
How to Find, Prioritize, and Turn More Product Qualified Leads into Paying Customers


杰西卡·马尔尼克(Jessica Malnik)on August 13, 2021 (last modified on January 21, 2022) • 15 minute read


Why? Because most companies use only MQLs and SQLs to generate new customers, and according tosales benchmark researchconducted by Salesforce, without a proper strategy in place, only 13% of marketing qualified leads become sales qualified, while just 6% of those sales-ready prospects convert to paying customers.

Meanwhile, with PQLs, you can generate not only active and engaged leads that require less effort to close, but also better long-term customers.


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What are Product Qualified Leads (PQLs)?


假设您的网站上有两个客户 - Natalie和James。

Natalie goes to your website, reads a blog post, and downloads an ebook to learn more about the topic.

James signs up for a free trial, watches your onboarding video, and immediately starts picturing how this product can make his business run smoother.





这与marketing qualified leads (MQLs)and销售什么alified leads (SQLs)


A sales qualified lead has expressed some additional interest and intent – oftentimes in the form of requesting a demo. And, the sales team has qualified they are likely to fit the ideal customer profile.

How to Find Product Qualified Leads (PQLs)?


However, while all three use lead-scoring, the similarities end there.



亚历克斯·伯克特(Alex Birkett)Omniscient Digital为我们解释说:“弄清楚您的PQL策略的关键作品是绘制出您将某人确切地将某人视为“产品合格的潜在客户”的位置。找到这一刻有点艺术,有点像科学。

Ideally, by this point, you want your user to have experienced value from the product already. Additionally, you want to do some analysis to correlate given behaviors with upgrades or conversions.

这取决于产品的不同。例如,Facebook将这个“ AHA时刻”确定为用户添加了7个朋友的点。对于CRM,这可能是您添加10笔交易的那一刻,或者尝试将队友添加到您的帐户中。这将在很大程度上取决于上下文,但是找出这一刻在产品中发生的事情是最关键的任务。”

The better you can get at identifying the types of people who will get the most from your product, the more success you’ll have closing deals.

例如,在databox,beplay体育appiosthe most important PQL metricsare if a freemium user connects three data sources, time spent in the product, how frequently they are using the product, and if they have invited 1-2 more users.

不知道有多重要优先产品曲alified leads? If you are running a SaaS business, PQLs should be the first on your priority list.



9 Tips for Turning Product Qualified Leads (PQLs) into Paying Customers


  1. Set up PQL scoring benchmarks
  2. Provide a great onboarding experience
  3. Produce high-quality content
  4. Develop a product-oriented strategy
  5. 使用自动漏斗模型
  6. Make sure the prices are visible
  7. Understand your audience
  8. Use industry reports and case studies
  9. 教育您的买家

1. Set up PQL scoring benchmarks

“生成产品合格线索的最有效方法是通过特定于产品的铅评分。”调查猴子。“You need to use both data leads along with behavioral data on what content they are interacting with to determine how good of a fit they are for each product.”

2. Provide a great onboarding experience for free trial users

“My biggest tip for generating product qualified leads is to give the leads the full picture of your company,” says Irene Dimakides ofMegaventory。“Free trials are great, but if a lead gets their hands on your product without any information or guidance, a trial is less likely to lead to purchase. What you do want is for them to experience your company in full, not just the product.

For example, if your company offers great customer support, you want your leads to experience that. If you don’t get to show this to the leads that are testing your free trial, they won’t see the full potential of your product. So, here’s the key: show them how great it would be to work with you. When a lead gets to test the product with the understanding of how your company works, you have a lot more possibility in seeing them turn into a happy, paying client.


Stuti Dutt ofhootsuite补充说:“免费试用是客户看到产品价值的好方法。优化此过程非常重要。该过程应访问和无缝。确保您的团队中的产品中的教程,知识库和CX成员的一些方法,以使审判成为成功的转换。”用这个帮助文档仪表板to learn about the needs and expectations of your customers and how to adequately cater to them.

3. Produce high-quality content

佩奇·阿诺夫(Paige Arnof)Mavens & Mogulsstarts off with, “For my business, it is by generating content/speaking/thought leadership. A PQL is not only someone who has used marketing successfully, they also match the characteristics of our target audience/ideal client profile, have experienced the value of marketing, and have expressed the need/buying intent.”

Jonathan Aufray of成长黑客服务补充说:“为了生成产品合格的潜在客户,将人们带入您的渠道很重要(从品牌知名度到购买)。首先,您想与人们分享教育,有见地的内容,例如博客文章,电子书或视频。看到那些使用一个与您的内容互动的人潜在客户仪表板。Then, you can retarget the people who engaged with your content by sharing with them your product benefits, testimonials, reviews, and product demos. Now, they will become product qualified leads.”

