


杰西卡·格林杰西卡·格林on April 23, 2021 (last modified on May 17, 2022) • 14 minute read

As a content marketer, it’s important to track metrics that prove your efforts are working. But it’s also important totrack metricsthat help you improve.

为了证明您的内容正在为您的公司或客户带来结果,您可以跟踪所有首选指标measuring content success highlighted in this report.

What’s interesting is that in this report,超过60%的被调查者排名“领导”as the most important KPI for measuring the success of their content marketing program.




Not sure where exactly should you dig deeper?


结果,我们确定了17个指标,您可以跟踪以测量和证明内容营销投资回报率when the go-to metrics don’t provide as much detail as you need.

  1. 有机交通投资回报率
  2. Assisted Conversions
  3. 销售量Cycle Velocity
  4. 客户情绪
  5. 管道贡献
  6. CTA Conversion Rates
  7. New Contacts/Relationships
  8. 客户寿命价值
  9. 导致转化率
  10. Lead Scores
  11. Qualified Visitors
  12. 页面值
  13. Attribution
  14. Exit Rate
  15. Number of Ranking Keywords
  16. Mobile Entrances
  17. 重复访客

如果你跟踪交通但不确定如何translate that into generated revenue, tracking leads but aren’t sure how many of those leads turn into sales, or tracking conversions but aren’t sure how often the catalyst for those conversions was content, these metrics may help.


1. Organic Traffic ROI

“我们的客户经常问如何计算有机交通的投资回报率,” says Anna Wolf of上标营销。“我们通过两种方式做到这一点。”


“Second, we work with clients to place a value on content-driven conversions (for example, registering for the site).”

“Using simple math, if—on average—10% of site registrants go on to buy the product for $1,000, the value of each registrant is $100. Multiply that by the number of organic clicks that ultimately led to a site registration, and there’s your ROI.”


“Given that our content marketing campaigns include a wide variety of tactics—including distribution of free content, paid traffic acquisition, social media, and link building—we like to look atGoogle Analytics(分析)的辅助转换as an interesting way to track our activity,” says Kris Hughes

“Assisted Conversions show us which channel(s) typically lead to trial signups of our software immediately after being visited (i.e. an assist). The closer the value of the medium is to 0, the more likely it is on average to lead to an assisted conversion.”

“Anything around 0.2-0.4 is doing a great job of leading to conversions after visits. Along these lines, organic search traffic at 0.32 is our best-assisted converter. People who visit one of our articles from search are the most likely to then sign up for a free trial.”


帮助juice乔什·布朗(Josh Brown)同意:“辅助转化措施可以更好地了解您的内容如何通过显示特定页面导致客户最终转换的方式来帮助客户通过客户旅程。”

“For example, a user might land on your website by finding a particular piece of content via Google and then bounce. Two days later they land on your website again from social media. Finally, they come back the next week—this time directly—and convert.”


“This is especially important as content is meant to target and support leads throughout the funnel; a lot of times it can be hard to quantify the value of top-of-funnel content if only using a last-click view of conversions.”

“This all allows content efforts to be tied to ROI more easily than some other important—but soft—content marketing metrics like brand awareness,” Brown says.


“Frontline numbers liketraffic and pageviews事情。”抄写’s John Miller, “but we find that an important KPI is sales cycle velocity.”

“There are obviously many factors here, but a strategic approach to content marketing plots content along the buyer’s journey. If you have high-quality content that builds trust along the way, you should be able to reduce the time to sale.”

“Tracking this requires sales team members to catalog when the first contact occurs, as well as tracking the average time to sale across the organization.”

4. Customer Sentiment

“Content marketing draws its core success principles from a basic philosophy of public relations, which is all about reputation,” saysBen Van Loon。“衡量这一点始于情感:了解客户对您的内容和产品的感觉。”


灯泡媒体’s Lewis Kemp agrees: “The vast majority of brands we help completely overlook the importance of social listening. Some aren’t aware of it at all.”


“It’s such a valuable marketing tool that allows to you directly address the successes or failures of your current offerings—and drastically increase your customer sentiment and brand advocacy,” Kemp says.


“即使我们正在创建顶级渠道内容,在某个时候,我们希望其中一些人成为客户。”ServiceRocket的比尔·库萨德(Bill Cushard)。“而且我们知道很多人都知道。但是,越来越多的内容营销人员应该跟踪内容对销售管道的贡献。”您可以免费使用这些免费content marketing dashboard examples




6. CTA Conversion Rates

Blake Hawksworth ofCreditPlus建议:“我们的优先事项之一是测量CTA转换率。CTA转换率通常是内容是否相关,引人入胜和有说服力的良好指标。”

有关的:13 Ways to Convert More Blog Traffic to Customers


“I recommend tracking new relationships,” saysRobertsonComm’s Scott Robertson.

“Marketing is the relationships business, so we must measure relationships. And if we do that, we’re less likely to do annoying things—excessive retargeting, publishing blog posts that are not interesting or useful to our audience, spam, sponsored posts, awful emails—that will destroy relationships, too.”

铁纸’s Brian Casey offers a method for tracking new contacts and relationships: “We categorize all of our blog CTAs as a singular HubSpot campaign to monitor how our blogs are driving new leads as the initial touch point.”

