25+ Free SEO Dashboard Templates

These SEO dashboards come pre-built with some of the most commonly tracked SEO metrics from the most popular tools. You can also customize your templates later. To get started, just choose a template, connect your data, and your metric visualizations will populate automatically.


Track some of the most common SEO metrics and KPIs and analyze your SEO performance with just a few clicks.

  • Google Analytics
  • LinkedIn Company Pages
  • Google Analytics 4
  • Mailchimp
  • Facebook Ads
Don’t see your SEO tool?
You can build a dashboard with any data usingZapier,Integromat,Google Sheets, or aSQL database.
Google Analytics dashboard template which will give you insights about your users, sessions, referrals and more.
Google Analytics
Focus in on the metrics that matter from your Google Analytics account. Measure the key outcomes that your website was designed to create, as well as the leading indicators that help pinpoint where your greatest opportunities lie.
Google Analytics
Google Analytics (Acquisition) dashboard template goes deeper into your Sources and reveals which marketing campaigns have been most productive.
Google Analytics
Google Analytics(分析)SEO仪表板准确地显示了哪些搜索术语导致访问者以及这些访问者的质量。
Google Analytics Google Search Console
HubSpot Marketing dashboard template provides you with insights to increase traffic, convert leads, and prove ROI.
HubSpot Marketing
The Google Analytics Traffic Growth dashboard slices your traffic different ways to determine factors that lead to quality visits.
Google Analytics
The Search Console Basics dashboard reveals which pages are most visible on SERPs and which ones actually drive organic traffic.
Google Search Console
这个模板将为您提供更大的visibility and more control over how your business is displayed in search results.
Google My Business
This dashboard highlights the second part of the inbound funnel- Convert. It shows how well you are creating leads from your site.
Google Analytics HubSpot Marketing
This dashboard shows you how your site is performing in organic search results and how that performance is trending by monitoring top performing queries, pages, and your average ranking.
Google Search Console
The Google Analytics Content Analysis dashboard reveals which pages keep your visitor's attention and prevent them from bouncing.
Google Analytics
This dashboard allows a Shopify store owner to see online sales stats in-line with Facebook Ads and Google Analytics. Focus in on top product performance, ecommerce conversion rate, and audience overviews.
Google Analytics Facebook Ads Shopify
The Blog Quality Metrics Dashboard shows you which posts engage readers and encourage them to take further action on your site.
Google Analytics
Improve your Google Search position by gaining deeper insights into which pages have the best opportunity to rank on page 1 of Google.
Google Search Console
HubSpot (Leads by Source) dashboard template gives insights on which sources of traffic drive the most leads or contacts. It explains where to focus marketing effort.
HubSpot Marketing
Use this databoard to get an activity snapshot of new users from your organic channel. These metrics will help diagnose which assets are working well, and where you need to focus more attention.
Google Analytics
The Monthly Marketing dashboard template examines Google Analytics and HubSpot Marketing for a complete view of traffic and user acquisition.
Google Analytics HubSpot Marketing
HubSpot Marketing
This Google Analytics and Google Search Console Databoard shows your overall SEO performance in terms of clicks, users, channel sessions and devices.
Google Analytics Google Search Console
Facebook Ads
This Google Analytics Acquisition dashboard goes deep into the channels, referrers, and pages that drive traffic and conversions on your website.
Google Analytics
The Organic Blog Traffic dashboard lets you review the blog posts that generated the most search traffic in the last month.
Google Analytics
The Hubspot Blogging dashboard template looks at your most highly-trafficked blog posts each month. It measures whether you are hitting monthly goals.
HubSpot Marketing
Optimize ads based on keywords and search terms. Easily find negative search terms that are costing them money.
Google Ads
Download this free dashboard to measure the overall engagement of your website and app visitors. Get insights into how visitors interact with your most important pages, which actions are they taking, how much of their time they're giving you and more
Google Analytics 4
SemrushKeywords/Organic Search Traffic dashboard template combines SEMRush with Google Analytics to see how your rankings translate to traffic.
Google Analytics Semrush
This dashboard reviews your inbound and PPC tactics for filling your marketing funnel.
HubSpot Marketing Google Ads
本报告结合搜索、用户数据+目标from Google Analytics on your business website and also phone calls / actions from Google My Business.
Google Analytics Google My Business
This template uses Google Analytics to dive deeper into your traffic segments to identify where quality visitors are coming from.
Google Analytics
