


Maham S. ChappalMaham S. Chappal2020年11月27日(最后一次修改于2022年1月5日)•12分钟阅读




And that’s where OKRs come in.

In this article, we’re going to discuss:


OKR stands for ‘Objectives’ and ‘Key Results’. OKR is a goal-setting method used by big companies like Google and other organizations to help sales teams streamline their processes and deliver outcome-based success.


  • 目标:我要去哪里?
  • 关键结果:我怎么知道我是否到达那里?

So while your objectives need to be time-bound (so you can track their progress) and actionable, your key results need to be measurable and quantifiable.

这里有一些great OKRs examples经过Weekdone


现在,您可能想知道谁应该使用OKRS?经理和董事?还是执行领导?好吧,答案是让我们感到惊讶。这种回应绝对强调了设置OKRfor your company to hit your business (and sales) goals.


So if you still haven’t set OKRs, it’s time to do so now.

有关的KPIs & OKRs: How to Leverage Both to Improve Your Performance

How Do You Set OKRs?

目标设定可以帮助改善员工的敬业度,从而提高绩效和利益组织的方式。McKinsey。We saw similar results in our recent survey, too.

When we asked professionals if setting OKRs correlate with their teams hitting sales goals, 91.3% of respondents said yes!


So how do you set OKRs?


Step 1 – Define your objectives.

What time-bound and actionable goals are you looking to achieve?


步骤2 - 为每个目标选择关键结果。

How will you fulfill those goals\objectives? What actions will you take to reach those objectives?

Choose 3 to 5 measurable key results for each of your objectives.

Source: Betterworks.com

步骤3 - 将目标传达给您的销售团队。

Next, keep your team in the loop and discuss the objectives and key results with them. Encourage team members to take ownership of these goals for better success.

Step 4 – Track your progress.

This is why goals should be time-bound – so you can easily track their progress and determine whether you’re meeting your OKRs or not.

So constantly monitor your progress using a销售仪表板

有关的How to Use OKRs to Set, Track, and Hit Your Quarterly Goals



  1. 把事情简单化
  2. 但是,也是特定的和可衡量的
  3. Focus on the target, not the tactic
  4. Don’t rush
  5. Cascade goals
  6. Go for difficult goals
  7. 创建小目标
  8. 保持系统化
  9. 给自己时间实现目标
  10. 看看大局
  11. Involve all team members

编者注:UseHubSpot Sales Rep Performance Dashboard Template跟踪您的销售代表的实际绩效,以实现其个性化目标。对每个销售代表执行的所有活动和任务进行全面看法,以确保您的团队成员达到目标。

HubSpot sales rep performance dashboard template


“我使用OKR设定销售目标的最佳提示是使其尽可能简单明了。”建议拉维·帕里克(Ravi Parikh)RoverPass。“专注于一个目标,一个可衡量的指标以及您知道可以实现的时间表。”

Arnold Chapman ofEld Focusagrees and adds, “Focus on your objectives that are achievable and only according to what your company needs the most. Make sure to set goals that you have the time and resources for.”

Catriona Jasica顶级优惠券代码解释说:“复杂的目标有时会使您的团队成员感到困惑,这些团队成员最终会导致销售不佳。应该通过设置一个评估目标是否已实现目标的因素来实现目标,例如特定百分比或追随者数量。

‘What’s your best-performing blog CTA? Please share one example of a high-performing blog post CTA and why you think it works so well.’

Before I hit “Publish” on my blogs, I make sure that my readers can take the next step to learn more about your company. Although there are many CTAs that help my blogs perform exceptionally well. However, there’s one CTA that I stick by, and it works for me, that is, Connect on Social CTAs. This call-to-action provides links to connect with your company on social media. So, there’s a higher chance that your readers will be interested in future content that you post.”

Alejandro RiojaSo Influential认为虽然OKRs应该简单,they should also be realistic. “For instance, think about what your business needs on priority; it can be higher CTR, more social media engagements, or conversions. This helps you to set a realistic number that you can achieve at a specified time.” Explains Rioja.



While goals should be simple, they should also be specific and measurable.

Dan Bailey ofWikilawn恰当地说:“模糊的目标不会削减它。您的目标应该在整体计划中具体,集中和详细,以及您打算如何执行它。”

乔纳森·纽纳尔(Jonathan Newar)队长的经验shares, “Something I have learned about setting sales goals with OKSs is that they should be simple, measurable, and specific. Without these guidelines, it is easy to create goals that have numerous objectives, and at the end of the day, you can’t measure your success.”

