
Web Analytics Reports: How to Create, Read, and Understand Them (With 7 Examples)


Djordje CvijovicDjordje Cvijovicon December 17, 2021 (last modified on December 13, 2021) • 11 minute read

So you’ve been tasked with the delivery of accurate web analytics reports to your client and manager. One of the most important things you must ensure is that these reports contain the right and accurate data. And another is to make sure the web report is actually understandable to the client.

So, how do you ensure everyone who comes across the report understands it? And more importantly, how do you present data in a way that makes it useful to your client or manager?

In this article, we’ll clear any confusion you might have about web analytics reports by covering the following:

Google Analytics(分析)网站参与仪表板Template by Databox

What Is Web Analytics?

Web analytics is the data of your website.

这是一张通讯地图,向您展示您可能尚未意识到的疼痛点。Web Analytics可让您了解情况,以及您的业务和产品的进展不佳。简而言之,Web Analytics可让您围绕网站访问世界。

One thing you should note is that, with web analytics, you can’t just use the numbers presented to try and optimize certain metrics – you have to understand how they work together.

如果您是在线营销商或企业主,则可能在如何有效地跟踪网络流量方面面临许多挑战。这不是秘密谷歌分析是跟踪您网站访问者的行为和行为的最受欢迎的平台,但是您还可以在分析策略中包括其他选项,例如来自来自的数据Mixpanel或者Adobe Analytics

What Is a Web Analytics Report?

一种Web Analytics Reportis a file containing a snapshot of data from your web domain. This data can be used to make informed decisions for your business. These reports tell you who is coming to your site and why, which in turn helps you better reach out to potential customers or convert existing ones into paying customers.



However, the interpretation of a web analytics report is not as straightforward as one may assume. This is why many marketers avoid analyzing their website data and instead focus on the more ‘creative’ aspects of marketing such as content marketing or social media.

The image below shows one example of a Web Analytics Report from Google Analytics.

What Are the Most Commonly Used Web Analytics Metrics?

With numerous web analytics metrics available to track, it is easy to get lost in endless analysis and consequently spend more time looking at reports than taking an action.

So, what are some of the most important web analytics metrics?

Here are the top metrics marketers often track:

  • Website Visitors- 您在网站上获得的访问者数量。您可以从中获得访问new or returning visitors。新的访问者或唯一的访问者是在特定时间段内访问您网站的人数。返回的访客是以前曾在您的网站上返回的任何人。
  • Conversionrate-这个is the percentage of people who have fulfilled a specific goal on your website like signing up for your product or newsletter, filling up a form, adding a product to cart etc. The specific action depends on the type of your website and business. Analyzingconversions,,,,for example, along with your traffic, can show you thequality of your leads
  • Exit rate-这个is the number of people who viewed multiple pages of your website and then decided to leave, or exited on a certain page.Exit ratecan show you what aspects of your website needs optimization. Similar to bounce rate, a high exit rate on certain pages isn’t necessarily bad. Therefore, make sure you analyze this metric along with other relevant data.
  • Bounce rate-这个is the percentage of people who enter your website and immediately leave without taking any further action. Most marketers try to keep their跳出率low, howveer, a high bounce rate doesn’t necessarily need to be a bad thing. Since it all depends on the type of the page visited, make sure you analyze this metric along with other metrics.
  • 交通来源S - 如果您想找出您的受众特别来自哪里,则此指标是您的Web分析报告。有三种不同类型的流量需要关注 -推荐流量,,,,direct trafficand social traffic.
  • Device usage-这个measurement reports the percentage of users who access your website through different devices.
  • 平均的会话持续时间-这个measure takes into account events as well as theaverage time a user spenton your website.
  • pageviews- 该指标显示您的网站访问者如何查看您的页面以及在退出之前在网站上访问的页面数量。与大多数Web分析指标一样,该指标必须与其他数据一起进行分析。


Now, when we understand the most important metrics we can proceed with creating a Web Analytics Report.



  • 它使读者变得有兴趣。
  • It handles the reader’s questions and doubts.
  • It presents information in a way that will interest the reader.


