


Melissa KingMelissa King2022年3月21日(最后一次修改于2022年3月15日)•13分钟阅读

如果您阅读了有关指标的任何内容,您知道应该监视key performance indicators (KPIs)to track your business’s growth.

But, of course, you know that the process isn’t as simple as “watch KPIs.” You have to choose what KPIs to keep an eye on in the first place.

So, which stats should come first in your business performance dashboard when you run a SaaS business?



What is Lead Velocity Rate (LVR)?


It’s important to note that this definition refers to合格的线索而不是领导。在广泛的层面上,哟u can organize qualified leads into two types — marketing qualified leads (MQLs) and sales qualified leads (SQLs). MQLs show interest in your product, while SQLs are ready to buy a product.

In sum, your LVR measures how many new people have a genuine interest in your product every month.


You can calculate your lead velocity rate by subtracting last month’s number of qualified leads from this month’s number of qualified leads, then dividing the result by last month’s number of qualified leads. Multiply that number by 100 to get a percentage. As a formula, this calculation looks like this:

Current month’s number of qualified leads – Last month’s number of qualified leads / Last month’s number of qualified leads x 100



  1. 跟踪您的业务健康
  2. Adding Stability to Your Business
  3. 评估您的增长率
  4. 了解产品的实力
  5. 加快战略的变化

1. Tracking Your Business’s Health

Think of LVR monitoring as a regular “checkup” for your business’s health. Are you bringing in interested people every month to give you a solid base to market to?

“铅速度率是SaaS公司的关键性能指标。它衡量了线索转化为客户的速度。” Mukesh K. Singhmar说MarAutomation。“Monitoring this metric can help you determine whether your marketing and sales efforts are effective and identify areas that need improvement. Increased lead velocity usually means higher customer acquisition rates and, ultimately, more revenue.”

Singhmar继续说:“ LVR是一个很好的测量工具,可帮助您确定潜在客户生成过程是否高效。如果您注意到LVR正在下降,则可能是时候对您的营销策略进行一些更改了。绝对是衡量SaaS业务健康状况的关键指标之一,它可以解决您是否以健康的速度以及是否取得足够的盈利能力发展客户群。”

As Singhmar points out, LVR indicates your performance for both your sales and marketing efforts. Try measuring LVR for your MQLs and SQLs separately and together to see how your marketing and sales contribute to your overall LVR. A huge difference in their rates could tell you that you need to调整您的销售和营销更有效。


When you prioritize LVR in your metric monitoring, you’ll know if you have a stable enough business to handle difficult times.

AtSaaStr,Jason Lemkin指出了您应该观看LVR的许多原因。他强调的最被忽视的人之一是,它可以“在艰难时期使您震惊”。如果您的收入下降了一个月,但是您的LVR良好,则可以使用健康的潜在客户池,您可以努力弥补。

If you want to stay strong when times get tough, keep an eye on your LVR. Make sure you always have a positive LVR so you can focus on your constantly growing qualified leads when you need to boost your revenue.

Bonus tip:To make it even easier to recover from a rough month through your pool of leads, make sure you have a solid领先得分系统到位。您的销售团队将能够确定哪些导致您的复出计划中的优先级。

3. Evaluating Your Growth Rate


运动模拟卡尔·帕内平托(Carl Panepinto)说:“ SaaS可以通过监视LVR来实现最重要的好处,就是评估每月的潜在客户数量。该指标使我们能够预测每月可以获得的潜在客户。这是对公司当前和未来增长的想法的绝佳措施。”


Christiaan Huynen ofDesignBroadds, “The most important benefit of SaaS I got from monitoring LVR was tracking our growth. Many times there was a high engagement rate and leads, but it wouldn’t coincide with sales.”


Growth has multiple dimensions, and your influx of leads is just one of them. When you know you have a healthy LVR, it’ll become easier to pinpoint where else you could have issues.



作为Anna Pozniak的NetHunt CRMputs it, “LVR isn’t prone to fluctuation and provides you with a clear and reliable picture of your current pool of qualified leads. Based on this metric, you can identify whether or not your product needs to be changed. If there weren’t many changes to your sales team but your MRR growth isn’t keeping up with your LVR, you need to alter your offer to level up to the competition.”

Pozniak says, “It also gives you an insight into the outcomes of your marketing activities. LVR is indicative of your demand generation performance: you can see which channels perform well and can be scaled, and which could be cut off due to ineffectiveness.”

