


Jessica Greene.Jessica Greene.2021年6月4日(上次修改在2021年11月10日)•13分钟阅读



But using video to generate more leads for your business requires more than just publishing videos. You have to createengaging视频视频鼓励人们按播放并继续从头到尾继续观看。






Average video engagement is a measurement that helps you understand how much of your video people spend watching.

Engagement is calculated by taking the overall number of plays for an individual video and multiplying it by the length (in time) of that same video.




The responses show that not only are all of these basic things important, there are also many additional aspects that are key to engagement. The two options that received the most votes were “video quality” and “other.”

most important factors that affect average video engagement


显然,要创造比我们预期的吸引力更多。那么,那些驾驶视频参与的其他事情是什么,成功的视频营销人员如何确保他们获得基础的质量,长度和格式 - 右图?


  1. 首先专注于质量
  2. 创造一个引人注目的介绍
  3. Ask a Question
  4. Evoke EmotionS.
  5. Include Annotations, Visual Cues, and CTAs
  6. Include Shoutouts
  7. 保持简短
  8. 或适当的结构较长的视频
  9. 为每个平台格式化您的视频
  10. 将您的内容达到每个平台
  11. 有人托管你的视频
  12. 创建诱人的缩略图
  13. 优化您的视频以获取搜索
  14. 包括字幕
  15. Promote Your Video
  16. Review Your Analytics Regularly

1. Focus on Quality First


“创建实际上是有价值和娱乐的视频,而不是仅仅分享您相信的信息很重要,”G2人群Derek Doeing。“考虑一下你喜欢的视频消费者,并用它来制作自己的视频。”


And beyond content quality, you also have to consider audio and video quality. Quality and loading times are vital factors in reducing bounce rates and keeping viewers’ attention.


“Focus on the first five seconds,” saysAdvice Media’s Joe Sloan. “You really want to work on how your videos start and figuring out what your hook is.”

You can also try engaging your audience and keeping the viewers interested by mentioning near the beginning of the video, that an important topic or statistic will be covered near the end of the video.

3. Ask a Question

“The most effective way to improve your video engagement is by asking viewers a question. In the video, tell users to comment by answering the question, and your engagement will skyrocket.” shares成长黑客’ Jonathan Aufray.

除了提高参与,Sky Alphabet Social Media’s Steve Yanor recommends actually displaying the question as text over the video: “Embed a question at the start of the video—within the first two seconds—as a title that appears over the video.”


4. Evoke Emotions

“Simply having an educational video is not enough to draw people in,” says Andrew Schutt of高架网营销。“相反,通过使用视频的内容来增加参与,以帮助观众感受到特定的情感。”


“But if you can help them understand how those facts and statistics relate to their lives—and how that impacts them and makes them feel—then you’re going to get much higher engagement. It’s all about pulling on the emotional strings of the viewer.”

5. Include Annotations, Visual Cues, and CTAs

“Add as many visual cues as you can to help draw attention throughout the video, and embed calls-to-action, too,” says Daniel Lynch of同理心第一媒体

使用 encourage viewers to subscribe to your newsletter, follow you on social, or download a lead magnet.”

Using annotations and CTAs will help you tell the audience what you want them to do—and how. Do this throughout the entire video, not just at the end or beginning to get leads, subscribers, or other details from your audience who engaged with the content but perhaps didn’t watch the whole video.

6. Include Shoutouts

“我们经常在视频中包含个性化的客户Shoutous,”Yaniv Masjedi说Nextiva。“Then, we tag those people in our posts.”

“我们标记的个人和他们的网络只是*观看视频 - 并继续观看直到结束看什么即将到来。”

7. Keep it Short

“两分钟是我们一直在生产的视频的完美长度,”财富连续组集团’s Kelly Andersen. “We’re trying to educate the audience and then provide a call-to-action for them to either contact us or visit our website.”



Tettra’s Kristen Craft.


Jake Fisher of桥梁策略与数字营销建议“像歌曲作者这样的视频组成一首歌:介绍,诗歌,诗歌,合唱,经文,诗歌,合唱,桥梁,合唱,前。想想你的视频在这些结构术语中。“


“The bridge sets up the outro and often contains the main call-to-action. Then, finish with one more chorus and send the user out with an outro flourish,” Fisher says.

