Social Media

LinkedIn Ads Best Practices: 10 Tips for Running Successful Campaigns


Masooma MemonMasooma Memon2021年2月22日(最后一次修改于2022年2月4日)•14分钟阅读

你知道这是一个很大的80% of content marketers运行LinkedIn广告?

Given the fact that LinkedIn is the leading organic social network for B2B marketers, it makes sense that’s also so popular among advertisers.

Just as other types of paid ads, Linkedin ads can be tricky to master. If you have been running LinkedIn ads for a while now without seeing the expected results, try following these LinkedIn ads best practices to get things right.


Here’s what you’ll learn today:

  1. Start with understanding your audience
  2. 目标决策者
  3. Keep an eye on segment breakdown
  4. Use text with your ads
  5. 也玩视觉效果
  6. 用LinkedIn转换像素重新定位用户
  7. Choose ad type wisely
  8. Use LinkedIn strategically alongside running ads
  9. Offer gated content
  10. Test and be consistent with your campaign
LinkedIn Marketing Dashboard Template by Databox


First, we asked them to share their typical cost per click on LinkedIn. The majority – about 24% – said their CPC was between $2-3.



typical CPM on LinkedIn data graph

Now, to the meaty part:

1. Start with understanding your audience

作为with any other strategy, your work on your LinkedIn ad campaign should also start with getting full clarity on who your target audience is. Doing so helps you personalize your ad message so it resonates with your audience.

Hence, it makes sense that “great performing LinkedIn ads begin with researching whom you wish to reach and what creative elements (visuals and copy) will best resonate with them,” in the words of鸭肉Andrew Clark.


“为了成功使用这些功能,广告客户应该对听众的观众有透彻的了解watering holes又名他们将时间花在平台上或网络上的其他地方,除了通常的人口统计信息。前一部分有助于确保您在已经研究或谈论自己的领域的人们面前,反过来,更有可能采取您所需的行动。”

What’s more, “to get high conversions in a LinkedIn ads campaign, you’ll want to use a combination of audience segmentation and value,” shares Tiffany Lewis ofMore Meaningful Marketing



And remember, “if your target vertical isn’t well-defined, you’ll be wasting impressions and clicks on low-quality traffic and leads,” Galt says. “Once you’ve got the right audience, also make certain to deliver ads that are relevant to your prospect’s needs and speak their niche language.”

有关的10 Ways to Improve Lead Quality with LinkedIn Campaign Groups

2. Target decision-makers

Often, your ad copy resonates with the right people. They might even think‘hurray! This is what we were looking for.’The only catch? The ad’s not targeted to the people who’ll call the final shots. So you end up convincing your target audience, but just not the right person who makes the decision.

解决方案?“ LinkedIn没有像大多数平台那样针对最终用户,而是让您获得更强大的功能:目标C级位置,”International Consulting’sYoann Bierling概述。

If you really want an ad to have a professional impact, such as getting your product sold to a company, do not target team members, but decision-makers, with personalized ads, such as the ones allowed in conversation.通过出售产品而不是标准品牌知名度,您有机会获得想要的地方,其成本会更高,但精力较低。” Berling继续说道。

像Bierling,成长黑客公司的乔纳森·奥弗雷(Jonathan Aufray)还是超级目标决策者的粉丝 - 作为LinkedIn付费广告最佳实践之一分享这一点。


Let me give you an example:

  • 您不仅想按职位和国家瞄准人。您可以按角色,公司,行业,职位,城市等来瞄准它们。
  • 然后,制作一条消息并设计针对它们的创意。例如,您可以针对洛杉矶医疗保健行业中小型企业的创始人。您的创意将在洛杉矶市中心有一名医生,您的信息可能会说:“您有兴趣使健康技术员工提高生产力吗?我们是洛杉矶的专家。立即取得联系以发现如何。’


3. Keep an eye on segment breakdown

由于我们已经在谈论针对您的受众,所以Ironpaper’sArielle Ru has another LinkedIn ads best practice.




You’d think words don’t have much of a role to play in an ad. Think again. Persuasive copywriting can not only get your audience’s attention, but it can encourage them to take action too.

这就是为什么彼得·肖曼(Peter Schoeman)Thedogadventure.com分享此LinkedIn文本广告的最佳实践:“运行高转换LinkedIn广告活动的一个很好的技巧是在图像广告中使用大量文本。”


我的经验是big, bold text on your LinkedIn Ads actually can work well。One of my favorite ad design tactics is to use a colorful bold background with bold text. In the text, I normally like to Call out the job title of the candidates we are trying to attract; or highlight our proposal with a strong call to action (CTA).”

