
20 kpis您应该在CMO仪表板中包括

Struggling to create a CMO dashboard? Learn how to build one with our tips, and make sure you add these 20 metrics as shared by 25+ marketers.

Masooma MemonMasooma Memonon November 17, 2021 (last modified on November 23, 2021) • 15 minute read

Are you setting up a CMO dashboard and feeling hesitant about which KPIs and metrics to include?



Let’s go:


What is a CMO Dashboard?

顾名思义,CMO指示板给你screen packed with important key performance indicators (KPIs) or metrics across multiple marketing channels so you can access performance in one glance.



But how do you build such a dashboard? Read on.


To build a CMO dashboard, you need to be clear about the two points below. You’ll be making your dashboard based on these pointers so that it’s relevant instead of showing just vanity metrics:

  • Understand who the dashboard is for?

Sure, it’s for the chief marketing officer. But what does he need it for? When you answer that, you’ll know exactly who the audience for the dashboard is.

For example, the dashboard could be for a CMO reporting to the board of directors. In such a case, the audience is that of directors. Check out these执行仪表板示例for inspiration on how to build great dashboards for management.

  • 了解观众的问题


In the example above where the dashboard is for a board of directors, you’ll need to select metrics like revenue since it’s one of the KPIs that answers the common questions that directors typically have.







You’ll need your CMO dashboard to update based on how often you report to your leadership and how often you need to look at the metrics to make informed decisions.

20 KPIs and Metrics to Include in a CMO Dashboard


  1. 兑换率
  2. Churn
  3. 客户获取成本(CAC)
  4. Marketing influence
  5. 客户价值指标
  6. 产生的收入
  7. Marketing return on investment
  8. Marketing-originated customer percentage
  9. 销售合格的潜在客户
  10. Number of qualified leads
  11. 有机覆盖率
  12. Pipeline contribution (per channel)
  13. Pipeline velocity
  14. Returning visitors
  15. Revenue
  16. ROAS
  17. ROI
  18. 销售收入
  19. Sentiment analysis
  20. Share of Voice

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“营销活动通常非常昂贵,”承认Pelicoin的Irene Lopez. “For larger companies, you can be running multiple ad sets on multiple platforms at the same time. In order to measure the success of your campaign, you want to ensure that your ideal audience is actually clicking through and contacting you regarding your products or services.

Beyond that point, it is up to your sales team to be able to keep those leads engaged and close the sale. If you find you are spending a lot on ads but the conversions are low, there needs to be a plan in place to improve the campaigns you are running. Keep in mind that兑换率确实有所不同,具体取决于位置,行业,广告平台以及许多其他原因,因此低转化率或高转化率是相对的。”


For SaaS marketing officers this one’s an essential metric to add to the CMO dashboard.

Ronak Ganatra来自GraphCMS指出:“第一天的流失是一个指标,可帮助计划整体业务健康。即使收入,CACS,LTV和ROI都很有利,第一天的搅拌也意味着更大的潜在损失经常不受限制。它有助于更​​好地理解产品的采用,并且边际修复了第一天的搅拌,随着时间的流逝,为其他指标开辟了指数增长的可能性。”

为了帮助您掌握SaaS流失率,这里有一些免费SaaS churn dashboard examples从中选择

有关的14 Proven Ways to Reduce Customer Churn in SaaS


Jo McKeeMcKee Creativeexplains, “Knowing what a new customer costs to acquire helps us:

  • 在该客户的一生中,将客户盈利能力地图 - 进而帮助我们的客户有信心增加其广告支出
  • Measure all facets of paid traffic campaigns, to test whether different images/videos/headlines/copy bring new customers for less.”

简而言之,“当CMO有customer acquisition cost (CAC),它有助于公司知道营销需要花费多少才能获得新客户。如果该公司知道要花费多少钱来获取新客户,那么上市策略的决定变得更容易执行,” Juan Izquierdo博士Dr. Juan Izquierdo Marketing Consultingsummarizes. Track and manage this data using these free费用仪表板


“Marketers understand how complex our campaigns are, and we measure
performance by looking at the details of their performance. And that’s
Anna McVeigh-Murphy股票。



Infinity Dish’sLaura Fuentes认为客户价值指标是添加到CMO仪表板中的必不可少的KPI。Fuentes解释说:“我需要知道我的客户在忠诚度,转介,保留率和搅动率的何处,以帮助我了解我们正确的工作以及应该调整的工作。”

“我问我的首席营销官向我报告季度,除了佛r when a new rollout or
package is being offered, then we often check-in every 3-4 weeks.”


尼古拉·科祖尔杰维奇(Nikola Kozuljevic)指出:“取决于上下文 - 无论是企业是B2B还是B2C - 这可能是以营销为导向的销售或营销产生的机会。”ThreatMark


It’s the key metric for communicating performance. Complemented with the invested costs and budgeting – it is the single point of truth for marketing performance。一切都围绕产生的收入和对销售的影响而解决。这是营销和商业活动的主要驱动力。当然,一旦知道了这一指标,就很容易推断ROI,RPL / RPO等。”


该指标可帮助您详细介绍您对营销投资以及基于这些投资的回报和利润的详细信息,”阐述301咨询Cale Loken.

