template examines Google Analytics and HubSpot Marketing for a complete view of traffic and user acquisition.
Google Analytics 集线器营销
The Google Analytics Site Performance dashboard looks at the response time and load time metrics that affect SEO and UX.
Google Analytics
营销与销售仪表板模板使用HubSpot Marketing和Hubspot CRM产品,为您提供漏斗顶部和底部的全部视图。
集线器营销 Hubspot CRM
这个指示板将帮助您跟踪所有阶段的the inbound marketing funnel based on the source of traffic.
该仪表板使用Google Ads和Google Analytics(分析)来显示付费广告对网站流量的直接影响。
Google Analytics Google Ads
This Google Analytics and Google Search Console Databoard shows your overall SEO performance in terms of clicks, users, channel sessions and devices.
Google Analytics Google Search Console
Measure lead generation and cost per lead across multiple conversion pixels in this databoard.
Facebook Ads
This Google Analytics Acquisition dashboard goes deep into the channels, referrers, and pages that drive traffic and conversions on your website.
Google Analytics
This dashboard shows a high-level overview of your Linkedin Ads Campaign performance so you can track ROI.
LinkedIn Ads
The Organic Blog Traffic dashboard lets you review the blog posts that generated the most search traffic in the last month.
Google Analytics
The Google Analytics website engagement dashboard provides deeper insights into bounce rate, session duration, time on page, and more.
Google Analytics
The Hubspot Blogging dashboard template looks at your most highly-trafficked blog posts each month. It measures whether you are hitting monthly goals.
Google Analytics(分析)4
The Google Analytics VP Digital Dashboard comes from Avinash Kaushik's popular package in the GA Solutions Gallery.
Google Analytics
The Google Analytics Product Revenue dashboard measures ecommerce performance based on product sales.
Google Analytics
Mixpanel dashboard template provides you with insights about events, engagement and funnels which will help you to find out where to focus your resources when building your product.
This databoard focuses on the conversion of visits to leads, and which sources you should focus on to improve that rate.
这个指示板基本咕描绘了一幅清晰的画面gle Analytics metrics, so you can easily track your successes for shortcomings.
Google Analytics
集线器营销 Hubspot CRM
The Email Traffic Overview dashboard shows the actions that visitors take on your site after they click into your site from an email.
Google Analytics
Semrush关键字/有机搜索流量仪表板模板将Semrush与Google Analytics(分析)结合在一起,以查看您的排名如何转化为流量。
Google Analytics Semrush
This report combines search, user data plus goals from Google Analytics on your business website and also phone calls / actions from Google My Business.
Google Analytics Google我的业务
集线器营销 Google Ads
该模板使用Google Analytics(分析)来深入研究流量段,以确定优质访问者的来源。
Google Analytics
下载此免费的Google Analytics(Analytics)4采集仪表板模板,以更深入地了解您的流量,监控用户行为,并密切关注所有这些影响您的收入。
Google Analytics(分析)4
Google Analytics dashboard template for mobile apps which will give you insights about your Users, Sessions, Screen views, avg. time on screen and more.
Google Analytics
那的交通质量指示板比较方式t mobile vs. desktop visitors use your site. Make decisions based on type of device.
Google Analytics
Adsensedashboard template which will give you insights about performance metrics to help you see where the right tweaks can increase profits.
这些是Credo的John Doherty用来衡量他的漏斗顶部的营销指标。
Google Analytics mailchimp
This Google Analytics Databoard shows your overall traffic, users, pages sessions and bounce rate. This offers a list of top performing landing pages, sessions, top channels and rate of goal completions from Google Analytics.
Google Analytics
通过此仪表板快速测量您在Google Analytics(分析),Google有机搜索和Facebook中的意识表现。
Google Analytics Facebook Pages Google Search Console
This dashboard helps you track traffic sources, monitor audience behavior, and add performance-focused notes to Google Analytics data.
Google Analytics
这在HubSpot的Mktg指标从仪表板拉and Google Analytics to give a high level overview of how your website is performing.
Google Analytics 集线器营销
Social Media dashboard template shows activity across your 4 favorite social networks. It focuses on visitor and follower counts over various time periods.
集线器营销 LinkedIn Company Pages Facebook Pages 推特 Instagram Business
The Convert dashboard helps you see how you’re doing in the subscribe and convert stages of the Value Journey Canvas.
This dashboard helps you inspect every step of your e-commerce funnel so that you can quickly address problem areas.
Google Analytics Google Ads Facebook Ads mailchimp
This dashboard compares your direct traffic to your organic traffic to determine the quality of each channel. Data from Google Analytics.
Google Analytics
Adobe Analytics仪表板模板使用访问,转换率和客户忠诚度,以帮助您将客户理解为人们 - 他们想要,需要和相信的东西。
Adobe Analytics
The Google Analytics Responsive Design dashboard measures the user experience of each page on your site on tablet and mobile.
Google Analytics
This dashboard will reveal the top authors and performance of the latest posts on your WordPress blog.
Google Analytics
Google Ads Campaign Overview. Metrics: Cost, Clicks, Cost / Conversion, Conversions, Conversion Value, ROAS, CTR
Google Ads
Hubspot Landing Page Performance dashboard template shows activity across your landing pages, and their activity over the last 30 days, previous month and past year.
