
Sales Activity Reporting: Definition, Benefits, Top Metrics to Include, Examples, and More

Want to learn how to track your company’s sales activities? Here is everything you need to know about sales activity reporting.

Filip StojanovicFilip Stojanovic2022年6月1日(最后一次修改于2022年6月14日)•12分钟阅读


No matter how good you may be at organizing, tracking the results of all these activities can be immensely time-consuming.

This is why we incorporate sales activity reports.

Sales activity reports provide you with valuable insights into your overall sales process and let you see exactly how well your sales representatives are performing.

Making the most out of sales activities reports is one the repertoire of every successful sales executive and they can essentially make or break a sales department.


集线器Sales Manager KPIs Dashboard Template

What Is a Sales Activity Report?

A sales activity report is a detailed document that showcases the performance of each sales activity that occurs within a company.

It provides sales managers with sufficient data and valuable insights into the activities that the sales team has completed in a specific time frame (daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annually).

有了销售活动报告,您将能够检查您的most important sales metricssuch as leads acquired, deals closed, revenue generated, sales pipeline, conversions, phone calls, and dozens more.

In case you motivate your sales representatives through competition, a sales activity report can also show you a detailed performance comparison between the sales reps.

Sales processes and activities are generally hard to comprehend, especially in larger companies.

This is why incorporating a sales activity report can make a huge difference. You will have an easier time making informed decisions, reaching milestones, and understanding the bigger picture behind the overall sales process.

Related:Sales Report Templates For Daily, Weekly Monthly, Quarterly and Yearly Statements (Sourced from 40+ Sales Pros)

Benefits of Sales Activity Reports

As we said, sales activity reports carry a lot of weight.

No matter how big your company is, practicing activity reporting can provide an abundance of valuable data.

Even startups and SMBs that don’t have as many sales activities to track can use these reports to optimize the overall process and plan future growth strategies.

Some of the most notable benefits of sales activity reports include:

  • 做出明智的决定- 借助您的销售主管通过活动报告收到的数据,做出日常明智的决策变得更加容易。
  • Measuring separate components– Sales activity reports track and capture each important part of the sales process, which means you will know exactly how they are impacting the bigger picture.
  • 监视销售团队- “抽象”衡量销售团队绩效的日子已经过去了。有了活动报告,您将看到每个销售代表的成功,这也是激励他们加强游戏的好方法。
  • Better resource allocation– Due to the various metrics included in an activity report, you will be able to make better decisions regarding your resources. For example, you will be able to identify the most important leads, profitable clients, and know which target audience to focus on, which will eventually help you save both time and money.
  • 识别弱点– There is no such thing as a perfect sales process because there are always areas that can be improved. With a sales activity report, you will have an easier time identifying these areas and then optimizing them for better performance.

Related:23个针对HubSpot CRM跟踪销售活动的技巧


Now that you know what a sales activity report is and what its benefits are, we can move on to the actual reporting process.

Follow these next few steps to report on your sales activities faster and more efficiently.

Determine the Time Frame

Depending on the time frame, there are four different types of sales activity reports – daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annual.

Each of these activity reports focuses on different information, so it’s crucial to determine which report you will be writing.

For example, a daily sales activity report tracks metrics such as the number of calls a sales rep made in a day or the number of meetings they attended.

However, if you want to focus on capturing the purchase patterns of your customers and see how effective your sales strategies have been, you should create a quarterly or yearly sales activity report.


A good sales reporting practice is to start off the writing process with the executive summary first in line.


Once you know which findings you want to communicate through the report, you will have an easier time focusing on them during the writing process and you will avoid any unnecessary improvisations.

记住,你应该保持布里干酪的总结f as possible. Of course, if you are writing a yearly report, the summary might end up taking up one whole page, which is completely reasonable.

The main thing is to avoid including unnecessary information that will make the summary unnecessary longer.

Use Graphs to Simplify the Data

Including visual elements such as graphs or charts to simplify the numbers can go a long way with executives reading the report.

Not only does it make the report more understandable, but it also makes it looks better and adds a dose of professionalism.


Add Current vs. Before Comparisons

The next thing you should include is the progress your sales department is making.

For example, if your generated revenue in a specific period is $5000, you should also explain that it’s a 150% increase compared to last month.

This type of information can help motivate your sales reps and show your investors that there is progress being made.

Even if there isn’t much progress, it’s still better to include this comparison. You can even add an explanation of what went wrong and develop strategies on how to fix it.


The purpose of a sales activity report isn’t just to present your shareholders with a random set of numbers.

