
The Only Cold Email KPIs That Matter for 2018


贾斯汀·麦吉尔(Justin McGill)on January 11, 2018 (last modified on May 17, 2022) • 8 minute read


What matters this year (more than ever before) is having the ability to improve your performance.

We’re in a fascinating time. Communication itself is evolving at a breakneck pace. Mass personalized email has never been easier to send. CRMs, email marketing services, and specialty apps are now at the fingertips of any entrepreneur or business owner.

The bad news? Every renaissance creates a flood of information.

One second, few people are effectively using email. Then we wake up one day and everyone is talking about subject lines.

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  1. 知道要跟踪哪些数字(KPI)
  2. How to improve KPIs over time.

This is exactly what I hope to highlight in this post.

The Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that Matter

我已经看到了数以万计的电子邮件LeadFuzeplatform and there definitely is a rabbit trail you can find yourself on. Parsing through details that don’t matter won’t help you get more conversations with qualified leads.


  • 开放率:The percentage of total recipients who open the email. Our successful clients are seeing around a 40% open rate, but you should be shooting for at least 30%.
  • 点击率:The percentage of total recipients who click through to an offer in the email. Getting these is all about the value you offer in your email. When done correctly, you should have a 5% click rate.
  • Response Rate:响应电子邮件的收件人总数(通过答复或其他方式)的百分比。同样,正确完成,这应该为5%。





Never Send Just One Email


In fact, you should be using multiple methods of contact in many cases (but that’s a different story). Simply put, you have to send more than one email to get just about anyone’s attention. For this, you’ll need a sequence of emails sent in a cadence.



Eat Drink Be Thankful

If a lead doesn’t respond after 4-6 emails, wait a month and try again (hence the “30 days” email).


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Never Send Just One (Version) of an Email

数量的一种方法来改善所有的kpi是to constantly test something in your cold emails. One test at a time (as not to confuse results), but a test with each email. There are hundreds of potential tests you could run.

We recently put together a list of over 50 tests specifically for cold email outreach. You can find it就在这儿

Important:It’s vital to have a good tool to keep track of the metrics. When people are opening/responding vs. when you send can give you valuable data as to the effectiveness of your tests.

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Here is a screenshot of the LeadFuze app showing the “events by hour” function.

Getting a Decent Open Rate

If you’ve sent cold emails before, it’s possible that you rolled your eyes when you read “40% open rates”. I get it, you may be hovering around the common results of 20% (maybe lower). And if that’s the case don’t fret — there’s hope.



Yes. Subject lines are still very important and you should have one that will entice the recipients to see what’s inside. Most know this, but many still don’t know that email recipients see (and often read) the first sentence of emails now.



Here’s a screenshot of a couple of sample emails. I included good/bad subject lines, but I want you to pay attention to the text那些。

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诚实时间:如果你发送邮件,他们知道这是你。停止telling them that. And, if they open the email, they’ll see your signature at the end.Don’t include that in your first line.


It’s really like Gmail (and other ESPs) want to help marketers by giving them a way to drive people to see the last words of a sentence. Notice that the good example leaves just enough, but not enough. Keep an eye on your email open rate with thisemail marketing dashboard

Key Takeaway:You have the subject line and part of the first line, use all of the real estate to your fullest advantage. Don’t waste space with your name.

Getting Decent Click Through Rates (CTRs)/Response Rates

I’ll lump these two together for brevity. Once the email is open, the goal is to get leads to take action. Either click through to the offer available or send a reply email/setup a call.

增加CTR和响应数量的最佳方法归结为同一件事 - 价值。这一切都是为了填写您的电子邮件,该要约对收件人非常有益,以至于他们要下载/电子邮件/呼叫。


重要点:You can’t just send a cold pitch!


  • If you’re a consultant in a highly sought after niche, it could be your time (which gets a decent response rate).
  • A Human Resources SaaS app could offer a guide to changes in the law before open enrollment to HR professionals.
  • 营销机构可以提供模板,如何使用白皮书,免费服务等。

Just saying who you are and what you do is a first-class ticket to zero responses and clicks. But if you can get someone to click and review/use the resource, now you have a prospect that could be open for a cold warm call.



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It’s Time for Data-Driven Cold Email



P.S. Need a quick performance update on your most important cold email KPIs? Set18beplay and receive updates on your KPIs through email, mobile push notification, and/or Slack from our营销仪表板软件

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