“By using blogging as a campaign, you have access to more metrics than you would just by looking at the analyze tab on blogs. You have access to metrics such as ‘New Contacts (First Touch)’ and ‘Influenced Contacts.’”

”这两个指标允许您查看业务ss value of content marketing and determine how effective your blogging strategy is in creating new contacts.” Moreso with this营销自动化仪表板you can easily track both metrics in real-time.

8. Customer Lifetime Value

“One of the most important metrics to know is the客户的终身价值(LTV),” says Allan Luu ofSure Systems。“这就是您能够决定竞选活动是否有利可图的方式,它还为您提供潜在客户,选择,社交媒体追随者等的美元价值,以帮助量化您的营销工作。”


9. Lead to Conversion Rate

“One of the most overlooked content marketing metrics islead to conversion rate。” Chloe Bennet说Academized




10. Lead Scores

大多数营销自动化和CRM工具都提供领先评分功能,以及My IT认为这对营销和销售一样有用。

“You canindividualize a buyer’s journey with lead scoresby determining where they’re at in the decision-making process. Additionally, you can pinpoint which prospects are most likely to buy so your sales team can focus their time appropriately.”

This is important to track because generating leads is just one side of the coin, it is also important to assess the quality of the leads generated as a result of the content you put out.

11. Qualified Visitors

“We track a metric we call ‘addressable returning visitors,” says Chris Mechanic ofWebMechanix。“For us, addressable means U.S.-based visitors who visit key product and service pages.”

“You can track this metric in Google Analytics by building an advanced custom segment. The reason this is important is that it demonstrates the extent to which you can take top-of-funnel blog readers and move them deeper down in the funnel—and the extent to which you can keep them coming back to your site.”


页面值是Google Analytics(分析)中的内置指标,可衡量交易价值或目标价值除以内容的唯一页面浏览量。” Joonas Jukkara说SEOSEON Europe S.L.“In other words, it gives you the average value of a page that a user visited before making a purchase or contacting you.”

“For a non-e-commerce business, you just need to remember to define your contact form as a Google Analytics goal and give it a numerical value. This value can be calculated as an average deal value times your average lead conversion rate.”

“可以通过Google Analytics(行为>站点内容>所有页面)访问页面值。请记住要滤除所有产品,类别,收银员和标签页面,以便您只查看博客页面或其他信息页面的有效性。”

“I would benchmark this against the Page Value presented on product pages. This gives you an idea of how profitable it is to drive traffic (paid or organic) into a product/service page compared to other content.”


Monitoring attribution让您了解哪些渠道有助于消耗内容,因此您可以考虑到这些渠道的内容。” Ajay Prasad说。

罗杰·韦斯特’s Diane Callihan agrees that tracking attribution is key:

“在当今的全渠道时代,我们拥有广泛的内容营销渠道 - 销售,显示,重新定位,社交媒体,电子邮件活动,店内促销,直接邮件等。而且您可能同时在这些渠道上开展不同的广告系列。”

“When you finally get a lead or a sale, what campaign/channel do you attribute it to? The answer may not be as easy as it seems, but it’s important to find out.”

14. Exit Rate

Exit rateis definitely an underutilized metric,” saysCommusoft’s Cristina Maria. “It shows you the percentage of people who entered your website via one page and left directly after reading it.”


“And sure, time on page covers that, but it can be a bit deceiving as that particular piece of content might simply be longer than others or more difficult to follow.”

exit rate in google analytics


Ajay Prasad agrees: “Almost everyone cares about what pages are driving the most traffic, but very few people track where users are exiting the site. Identifying which pages are dropping off most users is an opportunity to learn what pages need to be revised.”


“The most overlooked metric seems to be the number of keywords that start ranking in Google for any piece of content—or for the whole blog/site in general,” saysContentFly’s Annika Helendi.

“Google rankings are some of the most informative and crucial KPIs for content marketing,” says Niles Koenigsberg of无花果广告 +营销。“If you’re not checking your Google rankings consistently, you’re missing out on huge opportunities to improve your digital marketing efforts.”

“Checking your Google rankings shows you how your content compares to other websites and how your content shows up in search queries, which will help you understand how searchers may view and interact with your content.”

Number of Ranking Keywords

“The rankings can also highlight other keywords that can boost your rankings and make your content more visible to your target audiences. Once you include those extra keywords in your content, it becomes far easier for your content to be found by more people, thus widening your reach and improving your visibility,” Koenigsberg says.

16. Mobile Entrances

“每个人都知道,移动优化在内容营销中起着重要作用,” Ajay Prasad说,“但实际上很少有人optimize their content for a better mobile experience。”


17. Repeat Visitors

标志性的天才’ James Marques says is repeat visitors: “The more you know about how many times your content is being seen by the same people, the quicker you can change it up and keep people engaged.”



Choosing the most relevant metrics to track in your营销仪表板是改善内容策略的重要一步。根据您的行业以及您在内容营销过程中的位置,您可能忽略的其中一些内容营销指标可以使您在帮助您衡量内容营销工作的有效性方面有所不同。

About the author
杰西卡·格林撰写有关B2B SaaS公司的营销,业务和技术的文章。她曾是一名写作讲师和公司营销人员,他利用自己的主题专业知识和渴望将他人作为发展可行,深入,以用户为中心的内容的动力。
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