Google分析流量增长Dashboard Template

Template created by Cemal Buyukgokcesu Cemal Buyukgokcesu
Use this free dashboard template to gain deeper insights into your website traffic. See which sources, referrers, and social media websites drive the most traffic to your website. Monitor bounce rate, the quality of your mobile traffic, and more.


  • Google AnalyticsGoogle Analytics

If you don’t use Google Analytics, you can pull data from any of our70多个单击的本机集成或来自电子表格,databases其他API.


您将从此Google Analytics(分析)流量增长仪表板模板中学到什么:

通过连接Google Analytics(分析帐户),您将学习:

  • How many people are visiting my website?跟踪您网站在任何给定时间段内生成的会话总数。将绩效与前几个月进行比较,以追踪增长并设定目标以衡量您的进步。
  • 哪些来源吸引了我网站的最多网站流量?确定哪些流量来源为您的网站产生最多的流量。使用此信息来更好地利用高性能渠道,同时对表现不佳的来源进行调整。
  • Which websites refer the most traffic to my website?See which websites are referring traffic to your website. Use this information to establish co-marketing relationships with domains sending quality traffic to your website. Track the efforts of any link-building campaigns by how much referral traffic you receive in return.
  • Which social networks drive quality traffic to my website?Identify which social media websites drive traffic to your website and the relative bounce rate of each one. Use this information to double-down on social networks that have proven to drive high-quality traffic to your website and make adjustments in your strategy for the networks that underperform.
  • 我的网站访问者在哪里?View the geographic location of your website visitors in any given time period. Use this information to better understand your audience and tailor your distribution strategy based on the insights you learn.
  • 我的网站访问者使用哪些设备?Identify the specific devices your website visitors use most to view your content. Use this information to identify optimization opportunities and avoid mobile rendering issues.
  • 移动设备来自流量的总体质量是多少?您的移动访问者是否以异常高的速度下车?您的网站流量中很大比例来自移动设备吗?了解这些问题的答案将有助于您改善整体策略并确定改进领域。

使用我们与Google Analytics(分析)的深入集成来提取其他数据。

您可以通过与Google Analytics(分析)的深入集成来跟踪和可视化什么?将您的交通和转换归因于几乎任何东西:

  • Website traffic and conversions
  • Traffic and lead demographics
  • SEO结果
  • 社交媒体参与
  • 付费广告
  • 着陆页性能
  • 使用自定义活动的活动性能

您可以使用Google Analytics(分析)跟踪许多不同的指标和指标组合。在Databobeplay体育appiosx中,您可以以各种不同方式快速地可视化100 s Google Analytics(分析指标)。

阅读更多有关beplay体育appiosDataBox的Google Analytics(分析集成).

Google Analytics Google Analytics该模板中包含的指标
  • 设备猫的会话

  • 设备品牌会议

  • 社交网络跳出率

  • 通过引用域的会话

  • 地理位置的会议

    Number of Sessions during the specified date range split up by Geo Location.

  • 通过来源会议

    Number of Sessions during the specified Date Range split up by Sources.


Sometimes, you’ll want to dive deeper into performance. When you need to customize this template (or any other dashboard) to include different metrics, add metrics from different sources, etc., you can do so by using Databox’s Dashboard Designer.

设计师允许您easily drag-and-drop metrics以及从任何数据源直接进入仪表板的可视化。

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