“我的技巧是仔细考虑关键结果,并确保这些结果在您的控制范围内。”布鲁斯·哈普姆(Bruce Harpham)说SaaS Marketing Services。“对于销售,我会仔细考虑设定诸如'每月举行10次销售会议'之类的销售目标,因为这不是您可以控制的。相反,请考虑在您的控制中完全关注关键结果,例如勘探。”

And when setting sales goals with OKRs, “you don’t just want to set up a number to reach. What you want is to explain clearly the steps, processes, experiments, and tools you’re going to test and apply so you can see what helps you reach those goals.” Explains Jonathan Aufray of成长黑客服务

3. Focus on the target, not the tactic

“When focusing on tactics, if anything changes (people, budgets, timelines), you’re stuck without a plan halfway through the quarter.” Explains Dani Peterman of卢沙。“关注目标使利益相关者可以灵活地改变策略和策略,而不会忘记目的。”

以及如何确切设置目标?一种方法是通过销售预测。尝试预测本月您的货币收入将有多少,您的团队本月将关闭多少收入,并将这些收入设定为目标。这就是你的方式使用DataBox从Hubspot CRM中可视化您的销售预测数据beplay体育appios

有关的9 Tried and Tested Ways a Sales Analysis Can Help You Generate More Revenue


钓鱼者的乔里斯·赞特沃特(Joris Zantvoort)认为,最重要的是花时间设定OKR。

“Be patient and precise because it will help you set awesome goals that will keep you focused and create real value for the company. In September, the last time my team set OKRs, we needed two 4-hour meetings in two days to set good goals, not including preparation.

That may seem like a lot of time, but it’s worthwhile because the whole team will be aligned behind meaningful goals that bring value to the company’s bottom line.” Shares Zantvoort.


作为Melanie Musson的TeenagerCarInsurance正确地说:“将重点放在过程目标上和最终目标一样。如果您不专注于销售过程的贪婪工作,那么最终的销售目标将很难实现。”


代码星系’s James Boatwright says his best tip for setting sales goals with OKRs is to cascade your objectives.



While the key is to go for simple goals, it doesn’t mean you go for easy goals. Set up difficult targets that you’d have to stretch yourself, and your team will have to give their 100% effort to achieve.

Success and growth don’t come with easy goals.

BizcaBOOM迈克尔·莫尼亚克(Michael Monyak)认为,营销人员绝不应该使目标变得太容易。





“从您的主要目标中创建小目标。”推荐Robert ApplebaumApplebaum Beverly Hills


小目标也帮助你设定目标your development. To achieve the main outcomes, they keep you right on track in terms of understanding what you have to do. Those small targets that you do may be the objects of action that are the most important for your OKRs.

For instance, for this quarter, your target is to increase your sales revenues by 5 percent, and one of your main goals is to get 5 new customers. Think about how you’re going to attract new customers. Inbound marketing can be one of your mini-goals like writing a blog post a week.”

8. Keep it systemized

LinkBuilder’s Stewart Dunlop’s number one tip is to keep everything systematized.


9. Give yourself time to meet goals

卢克·菲茨杰拉德(Luke Fitzgerald)Rightfitz咨询says his tried and tested tip to set goals using OKRs is, “Give yourself enough time for the executing team(s) to deliver each of the objectives and supporting milestones in a way that doesn’t detract from their ability to do their ‘regular’ or billed work.”

Fitzgerald further explains, “To ensure sales goals within the OKR framework are SMART, looking at the ‘T’ (timely) element specifically, I’d suggest a using a form of time tracking software or a project management suite to allocate dedicated ‘non-billable’ blocks to the relevant OKR tasks and add them to your team’s workload like you would with any regular ‘billable’ work items.




艾丽西亚·亨特(Alicia Hunt)Koanbelieves that while revenue targets will always be the primary OKR for sales teams, typically an annual target split up by quarter in a KR format, “It’s important to look at the bigger picture. Identify other KRs that can support sales, like training, sales enablement materials, and cross-team KRs. This will help sales teams achieve greater success by expanding focus and making time for additional goals and KPIs to support the higher-level objectives.”

11. Involve all team members

Stephie Althouse ofTop-Notch CEO建议让您的整个团队设置OKRS,“以便每个团队成员拥有所有权,因此可以买到所需的结果。”

Soapbox’s Brennan McEachran agrees and adds, “Involving your reps, team leads, and managers in the goal-setting process will open up the floor to new insights, ideas, and opinions. It also encourages your team to take ownership of sales goals. When they’re able to contribute to the goals they’re aiming for, they’ll feel more personally invested in the success of the team.”

HubSpot CRM – Sales Analytics Overview Template

Final Thoughts

As Matt Tucker ofKoanaptly concludes, “Take the time to really think through and write a set of goals that manifest your strategy. Are you trying to break into new geographic territories? Win over a new vertical? Your sales goals should make it clear to the whole team how you want to transform the business you have today into the business that keeps you winning in the future.”

Maham S. Chappal
Maham S. ChappalMaham S. Chappal是B2B中SaaS和营销品牌的内容作家。她已发表在包括社交媒体审查员在内的几个主要出版物中。她喜欢撰写深入的,由研究支持的内容,可促进流量,提高品牌知名度并提高ROI。当她不写作时,您会发现她全神贯注于最新的约翰·格里森(John Grisham)小说中。您可以在LinkedIn或Mahamschappal.com上找到她

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