The HubSpot Social Media template examines how many customers originated from each social media sources. It monitors day-by-day visits from social media networks as well.
A summary of the SEO performance of your site based on traffic, keyword rank, and on-page factors that may be affecting organic traffic.
Google Analytics Semrush
Use this free dashboard and gain a top-level overview of your website and app users for insights on visitor location, engagement, and common devices.
Google Analytics(分析)4
This template was made for C-Level executives who want to track their Marketing and Sales teams KPI's.
集线器营销 Hubspot CRM
This dashboard allows for marketers to see at a glance how their users are consuming information on their website in order to make incremental changes that drive growth.
Google Analytics
This dashboard shows the traffic quality per channel in order to help identify which channels are performing at the desired level, and which need to be focused on and improved.
Google Analytics
This dashboard gives you an overview of three categories of KPIs from Google Analytics: Acquisition, Behavior, Conversion.
Google Analytics
Wistia’s dashboard template provides you with video analytics about plays, loads and visitors and to shows you the story behind each view.
The Visits by Source dashboard template shows the origin of your site or app traffic. You can examine which marketing efforts have captured an audience.
Google Analytics Google Search Console
This Marketing & Sales dashboard offers a high level overview of cumulative results driven by digital activity on an annual basis.
集线器营销 Hubspot CRM
内容营销Overview. View metrics: sessions, sessions by channel, events by event action, audience behavior, pageviews, goal completions by goal
Google Analytics
Stay on top of any errors, warnings and notices that are slowing down your site.
This dashboard, authored by ConnectEngine, is a guide to getting started with measuring marketing funnel performance with HubSpot Free.
This dashboard helps you quickly identify old blog posts you need to update by showing you which posts are losing organic search traffic and Google Search rankings.
Google Analytics Google Search Console
This dashboard gives the user a month-to-date view of their content marketing performance using data from HubSpot Marketing and Google Analytics.
Google Analytics 集线器营销
Conversion Report: Goals Overview. View metrics: goal conversion rate, goal completions by goal, goal completions by channel, goal conversion rate by channel, goals by page
Google Analytics
该仪表板可帮助您监视您最近更新的旧博客文章的性能 - 有机搜索流量,Google搜索排名,CTR和转换
Google Analytics Google Search Console
This HubSpot Marketing Template drills down into your Website Sessions so you can better determine the effectiveness of your blogging efforts. I uses a combination of quality and quantity Metrics to help you understand your audience's behavior.
Google AdMob
The Referral Overview dashboard shows which external sites drive traffic, and which ones drive conversion on your site.
Google Analytics
HubSpot Marketing + Sales仪表板模板使用HubSpot服务中的数据来显示您的完整营销渠道和销售管道。
集线器营销 Hubspot CRM
This SLA-inspired template will give you an overall snapshot of team performance for Sales & Marketing. Track lifecycle stage conversion rates along with Marketing & Sales team activities within the HubSpot Marketing & HubSpot CRM systems.
集线器营销 Hubspot CRM
Use this free dashboard template to compare the performance of your most popular acquisition channels.
Google Analytics
This dashboard provides a streamlined view of monthly lead generation performance using data from HubSpot's Marketing product.
This dashboard allows you to easily view metrics around how you're attracting, converting and closing business, in order to determine how to further pinpoint opportunities for improvement.
Google Analytics 集线器营销
Google Analytics
This dashboard provides a high-level overview of the impact of your lead generation efforts.
This dashboard gives an overview of all the activities you have completed in Marketo, with a focus on email.
This dashboard looks at your most highly-trafficked blog posts each month.
有机交通分析仪表板显示了SEO工作的结果以及Google Analytics(分析)现场的关键活动。
Google Analytics Semrush
Google Analytics
This template shows an overview of last month's HubSpot Marketing performance compared to the previous year.
网站细分概述. View metric: pageviews, sessions by channel, segment drilldown
Google Analytics
集线器营销性能概述: sessions, visitors, bounce rate, new contacts, new customers, by source, new opportunities
This dashboard gives you insight as to what sources lead to the most customers. With that information, you can adjust your marketing strategy accordingly.
内容营销Drilldown. View metrics: pageviews, website goal completion rate, page drilldown
Google Analytics
Conversion Report: Ecommerce Overview. View metrics: transactions, transactions by channel, source drilldown, revenue, product drilldown
Google Analytics
This dashboard gives a brief overview of year-to-date results from three key parts of the funnel- visits, leads and customers.
集线器营销 Hubspot CRM
那的交通质量指示板比较方式t mobile vs. desktop visitors use your site.
Google Analytics
Google Analytics
This template helps you measure how well you are moving leads through the funnel by comparing CTA views to clicks, emails opened to clicks, and contacts to traffic.
Google Analytics