Download this free Google Analytics 4 Acquisitions dashboard template to dig deeper into your traffic sources, monitor user behavior, and keep an eye on how it all impacts your revenue.
Google Analytics 4
This dashboard displays the change in your online presence based on your keyword rankings over time.
The Traffic Quality dashboard compares the way that mobile vs. desktop visitors use your site. Make decisions based on type of device.
Google Analytics
This Google Analytics Databoard shows your overall traffic, users, pages sessions and bounce rate. This offers a list of top performing landing pages, sessions, top channels and rate of goal completions from Google Analytics.
Google Analytics
Quickly measure your awareness performance in Google Analytics, Google Organic Search and Facebook with this dashboard.
Google Analytics Facebook页面 Google Search Console
This dashboard helps you track traffic sources, monitor audience behavior, and add performance-focused notes to Google Analytics data.
Google Analytics
This dashboard is all about keywords. Track keyword ranking and changes, visibility trends to track keyword process based on CTR, plus organic search traffic monitoring. Designed to be easy for clients to read and understand.
Google Analytics Semrush
Track and visualize important search ranking factors like your backlink profile, domain rank, referring domains, and split them by your projects. Make sure to connect all your tracked website in order to add them to this databoard.
This dashboard helps you inspect every step of your e-commerce funnel so that you can quickly address problem areas.
Google Analytics Google Ads Facebook Ads Mailchimp
This dashboard compares your direct traffic to your organic traffic to determine the quality of each channel. Data from Google Analytics.
Google Analytics
Google Analytics Semrush
This dashboard gives you a full overview of your SEO performance that can help you understand the overall health and authority of your website.
Semrush(Keywords and Audits) dashboard template gives you a full view of your SEO visibility as well as any errors that SERPS might face
This dashboard shows the traffic quality per channel in order to help identify which channels are performing at the desired level, and which need to be focused on and improved.
Google Analytics
This dashboard gives you an overview of three categories of KPIs from Google Analytics: Acquisition, Behavior, Conversion.
Google Analytics
The Visits by Source dashboard template shows the origin of your site or app traffic. You can examine which marketing efforts have captured an audience.
HubSpot Marketing
This dashboard gives you three key pieces of data that will help you improve the content on your site: your highest converting pages, your most-clicked keywords, and your CTRs by keyword.
Google Analytics Google Search Console
This dashboard shows the keywords that will drive the most traffic for your brand.
Content Marketing Overview. View metrics: sessions, sessions by channel, events by event action, audience behavior, pageviews, goal completions by goal
Google Analytics
Stay on top of any errors, warnings and notices that are slowing down your site.
This dashboard helps you quickly identify old blog posts you need to update by showing you which posts are losing organic search traffic and Google Search rankings.
Google Analytics Google Search Console
This dashboard gives the user a month-to-date view of their content marketing performance using data from HubSpot Marketing and Google Analytics.
Google Analytics HubSpot Marketing
This dashboard helps you monitor the performance—organic search traffic, Google Search rankings, CTRs, and conversions—of old blog posts you've recently updated
Google Analytics Google Search Console
This HubSpot Marketing Template drills down into your Website Sessions so you can better determine the effectiveness of your blogging efforts. I uses a combination of quality and quantity Metrics to help you understand your audience's behavior.
HubSpot Marketing
This dashboard measures source & keyword performance by comparing calls by first time callers, total calls and the average duration of all calls.
Use this free dashboard template to compare the performance of your most popular acquisition channels.
Google Analytics
This dashboard shows all the key performance indicators your business needs to view on a monthly basis from HubSpot Marketing.
HubSpot Marketing
Google Ads Keywords Overview. Metrics: Cost, Clicks, Cost / Conversion, Conversions, Conversion Value, ROAS, CTR
Google Ads
This dashboard provides a high-level overview of the impact of your lead generation efforts.
HubSpot Marketing
HubSpot Marketing
The Organic Traffic Analysis dashboard shows the results of your SEO work alongside key activities on-site from Google Analytics.
Google Analytics Semrush
This template shows an overview of last month's HubSpot Marketing performance compared to the previous year.
HubSpot Marketing
HubSpot Marketing Performance Overview: sessions, visitors, bounce rate, new contacts, new customers, by source, new opportunities
HubSpot Marketing