You should always aim to include additional information about the numbers in order to explain them more granularly. This helps justify the figures you presented and in overall data contextualizing.

What Is Included in a Sales Activity Report?

Creating a sales activity report just because it is useful won’t mean very much if you don’t plan it out to the last detail.

You have to have a clear strategy in mind before you start writing the report, and this includes knowing which metrics to focus on.


Here is a list of some of thetop metrics you should includein your sales activity report:

  • Number of phone calls made
  • Emails sent
  • 演示呈现
  • Closed deals
  • 新交易
  • 平均销售周期长度
  • Time spent on the phone
  • Lead sources
  • 销售收入的rep
  • Website traffic
  • New contracts sent
  • Conversion rate
  • 平均交易规模
  • 前景数量
  • Sales rep productivity


专家提示:If you are using HubSpot CRM, you are probably tracking metrics like calls, emails, logged new deals, and deals won, all by sales rep. But there’s one metric that isn’t easily tracked in HubSpot CRM — and that’s close rate by sales rep.

That’s where we can help! Combining Databox and HubSpot CRM, you can轻松跟踪和可视化销售代表的关闭费率。观看下面的视频以了解如何。

Sales Activity Report Examples and Templates

Considering the importance that sales activity reports have in a company, learning how to write them properly should become one of your top priorities.

No matter how much experience you may have in writing sales reports, having a useful tool by your side can only make things easier.

We are referring to sales activity report examples and templates.

让我们看看一些best sales dashboard templatesthat will help you overcome the difficulties of sales activity reporting.

集线器Sales Activity Dashboard

轻松跟踪所有阶段your sales funnel,您可以免费下载此HubSpot销售活动仪表板。

Since you will have data of each stage captured in one report, you will also be able to quickly identify problem areas and see to them immediately.

集线器Sales Activity Dashboard

Some of the things you can learn through this report are:

  • Insight into how many calls the sales reps made in a specific period
  • 哪个销售代表的前景会议最多
  • 深入了解您在特定时期内发送的销售代表发送了多少封电子邮件

The metrics included are calls, emails logged, meetings, notes, and many more.

集线器Sales Manager KPIs Dashboard

For monitoring the most important outputs and outcomes of your sales team, you should consider using theHubSpot销售经理KPIS仪表板。


集线器Sales Manager KPIs Dashboard

Additionally, the dashboard can provide answers to questions like:

  • What is the average deal size?
  • How many open, closed, and lost deals were there?
  • How much revenue will the new deals generate?
  • How is the company progressing toward its goals?

Monthly Sales Activity (Sales Rep View) Dashboard

每月销售活动仪表板is one of the best ways for you to track the most important monthly sales metrics and monitor your company’s progress.


Monthly Sales Activity (Sales Rep View) Dashboard


Hubspot CRM(销售团队钻探)仪表板

You can use the集线器CRM Dashboardto efficiently track the overall productivity of your sales representatives and see which ones performed the best in a specific period.

Hubspot CRM(销售团队钻探)仪表板

This comprehensive dashboard includes an abundance of important metrics you can track, including:

  • Emails sent per sales rep
  • 每个销售代表拨打电话
  • 预订的会议销售代表
  • 新交易made per sales rep
  • Closed deals won amount per sales rep

Hubspot CRM(销售代表钻探)仪表板

To measure your sales team’s performance and see how each individual sales rep is performing, you can use theHubspot CRM仪表板。

Hubspot CRM(销售代表钻探)仪表板

The key metrics included in this report are emails logged, meetings booked, calls made, new deals created, close rate, closed won amount, and much more.

Monitor Your Sales Team’s Activity and Success in Databox

Sales activity reports are undoubtedly one of the best ways to track all the important metrics in your sales process, identify problem areas, and later optimize them.

However, as useful as they may be, creating a sales activity report is no easy work.

你要经常收集数据,组织it, analyze it, and then turn it into meaningful insights that your audience will understand. If you do all of this manually, the process becomes even harder and more time-consuming.


Databox grants you access to pre-built and customizable dashboards that will capture and track all of the important sales activity KPIs and metrics in one place.

集线器Sales Manager KPIs Dashboard Template

No matter which type of sales channel you are using, you will be able to connect it to the dashboard and transform the data into a meaningful report.



Want to experience the benefits of Databox first-hand?在此注册免费试用。

Filip Stojanovic
Filip StojanovicFilip Stojanovic is a content writer who studies Business and Political Sciences. Also, I am a huge tennis enthusiast. Although my dream is to win a Grand Slam, working as a content writer is also interesting.
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