Conversion Report: Events Overview. View metrics: event actions, events by channel, events by source, event value, events by page
Google Analytics
This dashboard lets you analyze your newly acquired customers by tracking the number of new deals created in HubSpot CRM.
集线器营销 Hubspot CRM
The Semrush Keyword Milestones dashboard looks at top 3 and top 10 keywords and tracks organic traffic changes based on keyword movement.
Google Analytics Semrush
This dashboard shows both internal Wistia and Google Analytics metrics to reveal the impact of video on site behavior.
Google Analytics Wistia
Ensure your optimization efforts are paying off with this Google Analytics Dashboard.
Google Analytics
This dashboard gives an overview of the annual metrics from your HubSpot account, including sales, email, traffic and contacts.
集线器营销 Hubspot CRM
该仪表板发现了将漂移事件与Google Analytics(分析事件跟踪)联系起来的魔力……DataBox可以在持续的实时,实时的基础上以易于理解的方式解锁和交付的魔法。beplay体育appios
Google Analytics
The Website Measurement Plan Template utilizes a standardized framework to quickly measure the awareness of your website, engagement of users, conversion success and loyalty metrics.
Google Analytics
This HubSpot Marketing template allows you to compare last year's KPIs to this year's KPIs to your own personal goals. Simultaneously, it gives you the opportunity to share notes on key takeaways.
集线器营销 Hubspot CRM
This dashboard, authored by ConnectEngine, is a guide to getting started with inbound marketing. You'll discover how people are reaching your website and how many are becoming leads.
集线器营销Website Overview: sessions, bounce rate, page views, new vs returning visitors, session quality, cta engagement
Use this free dashboard template to view ratios between current traffic, leads, marketing qualified leads, deals, and customers.
集线器营销 Hubspot CRM
HubSpot营销转换钻取: sessions, contacts, sql, opportunity, customers, landing page contacts, email marketing contacts, new contacts by source
This dashboard gives you an overall view of your sales and customer support team's performance with live chat.
This dashboard gives an overview of user acquisition and behavior on your website based on Google Analytics data.
Google Analytics 集线器营销
This template helps you track key Inbound Marketing performance metrics like traffic performance by source, contacts by lifecycle stages, email performance, landing page performance and blog performance.
The Blog Traffic Distribution dashboard helps you find your top performing blog articles based on organic traffic.
Google Analytics Semrush
Google Analytics 集线器营销
This dashboard shows a high-level report of impact of your traffic generation efforts. See the total vs. new visitors to your site, as well as their corresponding source attribution.
Google Analytics 集线器营销
集线器营销Demand Drilldown: sessions by source, blog views, landing page views, sessions from email marketing, views by landing page
Email performance overview out of HubSpot
This free dashboard offers complete insights into your website and app audience. Get useful, actionable data on your users, their origin, purchase revenue, and more.
Google Analytics(分析)4
The Inbound Performance Overview dashboard uses data from the HubSpot Marketing platform to compare the health of your inbound marketing funnels with benchmark data.
这个指示板包含顶级SEO关键性能dicators that can help you understand the overall health and authority of your website in the eyes of a search engine like Google.
Google Analytics Google Search Console Semrush 莫兹
HubSpot营销博客概述: new blog posts published, blog views, total blog subscribers, new blog subscribers
集线器营销Landing Page Drilldown: page views, cta views, submissions, contact, customers, bounce rate, entrances, exits
集线器营销Website Source Drilldown: website benchmarks, sessions, bounce rate, new visitors sessions, new contacts
This template is perfect for clients who want a general overview of their social media performance without getting into too much detail. This will summarize how their brand is doing within the social community.
LinkedIn Company Pages Facebook Pages 推特 Wistia
This dashboard gives you the ability to focus on your Marketing and Sales KPIs as individual components. The simple layout allows you to guide the conversation without any distractions.
集线器营销 Hubspot CRM
集线器营销 Seventh Sense
Analyze the effectiveness of your campaigns, which one generates the most traffic, and more, with this StackAdapt dashboard template.
Use this free dashboard template to track how awareness video is leading to branded and high-intent searches, track your Facebook ads and Google Ads performance and return on your ad spend.
Google Analytics Google Ads Facebook Ads Facebook Pages
Use this free dashboard template to monitor your website traffic, bounce rate, and conversion data split up by 1 dimension.
Google Analytics
集线器营销Email Campaign Drilldown: emails sent, delivered, opened, clicked, open rate, click rate
HubSpot Marketing Blog Drilldown:博客文章表演,pageviews,CTA点击,CTR,跳出率
This dashboard, authored by ConnectEngine, helps a team get started on the right foot in Drift by tracking the essential metrics in plain language.
This dashboard tracks how keywords are ultimately translating to pageviews.
Google Analytics 集线器营销 Semrush
确保您的电子邮件营销活动通过此仪表板产生最佳结果,该仪表板从第七Sense和Google Analytics(分析)帐户中提取指标。
Google Analytics Seventh Sense
Vimeo OTT流量概述仪表板将您的流量切成不同的方式,以确定导致高质量访问的过滤器。
Vimeo OTT

