
How to Maximize Profit and Manage Revenue Streams: 8 Strategies for Agencies

Figuring out how to maximize profits for your agency? We asked 26 professionals about their strategies for managing their revenue streams.

Melissa KingMelissa Kingon October 18, 2021 (last modified on December 17, 2021) • 11 minute read


So, how can you dedicate the right amount of resources to your clients, operations and marketing channels?



  1. 仔细审查您的潜在客户
  2. Improve Your Lead Conversion Rate
  3. 创建更有效的业务流程
  4. Simplify the Onboarding Process
  5. 衡量您的成功并与客户分享
  6. Focus on Client Retention
  7. Avoid Over-Servicing
  8. 优先考虑您最有利可图的服务



1. Vet Your Prospects Carefully

Ever invest a lot of time and money into snagging a client, only to find out they weren’t a good fit for your agency? Or, maybe you lose a sale after dedicating your efforts to a certain lead. There go those resources — plus your team’s morale.


  • Perform thorough lead scoring:If you don’t already uselead scoring针对你最合格的领导,dedicatin试试g some time to it. Lead scoring involves giving each lead a score based on the activities they perform that show interest. After scoring your leads, you’ll know which ones will have a higher chance of becoming dedicated clients.
  • 创建客户潜在客户问卷:Some unqualifying factors, like a lack of goal alignment or misunderstanding of your services, don’t come up during the sales phase.客户潜在客户问卷let agencies figure out if they can serve a potential client’s needs — and vice versa. Always remember that you should evaluate a client as much as they evaluate you during prospecting and onboarding.

It’s also worth pointing out that you don’t have to take on a large number of clients to find success — instead, make sure you have quality clients. The majority of the agency professionals we surveyed work with 11 to 25 clients. Less than 10% of them have more than 100.

How many clients does your agency have?

So, if you think a client won’t mesh with your agency, don’t be afraid to refer them somewhere else.


Once you have high-quality leads from your lead scoring, your job isn’t done — you still have to try to convert them into customers. Even if they have a higher chance of becoming a client, you still have to give them that final push.

At工作区, Kirstin Miller considers improving your lead conversion rate a top strategy for boosting agency profits. According to Miller, you don’t have to set drastic goals to raise that number. Increase your conversion goals little by little, and adjust your strategy as you go.

When we asked business experts about their methods for improving lead conversion rate, some of the tips they shared included:

  • 通过减少品牌介绍和报价请求之间所需的步骤来最大程度地减少漏斗
  • 通过有针对性的副本和内容仔细培养您最高质量的潜在客户
  • 找到一个让你的后续过程of your leads’ minds while feeling natural

3. Create More Efficient Business Processes

The most popular answer respondents gave to us when asked how to maximize agency profits was to streamline business operations. This makes sense, considering that 37.50% of them consider a lack of internal organization and planning the top obstacle to agency profitability.

Greatest obstacles for an agency to improve its own profitability

“为了最大程度地提高盈利能力,重要的是要有适当的系统来最大程度地减少运行报告和填写时间表等管理任务所花费的时间,”Nomad SEO。“These should either be automated or given to a specific team member who will be responsible for these tasks. This will free up you and your team members to focus on delivering great work that drives revenue.”

Schroth shares a statistic to put this advice into perspective: “ For example, across small and medium-sized businesses, an average of 120 working days are spent on administrative tasks each year. Clearly, reducing employee administrative tasks will immediately improve your company’s productivity.”

如果您在业务运营中使用beplay体育appiosdatabox,请记住我们more than 250 third-party integrationsfor easier automation. Our integrations work through Zapier and Integromat.

“To boost revenue streams, we can’t overlook automation. With that said, in my experience to manage revenue streams it is advised to try and cut or minimize OPEX costs where possible,”Spitfire Inbound'sBoitumelo Jwere添加。“例如,这可能是减少外包服务,并寻求机会在内部提高团队以执行通常外包的任务。这将为业务内部以及个人的职业发展提供一个增长的机会。”

VisualFizz’sDan Salganik points out how the human element of agency work impacts business processes. “Since the industry is so reliant on human time and experience, we have to build processes to maximize efficiency, quality, and timeliness. Unlike a software or product, you have to rely on the human element. Beyond that, most clients and projects are quite different from one another,” Salganik begins.



一旦有了准备转换为客户的潜在客户,就可以在入职过程中给人留下持久的印象。Digital Agency Networkrecommends making your onboarding process easy to improve your chance of keeping your clients on longer.