这是一个很棒的重新定位提示,您可以使用汤姆·邓拉普(Tom Dunlap)共享转换率存储, “To generate more PQLs, target a series of 3-7 education videos on YouTube or Facebook and then run a conversion-focused remarketing or lookalike campaigns on users who watched more than 50% of at least one video.

Here are some of the video formats Dunlop suggests testing:

  • “A video for each of the main user’s pains and how your product can help with that. (benefits users can get even on free trial or freemium with the actual screen recordings).
  • A video with 10+ case studies for most typical use cases.
  • 一段带有10多种典型角色的证明的视频,可以克服主要关注和反对。




Andrzej biedaLandingiPepines:“我认为,没有明确的食谱来产生完美的PQL,因为每个公司的客户都有不同的倾向。

I’d suggest developing the product-oriented strategy where you may think about the following offering:

  • Using a test product to increase sales – the product should have the most important options that can be used by the user.
  • Listening to potential customers and improving the product in order to achieve the highest quality and adapt to market needs.
  • 提供最高质量的最终产品,以使客户满意。



5. Use a self-liquidating funnel model

“The most effective method we have used in 2020 to generate product-qualified leads is via a self-liquidating funnel model,” says Jo McKee ofMcKee Creative

“Rather than the initial step being a free product, we now set up a low-cost product as the first step within the campaign. It helps people to value the initial offering and also because they have trusted the brand enough to pay once, it makes it easier for them to pay more down the line.


  • Instead paying people to join an email list, people are paying to join.
  • 当客户解决一个廉价产品的问题时,“快速胜利”的感觉会为可能的事情带来兴奋。
  • Because a customer has invested in the process, they are more likely to use the product, and therefore see more positive results (excellent for collecting endorsements).


The most successful campaigns we have helped create have high-quality organic engagement in place before they launch a campaign to capitalize on product-qualified leads. This serves to lower cost per acquisition throughout the funnel.”

6. Make sure the prices are visible

Wojciech Szywalski ofPressPad Apps他们的公司如何设法生产更多的PQL,“在我们的SaaS订阅业务中,事实证明,价格价值的可见性产生了许多新的潜在客户,因为人们正在询问指定计划的价格。这样,我们知道他们想要什么,以及他们是谁,因此我们可以提供更量身定制的报价。



Stefania Borchia ofubisenseshares, “The most effective way of generating PQL is tounderstand the audience the business is targeting。In combination with the product management team, the marketing team needs to design a message that positions the product as the solution to the audience’s problems, issues, or even fears.

Only by understanding your potential customers and what makes them click, you can deliver a marketing message that resonates with them. It’s never about the features, it’s about the benefits the product offers to the buyer.

Once a message that speaks to the targeted audience has been designed, the only remaining issue is the platform: on which platform – organic, paid, social – can the business find such an audience?

For instance, I recently moved a display campaign from Google Ads to LinkedIn. On Google Ads, I could neither set up the Industry my potential customers work for nor the websites where my ads were displayed.

In short, I could not reach my customer persona. Conversely, these two barriers do not exist on LinkedIn: I can select which companies my target audience needs to work for and all my ads are displayed only on LinkedIn feed. The result? The campaign has a CTR of 1%, a cost-per-conversion of £192, a 10X ROI.


Martin Seeley ofMattressnextdayagrees and says, “Based on my experience, the most effective way for generating product qualified leads is to identify patterns and explore user research. When reaching out to a PQL, they already have experienced meaningful worth in your product, so there’s no need to sell them on the value.”

Seeley continues, “However, I’ve found that it is essential to know what type of audience you attract and what features they are most interested in. It is not only necessary on a product level but can also help you in sales and marketing.”


8. Use industry reports and case studies

Kristel Staci fromZutrix建议我们通过使用行业报告和案例研究来使我们产生潜在客户然后将这些潜在客户变成真正的客户的最佳方法之一。

“In the world of SEO and online marketing, everyone is always looking to get the upper hand. By compiling fancy-looking reports and PDFs, we can collect user data from individuals and organizations that are interested in this type of data, then follow up with them on our SERP solutions available. The pre-qualifier is super simple, and backs out into much higher engagement on the actual backend offer.”



Nicole Sengers ofSpitfire Inboundshares one last tip for generating PQLs, “Get Specific! To generate true product qualified leads you need educated buyers who understand the problem your product solves and know what they want to get out of the product they buy. Good quality leads are informed and they ask lots of questions, and allowing these leads to do research on their own before speaking to sales will generate better quality leads and weed out the researchers.”

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About the author
杰西卡·马尔尼克(Jessica Malnik)杰西卡·马尔尼克(Jessica Malnik)is a content strategist and copywriter for SaaS and productized service businesses. Her writing has appeared on The Next Web, Social Media Examiner, SEMRush, CMX, Help Scout, Convince & Convert, and many other sites.

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