Build custom Web Analytics dashboards

No design or coding skills necessary.

Learn more about Dashboard Designer

什么是Web Analytics仪表板?

A web analytics dashboard displays your most important website data in one place and provides quick insights into how well your website is performing.

With the help of a web metrics dashboard, marketing and SEO teams are able to determine what’s happening on their site, which CTAs are most effective, and more, ultimately enabling them to make better data-driven decisions.


A comprehensive web analytics dashboard should include any web data related to monitoring the performance of your website such as time spent on site, unique page visitors, page views, traffic sources, and bounce rate.

A carefully crafted web metrics dashboard should help inform your marketing and SEO strategy by answering how many people are seeing your website and pages, how many people are clicking from search engines to your pages, what is their average time on the page, and more.

How to Create a Web Analytics Dashboard

Using Databox’sDashboard Designer, building a dashboard is as simple as connecting a data source, choosing the metrics you need from our Metrics Library, and watching your visualizations populate in seconds. No coding and design skills are required.

Create a new dashboard using our Designer tool
Create a new dashboard using our Designer tool
Name your dashboard
Name your dashboard
Select a data source
Select a data source
Drag-and-drop pre-built metrics from that source to your dashboard or drag a blank visualization first and select the metric you’d like to associate with it.
Drag-and-drop pre-built metrics from that source to your dashboard
Customize each metric block by date range, comparisons, goals, and more.
Customize each metric block