9. Format Your Video for Each Platform

“Don’t take a one-size-fits-all approach to formatting your video for different platforms,” says凹陷保罗Fairbrother。“确保为每个平台正确格式化视频。”

“例如,Adespresso跑1美元的实验and found that Instagram Stories videos can drive results nearly as good as Instagram’s Feed. However, they require different video dimensions as Stories uses vertical video whereas Feed generally uses a square canvas.”

“This requires planning in advance when capturing video footage as it’s very hard to convert horizontal video into a vertical ratio. The platforms which are going to be used—and therefore the canvas dimensions—need to be relayed to the videographer before the shoot takes place.”



“For example, video engagement rates on social (like Facebook or Instagram) are much different than video engagements you would measure on your website or YouTube channel. The most effective way to increase engagement overall is to understand and create or edit for the platform and audience.”


“If your video is a testimonial or an animated explainer on your website surrounding a product or service offering, increase average engagement by ensuring you’re answering pain points, concerns, and other questions your audience has on the subject.”



“通过屏幕上的主机提升您的视频参与,”Aneesh Babu说反向蒙丁

A1未来技术’ Srish Agrawal says it helps if the host is “excited or enthusiastic when he/she is talking.”

“When we tape videos, it’s important for the host to feel natural and talk to the camera like they are having a conversation,” says Kelly Andersen of Wealth Continuum Group. “Using your hands to convey points is a great way to make it feel more relaxed.”

12. Create an Enticing Thumbnail


杰夫斯坦尼斯洛Chief Internet Marketer据说“有一个参与缩略图的图像,写一个令人信服的描述,这是七个词或更少的描述。”

Orbit Media Studios“Andy Crestodina认为”这是关于缩略图的形象。这是人们在点击之前看到的照片,它有与订婚有关的一切。“

“The best video thumbnails have two things:”

  • “一个人的脸(通常是演示者,但并非总是)”
  • “a little bit of text (usually the title, but not always)”


13. Optimize Your Video for Search

“如果你没有优化你的视频进行搜索,就没有人会找到它,”本沃克说Transcription Outsourcing。“你甲型肝炎e to get a video SEO guru to make sure it’s optimized with the right words, descriptions, and information for the bots to index it.”


14. Include Subtitles

Another powerful way to increase video engagement is to add subtitles to your video.85% of Facebook users没有任何声音在移动浏览他们的提要,所以by adding subtitles, you can capture their attention even without volume.


“To boost engagement, promote your video on social, include it in your newsletter, or boost it with ads,” says Janil Jean ofLogo Design Guru


Explainify’s Graeme McLaughlin also offered several ideas for how to promote different types of videos.


  • Adding the video to your homepage and/or about page
  • Pinning a tweet with the video to the top of your Twitter profile
  • Asking your team to share the video across their favorite social channels
  • Adding the video to your team members’ email signatures

For software product videos, boost video engagement by:

  • Adding it to the landing page for that product
  • 如果是新产品,请将其发送给前者和现有客户
  • Using the video in paid social media ads—bonus points if you use retargeting to tailor the ads to qualified, mid-funnel leads

For sales videos, boost video engagement by:

  • 将视频作为重新参与电子邮件活动的一部分,以预热引线并将它们驱动到下一个转换点
  • 为您的销售团队提供电子邮件模板,其中包括视频与当前的潜在客户共享
  • 包括相关着陆页上的视频
  • 在您的Live Chat工具中从您的欢迎消息中链接到视频“


最后,您如何知道您的平均视频参与是否足够高 - 或者需要改进?

There are two things you can do. First, you can compare your average engagement to that of the marketers who responded to this survey.



“如果您有一个WISTIA帐户,您真的需要查看您的视频分析,”咨询媒体的Joe Sloan说。“他们将在用户与内容中脱离时显示。”

“And remember, engagement data points may change from platform to platform—Instagram will have different conversion and audience engagement rates—but you’ll want to review these metrics to best leverage your videos to fit the platform you’re sharing them on,” Sloan says.



So Where Should You Start?

If you’re just getting started with measuring and improving your video engagement, start with the basics. Follow Graeme McLaughlin’s advice: “Create the best video for the audience you’re targeting, the message you want to be delivering, and the action you want viewers to take.”

Start there, get the basics right, and then move on testing some of the other tips in this list. Finally, review your data using a视频营销仪表板找出最适合您的品牌,观众和您发布的不同渠道的作品。

Jessica Greene.
Jessica Greene.writes about marketing, business, and technology for B2B SaaS companies. A former writing instructor and corporate marketer, she uses her subject-matter expertise and desire to educate others as motivation for developing actionable, in-depth, user-focused content.
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