HubSpot Marketing
Content Marketing Drilldown. View metrics: pageviews, website goal completion rate, page drilldown
Google Analytics
This template will enable you uncover key insights in your prospecting efforts and help you track the impact of every touch point.
Site Speed Overview. View metrics: average page load time, average page load time by device, page drilldown
Google Analytics
Semrush关键字里程碑dashboard looks at top 3 and top 10 keywords and tracks organic traffic changes based on keyword movement.
Google Analytics Semrush
This dashboard gives an overview of the annual metrics from your HubSpot account, including sales, email, traffic and contacts.
HubSpot Marketing HubSpot CRM
HubSpot Marketing Website Overview: sessions, bounce rate, page views, new vs returning visitors, session quality, cta engagement
HubSpot Marketing
这个模板将为您提供更大的visibility of your email delivery and engagement metrics.
HubSpot Marketing Conversion Drilldown: sessions, contacts, sql, opportunity, customers, landing page contacts, email marketing contacts, new contacts by source
HubSpot Marketing
这个指示板给你一个SEO pe的概述rformance against your competitors. In order to see your competitor data you'll need to add them in the connect process.
This dashboard gives an overview of user acquisition and behavior on your website based on Google Analytics data.
Google Analytics HubSpot Marketing
This template helps you track key Inbound Marketing performance metrics like traffic performance by source, contacts by lifecycle stages, email performance, landing page performance and blog performance.
HubSpot Marketing
Google Analytics Semrush
This dashboard gives an overview of blog health, including views, clicks and average time on page.
Google Analytics HubSpot Marketing
This dashboard shows a high-level report of impact of your traffic generation efforts. See the total vs. new visitors to your site, as well as their corresponding source attribution.
Google Analytics HubSpot Marketing
HubSpot Marketing需求钻探:通过来源,博客视图,着陆页面视图,电子邮件营销中的会话,登陆页面的视图
HubSpot Marketing
This dashboard includes top SEO key performance indicators that can help you understand the overall health and authority of your website in the eyes of a search engine like Google.
Google Analytics Google Search Console Semrush Moz
HubSpot Marketing Blog Overview: new blog posts published, blog views, total blog subscribers, new blog subscribers
HubSpot Marketing
HubSpot Marketing Website Source Drilldown: website benchmarks, sessions, bounce rate, new visitors sessions, new contacts
HubSpot Marketing
Use this free dashboard template to monitor your website traffic, bounce rate, and conversion data split up by 1 dimension.
Google Analytics
HubSpot Marketing Blog Drilldown: blog post performance, pageviews, cta clicks, ctr, bounce rate
HubSpot Marketing
This dashboard focuses on "Share of Voice", or how you compete with competitors over popular keywords.
This dashboard tracks how keywords are ultimately translating to pageviews.
Google Analytics HubSpot Marketing Semrush
This template moves you through the Attract stage by showing your social media follows and reach, blog view performance, and overall visibility trends.
Google Analytics HubSpot Marketing LinkedIn Company Pages Facebook页面 Twitter Instagram Business Semrush
Get a comprehensive insight into your Google Search Console search results. From tracking clicks and impressions all the way to acquiring image, video, web, and news search results.
Google Search Console

Build custom SEO dashboards

No design or coding skills necessary.

Learn more about Dashboard Designer

What is an SEO Dashboard?

An SEO dashboard displays all of the key parts of an SEO campaign in one place and provides quick insights into how well your search engine optimization strategies are working.

With the help of an SEO reporting dashboard, marketing and SEO teams are able to determine top-performing pages, top converting keywords, and other website areas that need to be optimized for search.

What Should Be Included in an SEO Analytics Dashboard?

A comprehensive SEO analytics dashboard should include data about organic traffic, keyword position rankings, and the queries visitors use to find your site and pages. Additionally, an SEO report dashboard should show historical data regarding rank, number of impressions, and clicks in order for others to see how things are trending over time.

A carefully crafted search engine optimization dashboard should help inform your SEO strategy by answering how many people are seeing your website and pages, how many people are clicking from search engine to your pages, what is their average time on the page, and more.


Using Databox’sDashboard Designer,构建仪表板就像连接数据源,从我们的指标库中选择所需的指标一样简单,并在几秒钟内观看可视化量。无需编码和设计技能。

Create a new dashboard using our Designer tool
Create a new dashboard using our Designer tool
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Name your dashboard
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Select a data source
Drag-and-drop pre-built metrics from that source to your dashboard
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