
从多个数据源创建仪表板 - 营销超级大国


John McTigueJohn McTigueon September 21, 2021 (last modified on April 20, 2022) • 5 minute read

营销人员经常被迫创造performance dashboardsfrom each app they use, then “staple” them together and try to make sense out of their “report”. Why not identify the key metrics that tell your data story across all of the apps you use, and combine them in one comprehensive report?

学习如何从多个数据源as we go through the following:



您的报告或演示文稿的目的是什么?使用一个business dashboard software在过去的两个星期,月或季度中?评估您项目的总体进展并推荐其他步骤?您的目的应该指导您的报告范围和风格,而扎实的轮廓或议程是一个不错的起点。

PRO TIP:Share your agenda in advance with your meeting attendees and ask them if there are any other topics that they would like you to cover.


这取决于您的数据故事。像任何故事一样,它应该由章节或迷你故事组成,这些章节加起来。过去一段时间您的作品中的主要“头条新闻”是什么?他们每个人如何展开?每章的故事的关键参考点或指标是什么?建立你的business dashboardto do exactly that for each chapter. Walk your audience through each dashboard, showing key metrics that build your story and help them gain new insights and understand your recommendations.


  1. 与上个月相比
  2. 潜在客户生成性能,来源,最佳报价和最佳着陆页
  3. Email, Social media, and Paid Media performance by campaigns and channels
  4. Contributions to sales pipeline, MQLs, SQLs, Opportunities, and Customers

Each of these agenda items would make a greatKPI dashboardand you could use them effectively to tell your comprehensive story, but how?

It’s the Story, Not the Data Source, That Counts

You want to get across the most salient events or outcomes that influenced performance in each of the chapters of your story. Unfortunately, they don’t all get recorded in one place, and sometimes they don’t even agree with each other. It’s your job to be thorough and point out any data discrepancies or irregularities if you want your report to be accurate and complete. So your chapter dashboards may need to reflect data from multiple sources.

For example, try telling the story of your progress in sales and marketing over the entire year to date – In a single dashboard! It can be done, although you will probably want to drill down to a more granular level with subsequent “chapters” and dashboards.

Sales and Marketing Annual Review dashboard example

Let’s break down the main sections of thisdashboard example并解释它如何讲述不同的数据故事。


在这里您使用的地方讲述了您的网站的故事Google Analytics data。解释为什么您认为流量(会议)在下半年下降,就像去年一样。为什么我们的跳出率上升,而页面上的会话持续时间和时间却降低了?好消息是目标完成(for example, conversions), conversion rate, and new sessions are all up this year over last year. Is it time to step up demand generation? Can we explain this consistent seasonal dip during the summer months? Are we now attracting better leads despite the drop in website traffic?


Now we focus on lead generation and conversion usingHubSpot营销数据。总体而言,就铅(联系)数量而言,我们似乎比去年稍好一些,但是铅和客户的转换率较低,因此我们可能有一些工作要做conversion rate optimizationand creating more attractive website offers. The good news is that email opens and clicks are higher than last year, so we should probably do more email marketing to drive more lead conversions.

Right-Hand Section

Finally, how has our marketing performance impacted sales this past year? Let’s take a look atHubSpot CRM data。Overall, our sales performance has been pretty good, with increases in nearly every sales KPI. This indicates that our pipeline is in good shape, and we are not overwhelming the sales team with a high volume of bad leads. Time to double down on our marketing efforts to吸引更多合格的线索and increase revenues. Now, let’s talk about that budget…

Summing Up the Story

您的故事会有所不同,您可能会有很多。出色的结果评论的艺术是制作这些故事以适合您的叙述和建立marketing dashboards在多个数据源中,使用最重要的指标,并以适当的顺序有意义。


Once you have created your multi-source dashboards and compiled them into a data story, they stay evergreen! Next year, or next month, or next week you won’t have to repeat this process.

You can simply change the data ranges to fit your needs. The data itself will keep refreshing your dashboards, and you can focus on interpreting them and helping your clients and co-workers understand. Everybody wins!


John McTigue
John McTigue约翰是Databox居住的合伙人。beplay体育appios约翰帮助产品营销,内容编辑和角色开发。
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