
4 Telling Signs That Your Business Has Hit A Ceiling [Interview]

These 4 indicators will tell you when you need to overhaul the systems within your business in order to get to the next level.

Kevin Kononenko2017年7月6日(最后一次修改于2021年12月3日)•12分钟阅读





I spoke withMarisa Smith,专业实施者创业操作系统(EOS)框架。EOS提供了一个全面的系统,用于查找和删除业务中的瓶颈。它看着6个业务的关键组成部分– People, Vision, Data, Issues, Process and Traction- and helps businesses discover which ones need to be strengthened in order to grow. Businesses of all types bring EOS Implementers like Marisa in to find bottlenecks and update their internal systems to prepare for more customers and revenue.

Marisa first tried EOS at the整个大脑群,她创立的数字营销机构。这个过程对她有很大帮助,以至于她能够移交该机构的领导,并成为全职EOS实施者。以下是我们从2017年6月开始的有关企业主面临的常见问题的采访记录。它已被编辑为简洁和清晰。




玛丽莎(M):I hear from a lot of business owners that feel like they have lost control. They don’t have a grip on the business, it has a grip on them. A lot of people talk about back to back meetings, working on weekends, not being able to get away for a vacation. All the things they dreamed about when they started a business- more flexibility, better control over schedule etc.- are not the reality.


M:It feels like I am stuck. No matter what we do, we just cannot get to that next level. We feel like we’ve tried everything, but nothing’s working.

他们feel like they can’t break through to the next revenue level or number of clients. Typically, when I am saying lack of control, it means:

  • Feeling trapped
  • 缺乏灵活性
  • 无法休假而不会被危机打断
  • Spending most of their time engaged in activities they don’t enjoy


K:When there is lack of control, is there any particular lightbulb moment for these business owners? What triggers for them to actually do something about it?


  • 他们觉得自己只想辞职。重点是什么?拥有业务不是他们认为的。
  • 他们resign themselves to the struggle because that is the life of an entrepreneur.
  • 他们decide to sell the business or close it down just because they never seem to reach their vision.


K:Is there any one quantifiable thing that will solidify this? Is there a revenue number? Or is it more of a gut feeling, day-in day-out experience?

M:I tend to see more consistent day- in-day-out experience. They are on treadmill and they don’t know how to get off.


M:Usually, when the entrepreneur is unhappy, everyone is unhappy. That energy permeates the organization. You start to hear people say things like, “What’s the weather today?” In other words, is the boss in a stormy mood, or is it clear skies? That toxicity from the entrepreneur’ unhappiness or frustration has a cascading effect through the organization.



That works for three people, but once you get to 15-20, you need to get a little bit of structure in place, or else it’s just chaos. Unfortunately, it’s not always easy to find that happy medium.


K:Let’s talk about “feeling stuck”. What does that feeling mean exactly?


As you grow, the organization naturally gets more complex because there are more people and more 2-way communication. It’s your job, as the leader, tosimplifyit, to dumb it down, less is more.

您还需要变得更好delegatingand recognizing when you need to let go and teach your processes to other people. Most people are terrible at delegating. They want things their way or they are scared to let go. Not only do leaders need to set a good example, but they also need to teach their employees how to recognize when they are at capacity.

Developing the ability topredict也很重要。您的公司移动的速度越快,您的反应就越多。您正站在高速公路的中间,汽车从双方驶向您。您需要能够长时间看待。您需要积极主动并为3-6个月的时间框架做准备,而不是对您所带来的一切做出反应。

K:It sounds like this is a revenue number or number of employees. Once it crosses that point, you need new processes.

M:您需要简化,委派,预测和系统化。突然,当您拥有20个客户或从100个使用产品的客户转移到1000时,在10个客户端起作用的过程都无法正常工作。这些原始过程需要更改,以使事情始终如一地完成 - 无论谁在执行任务。





Sign 3- Inability To Pass on Leadership To Other Team Members


M:I talk to people that are ready to retire or they want to pass their business to the next generation of leadership, but they can’t figure out how to get the business to the point where they can do that.

Other times, they’ve realized that they’re becoming the bottleneck to their company’s growth. They reach a point where they can’t be in the middle of everything. They can’t manage 37 direct reports. They can’t be the main contact for 30 clients. They also can’t be the one salesperson. It’s time to figure out how to let go and delegate.

Sometimes, the leader is the problem. They have great people who are ready to step up, but the leader is not letting go. Other times, if I ask who is in charge, it is just the owner and here is no leadership team in place.

When you ask the entrepreneur, “Who is in charge of sales?” Answer: “I am”.



K:In that case, is the person trying to offload the responsibility to others? Or are they not trying?

M:Depends on the person. They might say, “I’m trying to delegate, but people just drop the ball!” Sometimes this is due to a culture where accountability hasn’t been emphasized, but other times it’s because they don’t have the right people in place. Or maybe they weren’t as clear about their expectations as they thought they were. Other times, the one time a team member does something slightly different, the leader snatches the responsibility right back.


签名4-整个组织中缺乏对齐 /不明确的愿景




You really have to work together as a team to discover that shared vision. Where can that company be in 5 years? 10 years? That can be hard to pull out of people. They don’t always agree on what it is. Leaders have a hard time getting it onto paper so others can picture it too.

That is one of the biggest benefits of the EOS process: the actual process people go through. You need to get everyone in a room and spend time workingon业务使每个人都可以开始看到同一件事。一旦您离开房间,人们将根据相同的信息做出决定,因为它们都朝着相同的目的地前进。

When you don’t take time to work on the business, people work at cross-purposes and they never gain traction. People are so busy all the time that they don’t have time to think about the strategy. They are busy maintaining the status quo, not making progress toward a shared vision of success.



Kevin Kononenko增长营销商 @ databox。beplay体育appios使营销人员很容易讲述他们成功的故事。埃弗顿足球俱乐部的支持者。创业家伙。





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