Consequently, “this is one of the smartest ways to judge


With the Marketing-Originated Customer Percentage metric on their CMO dashboard, Lucas Mehnert fromSmartlookhighlights, “I know how many leads my marketing team has attracted.It’s especially important from the sales and business perspective in general, as it helps us to differentiate customers acquired thanks to marketing actions from the rest.透明

“In Smartlook we focus on analyzing our efforts and constant
improvement, and this metric helps us with evaluating the return of investment in the promotion sector,” continues Mehnert.


“I believe that a CMO needs to track the number of Sales Qualified Leads (SQLs) they bring into the pipeline,” opines Olga Petrik fromNethunt CRM



10. Number of qualified leads

“作为一个CMO,您有许多指标可以跟踪,但一个非常重要的是:与上一期相比,您在上一个时期(一周,月,季度)获得了多少合格和有针对性的潜在客户,” Jonathan Aufray来自成长黑客营销points out.

“You don’t want to focus on vanity metrics such as impressions, likes, followers, or visitors but rather on metrics that bring value to your business. You want to make sure that the traffic you get is targeted by measuring the number of qualified leads you get.”

In fact, Kateryna Reshetilo ofGreenicecalls this metric “our North Star Metric” since “the main goal of our marketing activities is to generate leads.”

如果这个数字正在增长,则所有其他支持指标,例如CTR,流量和转换率也在增长。This means that we have been doing the right things in the past months and have to double down on what had the biggest impact.

marketing plan.”

11. Organic Reach Rate

“This helps communicate the performance of social content organically and it’s really important because ORR can be used to gauge whether paid social is necessary and/or can be used to promote posts which organically perform well,”社会地位'蒂姆·希尔(Tim Hill)亮点。

“In some organizations, ORR can be used as the main business

12. Pipeline contribution (per channel)

“It’s too easy to focus on generating a certain amount of marketing qualified leads,” Joris Brabants ofapicbasenotes. “If these leads match certain criteria, it’s still not sure that they are in buying-mode. It also doesn’t give you a sense of the value of these leads. What’s the potential these leads have when they would actually become customers?”





“尽管我们是独立的团队,但重新考虑将销售和营销视为一支创收团队,”Revegy’s劳拉·霍尔(Laura Hall)


It also ensures that marketing’s impact is understood throughout the pipeline; revenue marketing is the future, and that means contributing throughout the buying journey. For us, that means tracking the progression from SAL to SQL to SAO to Closed-Won.

We update Marketing leadership on conversion and管道速度指标每月一次,领导团队和董事会。”


“似乎很明显,但访客的百分比是一个关键的表现指标,” Ben Goodey的建议前哨。“It indicates value: content was valued highly enough to be bookmarked and revisited. It also indicates brand awareness: visitors remembered you added value to them in some way and came back.”


“毫无疑问,最好的指标是收入,”统治者分析劳拉·卡维尼(Laura Caveney)。“对于CMO,您需要能够证明营销正在引入销售。

There’s often a misconception among non-marketers that marketing doesn’t bring in any more leads and budget is often prioritized elsewhere. For B2B marketers, in particular, it can be hard to evidence the return.”

“But with marketing attribution,” Caveney continues, “marketing teams can implement proper tracking of online and offline sales from online and offline leads, CMOs can then evidence how marketing is returning on not just ad spend, but its budget as a whole.



16. ROAS

“ ROAS衡量您的企业在广告上花费的每一美元的收入量,” Matt Bertram从EWR Digital

“The more effective your advertising messaging, the more revenue you receive per dollar of ad spend. ROAS is superior to CPA (cost per conversion) because ROAS takes into account the value of each conversion. With ROAS, if you’re earning more than $1 per $1 spent you know your advertising is profitable.”

17. ROI

“ CMO仪表板的最重要功能是说明ROI,”徒劳的Sam Underwood comments.

Marketing by definition is a function to generate more revenue than we spend in marketing costs, and typically ROI is the #1 thing a CMO is measured on。With the high turnover rates of CMOs these days, helping a marketing leader communicate positive ROI is key for any data dashboard.”


18. Sales revenue

销售收入is another crucial metric to add to the CMO dashboard. In their dashboard atGrazitti InteractivePankaj Sabharwal说:“这可以帮助我指出导致组织销售的驱动因素。它还为营销和销售团队提供了更好的方向,以查看他们需要改进的领域并采取补救措施。”

19. Sentiment analysis

Keyhole’sMariana O’Connor writes, “Sentiment analysis is used to determine the public’s general feeling about your brand. It will give CMOs an overall understanding of social media performance. This will communicate campaign success/failure, customer service issues and brand perceptions. It can also be used to understand the competitive landscape or foresee a social media crisis.”

20. Share of Voice

CMO仪表板指标列表中的最后一份是语音,由Natalie Bidnick Andreas推荐NatalieAndreas.com。“Share of Voice, or the indicator of your brand visibility and how much you dominate the conversation in your industry, is critical to measuring performance because it includes data from owned, earned, paid, and social media.”

Creating the perfect CMO dashboard is no rocket science. You just need to understand who your audience is, what their questions are, and which metrics will answer their questions.Select metrics to display on your dashboard当您对这三个要点的答案时。

About the author
Masooma Memon
Masooma MemonMasooma is a freelance writer for SaaS and a lover to-do lists. When she's not writing, she usually has her head buried in a business book or fantasy novel.

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