  • What are the key business concerns? –确定您的目标。
  • Create the report outline. –一种good outline is like a road map of your story.
  • Define the source of the data. –Adobe Analytics,,,,谷歌分析或者something else?
  • Present the big picture. –但是专注于细节。
  • Choose a reliable software support. –Speed up the process of creating your report.
  • Connect the data source and software dashboard. –可视化数据。
  • 用理想的设计自定义报告。-Build the story frame.
  • 启动首映 -Present it to your team or client.




我们创建了100+Web Analytics仪表板that track web analytics metrics from some of the most popular analytics tools like Google Analytics, Mixpanel, Adobe Analytics, and more. In case you can’t find your favorite tool among our lists of integrations, pull any data into Databox via integrations with Zapier, Integromat, Google Sheets, or an SQL database.

With these dashboards, marketing and SEO teams will be able to easily track the performance of their website and make better, data-driven business decisions.

Google Analytics(分析)网站参与仪表板

Here is a simpleGoogle Analytics(分析)网站参与仪表板Template为您提供了一个总体的概述performance of your website. It’s a good starting point for deeper analysis, and it is based on Google Analytics website traffic and conversion data.

Google Analytics(分析)网站参与仪表板Template

Google Analytics(分析)着陆页SEO仪表板

一种re you worried about your SEO performance? Well, theGoogle Analytics(分析)着陆页SEO仪表板模板会减轻您的担忧。该模板将帮助您有效地跟踪自然流量,并及时发现趋势。

Google Analytics(分析)着陆页SEO仪表板

谷歌分析Ecommerce Dashboard

If you want to analyze an eCommerce business, a good starting point is to compare the number of transactions made each week or month to the previous time period. That way you can see how sales have been trending. With the谷歌分析(Ecommerce overview) Dashboard Template您拥有所有交易和收入信息以及其他重要的电子商务指标。多么酷啊?

谷歌分析(Ecommerce overview) Dashboard

Google Analytics(分析)流量增长仪表板

您是否需要更深入了解网站流量?没问题。我们创建了这个Google Analytics(分析)流量增长仪表板这显示了您最重要的流量来源和指标,例如按设备类别,设备品牌,社交网络,地理位置等等的跳线率和会话。

Google Analytics(分析)流量增长仪表板

Google Ads PPC Performance Dashboard

If you run paid campaigns, you can get a lot of value from tracking performance data. But how do you make sense of it? Everything is easier with thisGoogle Ads PPC Performance Dashboard,它提供了有关广告组的性能和关键字性能的大量有价值的信息。

Google Ads PPC Performance Dashboard

Google Analytics(分析)社交媒体仪表板

这个Google Analytics(分析)社交媒体仪表板Templatewill give you a clear picture of your social media performance at a glance. Get real-time data on your traffic by social media channel, goal conversions, bounce rate, and much more.

Google Analytics(分析)社交媒体仪表板

谷歌分析Email Marketing Dashboard

这样的简短,简单,可操作的电子邮件报告谷歌分析Email Marketing Dashboardcan help you track your email campaigns in one place. Download this dashboard template to visualize email metrics like signups by campaign type, date, and device.

谷歌分析Email Marketing Dashboard

Present Crucial Web Analytics Data to Your Clients or Key Stakeholders Using Databox Web Analytics Reports

一种s you saw, web analytics reports aren’t scary. They can actually be pretty easy to set up and when you know what you’re looking for, also incredibly valuable and actionable.


Enters Databox.

Google Analytics(分析)网站参与仪表板Template by Databox

使用Dabeplay体育appiostabox监控所有用户活动在你的website in one place and you reach your business goals faster. Connect your dashboard to visualize data from the most popular website analytics tools such as Google Analytics and Mixpanel, and curate a custom dashboard to share with your marketing team.

Sign up for Databox nowand generate your own high-value website analytics reports in just a few clicks.

Djordje Cvijovic
Djordje CvijovicGrew up as a Copywriter. Evolved into the Content creator. Somewhere in between, I fell in love with numbers that can portray the world as well as words or pictures. A naive thinker who believes that the creative economy is the most powerful force in the world!
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