What’s the lesson to learn here? While LVR is a great metric to watch, you should monitor it alongside other metrics to quickly find the source of any issues or successes. Use a resource like a数据仪表板跟踪所有统计数据。

5. Speeding Up Changes in Strategy

Your marketing and sales strategy should adjust to sudden changes in lead availability. But, when do you know that should happen? If you measure LVR every month, you’ll see exactly when your leads start to fall and you should make changes.


  • 我最近对销售或营销流程进行了任何更改?
  • What channels have the lowest performance, and how can I improve them?
  • 我的销售团队有足够的资源和支持吗they need to do their best job?
  • 我可以加倍努力来增加潜在客户的销售和营销策略?

If you start noticing too many weaknesses in your marketing tactics, look at your市场策略as a whole. You may need to do more audience research or reevaluate the channels you use.

The 5 Best Ways to Optimize Your SaaS Lead Velocity Rate

We asked SaaS experts to vote on the best ways to boost LVR based onWisdomPlexus’s写这个主题。对受访者的最有效策略是远处优化后续策略,其中40%选择了该选项。但是,至少有10%的参与者发现这些策略中的任何一个都有很有用,这使得它们都是可行的。


Let’s dig into each strategy a little deeper:

  1. 优化您的后续策略
  2. Improving Your Content
  3. Enhancing Your Lead Nurturing Strategy
  4. Using Automation Tools
  5. Optimizing Your Segmenting, Targeting, Positioning, and Differentiation Strategy

1. Optimizing Your Follow-Up Strategy


“ LVR确定您需要进行的更改,以改善您的潜在客户收购和保留作为业务。”CocoDoc。“For us, a dip in LVR is more than often, a call to have a look at our follow-up strategies. You’d have significantly lower qualified leads if any part of your follow-up strategies fails.”



2. Improving Your Content


如果您注意到其中任何一个内容营销潜在客户产生指标lagging with your LVR, you might need to refresh content or revamp your strategy:

  • Time on page:We found that the average time on page for a blog post is about 3 to 5 minutes. If you notice a shorter time, your readers might be bouncing.
  • Email opt-ins:If you consider your email newsletter an important milestone in your lead pipeline, your opt-in rate could relate to your content performance. Track your signup sources using a tool like Google Analytics so you know if your content isn’t contributing.
  • Organic links:Are people linking back to your content? In addition to boosting your SEO performance, strong backlinks diversify your lead sources.

3. Enhancing Your Lead Nurturing Strategy


尝试使用这些领先的培育技巧we received from sales experts to improve your LVR:

  • 将官方结构化的后续过程进行到位,其中包括谁将进行后续行动以及
  • Show extra value with tailored content, complimentary services or custom gifts
  • Send relevant and targeted emails (bonus points for including a personalized video)
  • Engage in your customers’ online communities
  • Prioritize leads with high lead scores in your interactions

4. Using Automation Tools


仅您的销售过程就会提供大量自动化的机会, such as:

  • Scheduling meetings and calls
  • Managing your workflow
  • 维护您的电子邮件列表
  • Assigning and scoring leads
  • Entering info into your CRM

You can also tryautomating your reportingto evaluate your lead situation more quickly. It makes reporting faster and more accurate. Plus, it provides more opportunities to collaborate with clients and examine your competition.

5. Optimizing Your Segmenting, Targeting, Positioning and Differentiation Strategy

A segmenting, targeting, positioning and segmentation strategy emphasizes what makes your brand stand out and personalizes your marketing content for your audience. You can also call this strategy asegmenting, targeting and positioning (STP)战略。

Let’s explore each aspect of this strategy:

  • 细分:Organizing your audience into different groups (segments) based on their demographics, preferences, location or behavior
  • Targeting:确定要优先级的细分市场以及与每个细分市场匹配的营销
  • 定位:Determining where your product stands among the competitive landscape
  • Differentiation:定义什么使您的产品从竞争对手中脱颖而出

An STP strategy leads to better-tailored sales and marketing by clearly defining your main benefits and the audience you want to target. With these aspects of your marketing determined, you’ll increase your chance of attracting qualified leads over unqualified ones.





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Melissa King
Melissa King梅利莎·金(Melissa King)是一位自由作家,他帮助B2B SaaS公司通过参与内容传播其产品的信息。在内容营销世界之外,她写了有关视频游戏的文章。在Melissakingfreelance.com上查看她的工作。
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