Matt Lally fromthegiftyak为桌子带来了更多可操作的技巧:“以您的主要品牌颜色,创建垂直,水平和平方尺寸的颜色。


5. Play with the visuals too

强大的视觉效果,包括吸引人的图片,简短的视频,GIF等,在工作中引起观众的注意力。实际上,人脑处理视觉效果60,000 times faster than text

外卖?良好的视觉效果是吸引观众的关键。作为长颈鹿社交媒体的埃莉诺·鲍德温(Eleanor Baldwin)说:“图片是关键!花费大量时间确保副本是完美的,尽管这很重要,但不要低估使用引人入胜的图片的重要性。”

辛迪·威廉姆斯(Cindy Williams)来自Web Sharx对视频说话:“ LinkedIn的本地视频 - 创建有吸引力的视频以捕捉客户的吸引力。视频必须不到10分钟。”

有关的39 LinkedIn视频提示来促进您的营销策略

Whatever creative you work with though, “make it stand out” remarksFXCK如何本·古尼。“我们进行了大量的LinkedIn广告活动,并且在提要中转换最高的人。有趣的图像和弹出颜色的饲料香料,让人们停下来并实际考虑要约。”


6. Retarget users with the LinkedIn Conversion Pixel

Next on this list of LinkedIn ads best practices is a tip from Maulik Patel ofClick Matix关于重新定位。

“Install The LinkedIn Conversion Pixel as soon as possible,” suggests Patel. “You need to get the LinkedIn pixel on your site ASAP. Even if you do not have plans to run ads any time soon. Yes, the main ideas to have the pixel on your site are to retarget visitors to your site with ads; and to track conversions on your website.”



It’s also crucial you select your ad format wisely. Of course, knowing your audience helps. But there’s nothing like testing each format to see which resonates with them the best.

难怪,我的混合David McHugh评论说:“我运行高转换LinkedIn广告系列的最佳技巧是利用并利用所有不同类型的LinkedIn广告。”

麦克休(McHugh)解释说:“有三个主要的广告,包括侧栏广告,新闻提要中出现的赞助广告以及Inmail Ads,这只是您可以发送给人们收件箱的直接消息。

Each ad format has a slightly different interface where you can either prioritize text, images, or other types of content and messaging, so try utilizing all LinkedIn ads have to offer and see which types bring you the best results.”

One more factor to consider is “your advertising objectives,”ResumeLab’sBart Turczynski notes. “Sponsored content, vs. InMail and CPC text ads, all get leveraged quite differently, so it’s imperative what you want to achieve, who you want to reach, and how. Otherwise, you can quickly burn through your budget with little results to show for.”

But if you were to start with one format for your LinkedIn ad before you go experimenting, you might want to give sponsored content a shot as Maninder Paul from数字连接器建议。

“They are a native ad format and appear like a part of the regular LinkedIn feed. With this format, you can keep your message simple and concise with an appealing visual – image or video. It also allows you to have 3 strategic places where you can place your CTA (Your ad copy, visual, and the headline) which makes it versatile,” Paul elaborates.


8. Use LinkedIn strategically alongside running ads

It’s also essential you take out time to use LinkedIn strategically. The idea is simple: increase your time on the app (so the algorithm favors you) and show your ad viewers that you have an active profile.

“Invest in having a strong brand outside of paid media,” echoes Omri Hurwitz fromOmri Hurwitz媒体。客户,建立自己的品牌t leadership, Podcasts, and PR, get much better results on LinkedIn advertising.”

That’s a fair point, isn’t it? And, before we move on to another one of LinkedIn paid ad best practices, here are two LinkedIn use recommendations fromPlain Writing’s德里克·吉列(Derek Gillette):

  • “Make sure employees at the company were already writing and engaging organically on the platform
  • 确保公司页面处于原始状态,并与活动联系在一起(如果可能的话)”


9. Offer gated content

Gated content is content that isn’t accessible right away. For example, an eBook that’s gated requires you to get it by sharing your email address. Our experts suggest you need to offer such content in your LinkedIn ads.

“即使会议的景观发生了巨大变化,”克里斯汀·艾德斯(Kristin Ides)的希望Prismatic“在LinkedIn的铅纳式表格的活动之后,针对与会者使用上下文封闭式内容仍会产生高转化率。

Make sure to have your speaker mention the availability of a white paper or another piece of content at the end of their talk.

通过活动与会者的电子邮件列表创建一个高度针对性的受众,并在表格上使用下载CTA。CPC通常要高得多,但是您要直接与已经拥有您解决方案的受众直接交谈。”’s安东尼·布拉特纳(Anthony Blatner)也谈到提供封闭式内容。“绝对最佳的转换活动来自于针对特定行业的特定职位,并匹配直接与他们交谈的报价。从LinkedIn Lead Forms广告系列中的内容优惠(又称“铅磁铁”)开始,您将参加比赛!”


回到我们上面在实验LinkedIn AD类型时所做的点,这是对测试一致的最后一个技巧。Rep Cap’sMary Ellen Slayter says it right, “Don’t skip your pilots!”

这是游戏计划:“在启动全面的广告系列之前,test your audience, creative and ad format。I like to do 7-day tests for each variant, spending $100 per day,” explains Slayter.


不要忘记“预算每日和一生的支出,并确保您的日常支出至少为50美元,” Meara McNitt建议在线乐观

“ LinkedIn是一个高成本的转换平台 - 精神上准备在潜在客户上花费至少150美元。如果您正在寻找转化,您可以分配到LinkedIn的预算越多越好。

Since LinkedIn has some of the most specific targeting options, it is worth investing in—but regularly check your Chart data to make sure you are reaching the right people, and adjust your targeting and exclusions if it isn’t.”

LinkedIn Marketing Dashboard Template by Databox

With these 10 proven LinkedIn ads best practices by your side, I’m sure you’d be able to benefit from your LinkedIn ads in no time. But remember: it all boils down to knowing your audience and experimenting with different ad types, measuring their results with a付费广告仪表板找出最适合您的东西。

About the author
Masooma Memon
Masooma MemonMasooma is a freelance writer for SaaS and a lover to-do lists. When she's not writing, she usually has her head buried in a business book or fantasy novel.
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