这是一个sample onboarding checklistwe created based on our survey research:

  • 请求客户信息
  • Prepare and send the contract
  • Send a welcome email
  • 安排您的启动电话
  • Provide onboarding questionnaires
  • Obtain branding details
  • 研究活动的想法
  • Create a plan of action
  • Get feedback on your plan
  • Assign client work to team members
  • Follow up regularly


5. Measure Your Success and Share It With Your Clients

You ideally track each client account’s关键绩效指标(KPI)to understand your progress with their campaigns. Those numbers can also help you build trust with your clients by showing them how you’re impacting their marketing.

AtCoalition Technologies, Jordan Brannon and colleagues focus on clear communication and reporting to improve their profitability. “As a digital marketing agency, we increase profitability by focusing on maximizing returns and demonstrating the value of our services to clients,” Brannon explains

Brannon continues, “Moreover, we make sure that our reporting team highlights the returns realized from our efforts. Ultimately, revenue for clients is revenue for us. We also believe in the importance of building strong client relationships by pairing highly satisfactory delivery of services with regular and timely communication.”

您可能已经根据从一个数据中获得的数据与客户分享报告revenue dashboard, but you can boost their profit potential by turning them into an opportunity to connect with your customers.

When we asked agency professionals about their reporting methods, they hadplenty of strategies to sharefor taking your reports to the next level. Many of them were related to reducing friction for your client. So, consider adding visuals, explanations, and next-step plans that put your reports into context so your clients understand the value you provide.

6. Focus on Client Retention

Many of the tips you’ll read today tie back to one principle: client retention. By building a base of loyal customers, you’ll spend less time chasing leads and boost your ongoing profits.

“The best way to maximize revenue streams is to focus on client retention,” says Frank Olivo ofSagapixel。“New client acquisition is far more expensive than client retention, yet sales-led marketing agencies focus more on driving new leads than delivering value to the clients they already have. We do not employ any salespeople at Sagapixel, and while this certainly has cost us a few deals, it has freed up funds to better compensate the people doing the actual work, which in turn maximizes retention.”


What can you do to encourage your current clients to stick around? One method is to keep an eye oncustomer retention metrics喜欢:

  • Customer lifetime value:The estimated revenue your customer will give you throughout their time as a client
  • Customer churn rate:How many customers stop using your services after a campaign
  • Monthly recurring revenue (MRR) churn:The number of clients who don’t provide revenue in a new period

7. Avoid Over-Servicing

You want to make your best impression on prospects. But, you can go overboard if your customer acquisition costs grow out of scope.

“Managing revenue streams requires you to take multiple factors into account. One of the best ways of doing it is to avoid over-servicing. Many people call it the cost of doing business unless they realize how much they are over-servicing,” explains Brice Gump ofMajor Impact Media

What’s over-servicing? “Over-servicing refers to overdoing of things like marketing, posting, engaging, etc. Once you calculate your customer acquisition cost, you realize that your efforts may not be worth it,” Gump says.

“Therefore, avoiding over-servicing can be very important when you have to manage different revenue streams. Over-servicing makes employee efforts disproportionate and negatively affects their productivity,” Gump concludes.

以供参考,customer acquisition cost指您的营销成本和销售成本除以收购的客户数量。您应该将其与客户寿命价值与CAC比率进行比较 - 客户在与您的整个关系中提供的总价值除以客户获取成本。这个数字应该在1岁以下 - 否则,您在营销上的花费比客户收入的更多。

8. Prioritize Your Most Profitable Services


When we consulted agency experts, more than a quarter reported that SEO is the most profitable channel for them to invest in. The next three top revenue streams were content marketing, social media, and website development.


Meanwhile, marketing experts across the internet have even more profitable service revenue streams to recommend.The Blueprintalso suggests community building, advertising, and partnership marketing.集线器highlights the current popularity of podcast marketing and influencer marketing. Both bring up word-of-mouth marketing.

有关的:SEO vs. PPC: Which Channel Generates More Sales?


那么,哪一个将为您的客户带来最大的价值 - 因此,您的代理商?每个业务都没有一个答案。将这些建议用作基础,并密切关注吸引客户的渠道,并在这些渠道的帮助下回来profit and loss dashboard examples

About the author
Melissa King
Melissa KingMelissa King is a freelance writer who helps B2B SaaS companies spread the word about their products through engaging content. Outside of the content marketing world, she writes about video games. Check out her work at


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